After Sarah Palin put a bullseye on the backs’ of twenty Democrats, it was only a matter of time before some lunatic would shoot one of them in the head at point blank range. That’s what happens when you tell people to “take your opponents out” and/or use “2nd Amendment remedies.” And that’s what happened today in Tuscon, Arizona, as Rep. Gabrielle Giffords (D-AZ-08) was meeting with her constituents at a Safeway supermarket.

Rep. Gabrielle Giffords was among as many as 12 people wounded in a shooting at a Tucson, Ariz., grocery store where she was holding a campaign event.

Sources said Giffords had been shot in the head.

She was taken to University Medical Center where a hospital spokesman confirmed she was alive. But the extent and seriousness of her injuries are unknown.

Her husband is the commander of the last Space Shuttle flight.

Here’s a picture of her Twitter account, with her last Tweet:

We wish her well and hope fervently for her total recovery.