Na, na, na…I can’t hear you.
“I do not believe that repealing the job-killing health care law will increase the deficit,” Boehner said. “CBO’s entitled to their opinion, but they’re locked within constraints of the 1974 Budget Act.”
The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) is “entitled to their opinion” but there is no reason to believe they are right about anything. This is just the first salvo of bullshit. Anyone who knows what the CBO does, knows that they are an impartial observer that gives the best estimates of how much legislation will cost or save.
Naturally, it is possible for the CBO to be wrong, and their rigorous methodology can prevent them for accounting for indirect savings and costs in their estimates. They’re not perfect. However, in a letter to Boehner (pdf) today they tell the Speaker that his repeal bill (H.R. 2) will cost $145 billion. There are no offsets in the bill, largely because the Republicans refuse to admit that the health reforms improved our fiscal condition.
We are entering the reality-free zone, where Congress operates no differently than the set of the Sean Hannity show. The GOP will cite the CBO whenever they like what they have to say. The rest of the time they’ll tell us that the CBO are hacks just like all the climate scientists in the world.
so, you mean that Orange Julius is just another Republican, never listening to the TRUTH?
I know I’ve posted this quote over and over, but it seems to always be so salient when dealing with the Republican’s worldview.
What is reality but a dusty stage for the enactment of our most cherished fantasies?
Welcome to wonderland, folks, and if the Mad Hatter asks you to tea, you are not fantasying. It’s just that we have a new reality system courtesy of the GOP. Hang on to your hats, it’s going to be quite a ride. Remember, things are what the Republicans say they are. No need for reality checks.
job-killing health care law
Ok, so has anyone seen, heard, or read of any reporter working for any news org of any kind asking what he means by “job-killing”?
Personally, I’m still waitaing for a journalist to ask a GOPer what they mean whenever they proclaim “freedom.”
well there’s also this
and tpm first comment. “if I happen to be watching teevee and raise my hand and say the oath am I sworn in as a congresscritter???”
Someone needs to ask him exactly how the CBO is “locked within the constraints of the 1974 Budget Act” works. See if he can explain it with more bafflegab. As best I can tell, the 1974 Act applies to two things: what the Senate can pass through reconciliation and what budget authorizations the President can rescind.