Alex Bolton has an odd list of “Senators to Watch” in the 112th Congress. I mean, obviously we should expect to watch the leadership of both parties, so it’s hard to understand why they are included. The one exception is Chuck Schumer, who will now be basically in charge of managing the floor for Harry Reid. And, despite my differences with Schumer on a variety of issues, I can only give a gasp of relief that he will be in charge of strategy and messaging. I look forward to a new brass-knuckles style, although I know it will be tempered by the sad reality that we have about twenty vulnerable members and the Republicans have, at most, three. And if you think being vulnerable is going to get John Ensign and Jon Kyl to vote or act reasonably then you are smoking cocaine. Scott Brown is the only member of the Republican caucus that we can expect to actually behave like his votes or rhetoric might cost him his job. With the landscape tilted this far away from us, it is inevitable that we will do 99% of the compromising. Que sera sera. I do hate politics.

Bolton also mentions Mike Lee and Rand Paul, and suggests that their clanky obstruction will allow DeMint to go back to being a tool in the background. Lee will supposedly focus on being a dick on the Senate floor while Paul will take to the airwaves where he will regale us with more gems in the “desegregated lunch-counters are socialist” vein. I can’t wait.

Supposedly Mark Warner will be instrumental in our surrender. That wouldn’t surprise me, as I said as much during the chocolate fountain days.

Good times await us.

Personally, I think Jeff Merkley is going to be the leader of the party before the decade is over. Remember I said that.