After Sarah Palin put a bullseye on the backs’ of twenty Democrats, it was only a matter of time before some lunatic would shoot one of them in the head at point blank range. That’s what happens when you tell people to “take your opponents out” and/or use “2nd Amendment remedies.” And that’s what happened today in Tuscon, Arizona, as Rep. Gabrielle Giffords (D-AZ-08) was meeting with her constituents at a Safeway supermarket.
Rep. Gabrielle Giffords was among as many as 12 people wounded in a shooting at a Tucson, Ariz., grocery store where she was holding a campaign event.
Sources said Giffords had been shot in the head.
She was taken to University Medical Center where a hospital spokesman confirmed she was alive. But the extent and seriousness of her injuries are unknown.
Her husband is the commander of the last Space Shuttle flight.
Here’s a picture of her Twitter account, with her last Tweet:
We wish her well and hope fervently for her total recovery.
And this(TGOS link): .. was the kind of stuff her opponent was doing .. he even criticized the Queen Grifter for being insufficiently teabaggerish.
Perhaps not surprising that the Take Back the 20 link no longer works. Does anyone have a screen capture?
Try it later, it could just be overloaded. The Tucson Citizen‘s site is crashed due to heavy traffic.
Just search it using Teh Google. And then click on cache.
I have the sickening feeling I know exactly how this story will play out. The gunman will have been whipped up into a froth by the right wing chamber (as with the Knoxville & Bay Area shootings), whose leading lights (Rush, Beck, et al) will evince horror – horror! – at the shooting while denying any responsibility at all and maintaining that the liberals are the ones doing real violence – to the constitution, of course – and therefore were asking for it. For bonus points, they’ll maintain (as with the Austin IRS guy) that the gunman was really a liberal, too.
I hope I’m wrong. I’m not optimistic. How many ever-more-thrilling sequels does this movie have to have before people have the basic plot figured out?
This is exactly what I think too. Sarah Palin now has blood on her hands, but I wouldn’t be surprised if she says she has nothing to do with one lone gunman’s madness.
Well that didn’t take long:
(Sarah Palin’s remorse…cue the crocodile tears).
“My sincere condolences are offered to the family of Rep. Gabrielle Giffords and the other victims of today’s tragic shooting in Arizona.
On behalf of Todd and my family, we all pray for the victims and their families, and for peace and justice.
– Sarah Palin”
Point blank range – Breaking News – Arizona Congresswoman Giffords shot; 4 dead
May the lunatics earn their fate before more harm is done to our nation.
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
Giffords is now reportedly dead as well as 6 other people. See my updated story above Booman’s.
went to to see how this was playing out and became extremely sick to my stomach. commenters are convinced it was an illegal immigrant. anyone expecting the right to just man up and recognize things are a bit out of control is dreaming. they will figure out how to spin this, trust me. they’ll throw a bunch of ideas at the wall and see what sticks- but trust me, the conservative machine is spinning on all cylinders right now. the “truth” will be very different in a few days.
I am trying, as much as I can, to withhold judgment until all of the facts come out. The suspect, much to the apparent chagrin of FOX and local talk radio here, does not appear to be Hispanic. Any association with Mexican drug cartels is still an open issue. But that is being flogged endlessly here on the radio.
It is hard to not be presumptuous about the circumstances in these early stages. But I am trying. We shall see as information comes out. Until then, all we can do is keep those affected in our thoughts. There will be plenty of time to dissect this. I am gritting my teeth to keep from jumping the gun and pointing fingers. I think we should all try and hold our fire until we know the actual facts. They will come out. And there will be plenty of time to evaluate this. But damn it, I am mad as hell right now.