..and I am new here at Booman, have not yet had a chance to really look around.  

I am working on (researching) a piece on Arizona’s  bigotry towards hispanic immigrants especially, and people of color generally, and am wondering if anyone here has resources I may not have.

On Monday, ethnic studies will be a huge fight here.  The (Republican) Supt. of Education becoming Atty General (Horne)  has banned the TUSD Ethnic Studies Program.  The School Board is standing behind the program, which has increased minority graduation and college entrance rates, and in fact was a response to a federal directive some years back.  It is possible that Horne will take $15 million of from the district on the day he moves from one position to the other.

I know that people all over the country are watching Arizona to see if they can follow our pattern (ugh!)

I’d appreciate any leads for background and context beyond Tucson or Arizona you might share with me.