Alex Bolton has an odd list of “Senators to Watch” in the 112th Congress. I mean, obviously we should expect to watch the leadership of both parties, so it’s hard to understand why they are included. The one exception is Chuck Schumer, who will now be basically in charge of managing the floor for Harry Reid. And, despite my differences with Schumer on a variety of issues, I can only give a gasp of relief that he will be in charge of strategy and messaging. I look forward to a new brass-knuckles style, although I know it will be tempered by the sad reality that we have about twenty vulnerable members and the Republicans have, at most, three. And if you think being vulnerable is going to get John Ensign and Jon Kyl to vote or act reasonably then you are smoking cocaine. Scott Brown is the only member of the Republican caucus that we can expect to actually behave like his votes or rhetoric might cost him his job. With the landscape tilted this far away from us, it is inevitable that we will do 99% of the compromising. Que sera sera. I do hate politics.
Bolton also mentions Mike Lee and Rand Paul, and suggests that their clanky obstruction will allow DeMint to go back to being a tool in the background. Lee will supposedly focus on being a dick on the Senate floor while Paul will take to the airwaves where he will regale us with more gems in the “desegregated lunch-counters are socialist” vein. I can’t wait.
Supposedly Mark Warner will be instrumental in our surrender. That wouldn’t surprise me, as I said as much during the chocolate fountain days.
Good times await us.
Personally, I think Jeff Merkley is going to be the leader of the party before the decade is over. Remember I said that.
Lol, wait. Jerome was a huge Warner for President fan, and he has the nerve to say the shit he’ been saying about Obama?
he’s a crook.
rarely seen you as cold as this on someone who’s not a Rethug
Armstrong was a PUMA too. Ever notice what’s happened to his site? I think Boo gets more traffic these days.
The landscape is mostly the same. The Congress is just not representative of the landscape. In either House of Congress.
Republicans in the Senate still need Democrats to provide them bipartisan cover for their agenda. And Democrats need Republicans to enable President Obama to be able to do anything legislatively at all. Democrats can now dig in their heels on Republican House-passed legislation. The balance is 53-47; Republicans need 4 crossovers in a filibuster-free environment, 14 in a filibuster environment, in order to get their agenda forced to the President’s desk. Democrats can lose 6 and prevail in a filibuster-free environment, but need 8 Republicans to break a filibuster, with no Democratic defections.
So the key folks to watch are those 4-14 Democrats and 8 Republicans.
Likely Democrats to defect on some issues (not in any particular order):
Joe Lieberman
Ben Nelson
Mary Landrieu
Bill Nelson
Kent Conrad
Max Baucus
Claire McCaskill
Dianne Feinstein
Bob Casey
Kay Hagan
Herb Kohl
Mark Warner
Jim Webb
John Tester
Tom Carper
Mark Pryor
Joe Manchin
Likely Republicans to defect on some issues:
Lisa Murkowski
Olympia Snowe
Susan Collins
Scott Brown
Dick Lugar
Mark Kirk
Orrin Hatch
John Thune
Bob Corker
Lamar Alexander
The first thing to watch is how easy it will be for McConnell and Boehner to control their caucuses. It’s not guaranteed to be like the last Congress when the very existence of the Republican Party after Bush was in question. Who will be more unruly, the DeMint wing or the Murkowski wing, for example?
Watch Rand Paul grandstand.
Watch Al Franken slowly gain power in the Senate.
Watch Schumer wheel and deal.
Watch Harkin get ready to retire.
Watch Ron Johnson be Ron Johnson.
Hay BooMan, I still have my pass from that Warner party hanging on the wall behind me.
Booman, go on about Merkley. I like that thought, I think.
of the writers strike at the GoS. Oh the humanity…. Maybe President Obama can have President Clinton mediate a resolution.
You barely mentioned President Obama if at all. Two years is a loooong time in politics.
Booman, Being a Native Oregonian, I was happy to have the chance to Vote for Senator Merkley and to have attended a few meetings in Marion County where he spoke.
I believed then and believe now that Senator Merkley is the Wayne Morse for our time. Senator Merkley along with Senator Franken will both carry the progressive torch to show the way. Both listen and keep in touch with those of us who helped them get elected. A letter or an email coming in regularly sure eases my nervousness.
I feel that honor will be our strength in this session of dummies, traitors, leaches, fundie phreaques, and assholes in general.
Obama, he has done a few things, but nothing that he ran on… Personally, justice has taken a back seat and the advisors are too reich wing for this old Chief’s tastes.
There have been 2 times in my life, where I was incredibly proud to have had the chance to vote. The first was the vote in my first election and to have the chance to vote for John F. Kennedy, the second was Barak Obama, but that one has pretty much left me with a handful of cold ashes. Unless he does a 180 and really goes to the Grassroots, I for one, will probably not vote for him….
You’re right on Booman!!!
Oh, and a Happy New year from this old Chief on the Island of Havai’iki Nui, The Sacred Isle….
Haere Maru, Haere Papu!
Must share some of those beautiful photo’s in the Frog Lounge.
Sounds like you made some key choices in life. Hoping the US ‘natives’ state side can change politics and reap some of life’s precious benefits greed and selfishness in Repug capitalism will never provide. Nice blog and good to have you here.
Tahiti and the canoe race Hawai’iki Nui Vaa 2010
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
Oui linked to your beautiful photos in the cafe. Not only would we love to have you post them there but every month we have a diary called Friday Foto Flogging where people can post photos and we’d love you to join there. The next one is January 14th and the theme is New/Change/Difference.