<img width="400" src="http://i16.photobucket.com/albums/b25/AndiF/winter10-11/leaf2010-12-22.jpg"
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- Day 26: People Discover That American Fascists Like German Fascists
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courtesy of AndiF, of course.
Happy Monday! I’m hoping for a snow day on Wednesday…
Happy Monday! What’s your snow prediction for Wed? Here there’s plenty of snow left and looks like significant ice unfortunately. Tedious tasks lined up for this morning.
We just got a National Weather Service bulletin predicting 3 – 6″ by tomorrow evening.
And you can’t even be snowed in from going to work … in your pj’s. How sad. 😉
Yeah, I wuz robbed on that one.
Well not so far. Looking outside, even an ant wouldn’t be snowed in.
But looking at the radar, you might to get to kvetch at Ms. ID later today.
We’re supposed to get 6-12 inches, possibly more. Sigh.
I hope it’s more toward the six, which seems at least manageable than towards the 12 which is definitely reaching seriously-no-fun-for-worker-bees depth.
I’m planning to work from home Wednesday…8 inches? wishful thinking?
Leaf me be. 😉
I guess it’s Saturday Painting Palooza not Saturday morning Painting Palooza, though in this house we always do our painting on sat morning so I’m contextualizing, it’s not because I can’t read.
good morning, all. I’m going to pretend it’s Saturday for a few minutes and go read Boran2’s Sat Morning Painting Palooza vol. 282
Hope you like the new subject!
I do like it very much. You could keep a version of it as is, It is nice and warm looking for a cold day. I like Cold Spring. Tried to move to Putnam County once a while back but the commute was too far so it was unrealistic.
Lovely image, Andi! Very elegant & pretty.
Just waiting for the snow here; 8 – 10″ maybe. Winter is definitely here.
I see on the forecast that another blizzard is arriving.
Here in Geneva we have lost pretty much any trace of winter.
Mt Blanc due south seen from Le Saleve last Saturday. We’re at 4,000’+ and hardly a trace of snow.
View to SW
very beautiful.
What a gorgeous view — with or without snow.
I really like how the stark white background of snow can take something very ordinary and make me see it as something quite photogenic.
And often the snow serves to mask the not-so-photogenic, at least for awhile. the autumn leaf above is very nice, BTW.
Can’t get over it, just go around it.
click for larger
Work-from-home day here. Yay! Makes the week go so much faster.
We got about 5 inches, looks like NY and NE got the worst of it. How about you all?
We only got around 3 – 4″ total at our house. It came down fairly heavily for awhile yesterday morning, but only flurries after. No school today because of all the rural back roads to clear, but in town the plows are about finished.
I hear the main roads are pretty clear here, but I had already planned to WFH today, so it’s all good. This way I don’t have to dig out the car yet. 🙂
The schools are on a 2-hour delay. CBtY is delighted to be able to sleep in.
Huh, we got 5-6 inches. I’m surprised there would be such a big difference.
Working from home – double yay!
Too bad it takes snow for a lot of people to be able to work from hom. I’ve been doing it since 1989 and I think a lot more people could do it without much compromise.
We have a fair amount of people who work almost entirely from home. I could do it more often, but I have a direct report in the office that does better with face-to-face direction, and a difficult account person.
I was lamenting that the work form home thing has done away with closing the office for snow days…
Yeah but it’s also eliminated a lot of people having to spend hours trying to get in so I’d still say it was an overall win.
Bummer on problem people cutting down on your WFH ability.
19 inches here and it’s still snowing a bit. I’ll have to go out and start digging soon.
Wow. All my sympathies. I know you all are better with significant snows up there than we are but that amount still has to be a major pain for everyone (well, except the kids).
I’d rather have been at work than shovel all that snow. I’m back today though!
Wait … shovel? I thought your answer to snow was just blowin’ in the wind.
Heh. I wish.
or a shovel you could watch shovelling from indoors!
Today’s theme is New/Change/Difference.
Olivia will put up the diary later this morning.
Oh, cool!
How are you this morning?
Good morning everyone.
Here’s the link to the diary.
Looking forward to it!
Looking forward to seeing some of your pictures posted. 🙂
Please tell me why I am solely responsible for that fact that someone who is almost 16 overslept this morning? What did I do to earn this teenaged ire? Was it news to him that he had school today?
Thank you in advance for your patient explanation.
Sincerely yours,
Mother of CBtY
Never fear. I have discovered the cause:
fact that someone who is almost 16
(Also, we are all fine here this morning, though Jim is a little stunned at having a full day of school after two days off and a two-hour delay).
I agree with Andi’s explanation!
Done with grocery shopping. Whew. It’s always a nightmare doing it on Sunday with the crowds.
Hiya Boran,
Some people hate it, but I’ve always enjoyed going to the grocery store. When my girls were small I used to wish I could come out of the store with two full grocery carts. Although I enjoy grocery shopping, I do prefer to have a house that fully stocked. 🙂
Now that I’ve got a new old computer that seems to work better, I’ll be dropping by more often.
Take care,
Hi Family Man! Glad you got a more reliable computer. I’m the grocery person in our family too, mostly so I can pick the menu.
Hi ID,
Yep that’s the reason I like to do the shopping too. When you get the food at least you know what you’re going to eat.
Hay FM! Glad to see you! Good luck with the new/old computer. I don’t mind the shopping itself, just the many folks jamming the aisles a bit.
Hiya Boran,
The thing that bothers me the most are the check-out with the groceries and then getting them in the house and putting them away. I have to admit I hate to go down an aisle and someone decides that their cart and they are going to take up the whole aisle. So you either wait or ask them to move. I’d say at least 40% of the time I get a dirty stare when I ask someone to move though.
Otherwise I don’t mind going down the aisle and throwing things in the cart.
And in addition to all that, it’s a very unslackerly activity. 🙂
Hi Andi,
Grocery shopping is very unslackerly. But as I’ve said before to be slackerly you have to do a little bit of unslackerly things. That’s why I always like to have the house fully stocked. Instead of running to the grocery store or other stores everyday, you get everything you need, put it exactly where you know it is and you’re on the road to slackdom. You’ve got what you need and you know where it is. There’s now running back and forth to the stores and no looking all over the house for something, thus minimum movement. Now how slackerly can that be. 🙂
Planned slacking for the win!
Yay! You’re back! With a new computer!
I was so busy slacking this weekend I didn’t know until now. 🙂
Hi CG,
I’d say it’s a new old computer, but it works.
Nothing ever wrong with slacking. 🙂
Hello everyone! There’s an interesting haiku diary (some might call it spam) called My Life. Very moving paradoxical imagery.
Or maybe not, if you have MLK day off.
click for larger
very beautiful photo! good morning, everyone. Well I just reread the Haiku diary “My Life” for the fifth time. It is magnificent. But the diary’s imagery is poignant, not paradoxical, I definitely described it inaccurately in my comment above. Have been following the grocery shopping discussion closely. I love grocery shopping in stores where there is plenty of space for carts to pass each other in the aisle but not in stores where one bumps into other shoppers and can’t get around the store. Don’t like putting the food away at home though.
Hello Errol,
I think of everything involved with grocery shopping, I hate the getting the bags out of the car into the house and putting them away. I think that comes from when I lived in an attic apartment and had to climb three flights of stairs with the bags.
BTW I’ve been looking for the roborater and can’t find it. If it’s still out there can anyone point me to it.
roborator, much to eternal sorrow, has vanished from the intertubes. 🙁
Thanks for letting me know Andi. However, I feel like I’ve lost an old friend.
Hey FM, good to see you.
Good to see you too SN. I was thinking about you the other day and wondering if all the snow and ice had gotten you homesick. 😉
Any homesickness I feel is not for the weather, believe me. Well, maybe in the summer…
Yep as I’ve said before, you’ve turned Southern. I know you deny it, but I bet you let a y’all slip every now and then. Plus you’ve eaten pimento cheese! Hah!
Hello Family Man,
Yes I feel the same about getting the bags out of the car. Once I get them into the car it always seems one could just leave them there for a few days and they’d be fine. And I totally agree with you about having supplies.
Hi Errol,
I’ve got the car thing figured out too. While trudging the path of slackdom I figured that you just bring in all the perishables first. If I get to the point of total lazy, I just leave the canned stuff in the car. I had a relative ask me onetime why I left some of the groceries in the car. I just told her emergency supplies.
Emergency supplies! that is great! I actually have some emergency supplies clothing in my car along with a very heavy two-volume emergency supplies dictionary. I was thinking I should move them indoors, but now I realize they function much better as emergency supplies. Sometimes when I’m driving along and listening to the radio I need to look up a word in the dictionary (this has happened within the last 6 months).
Although sometimes it’s very hard work, I’ve always felt if you put your mind to it, you can always come up with some reason to slack. 😉
Ah, lovely picture! I’ll have to move it to a new cafe later this morning…
Right now, I am headed in to the office. The good news is that my client is closed, so it should be a peaceful day, since I doubt my crazy account people will show up for more than a phone call to pretend they’re working today…
Finny is rocking out to the Traveling Wilburys this morning. Whatta guy!
Good morning all! Not a happy day because of an excursion to the dentist to fix a broken tooth. It was a soft sandwich, I swear!
Good morning ID,
Sorry to hear about the broken tooth and the excursion to the dentist. Oh to be young again to where you don’t have to watch out for soft sandwiches. 😉
Good luck with the tooth, ID. Hope it’s not too painful.
Sorry to hear about the broken tooth and trip to the dentist. Sometimes little stones are lying in wait in a perfectly good piece of food. I had that experience with a packaged soup once.
Thanks, everyone, for the commiseration. It wasn’t really too bad, except now my dentist tells me the tooth needs a crown. Oh well, its only money and besides, it gives me an excuse to stop in at the bar nearby where my son works for a visit with him and sometimes a brew as well;-)
I have two lovely golden crowns, and since I’m an inveterate ice chewer, my dentist tells me that the longer I live the more valuable corpse will be. I hope you enjoyed a bison burger or a pizza along with an analgesic libation as well as the company of your son.
“Chew on the other side until tomorrow”, she says. Nice visit with #1 son at 4th Street, though.
And I’m sure he chewed on his other side in sympathy. 🙂
Glad you had a nice visit with #1 son. Chewing on the other side for a day doesn’t sound like too big a price to pay. I keep walking out of the house and half way to somewhere I’ll think, “Damn, I forgot my teeth!” Still haven’t gotten used to dentures.
Maybe you can train George to bring them to you. 🙂
I don’t think so. George has gotten to where he reminds me of a crotchety old man. He hardly listened to me before, but now he seems to take great pleasure in ignoring me completely. That’s one reason I liked it when it got so cold here. When I called him to come in, I could see he was debating the options. Should I stay out and let him get real mad until I decide to come in, or should I get out of this cold. The cold usually won out.
Which reminds me, yesterday evening I watched the geezer video you posted on your blog, then watched a few more of them that appeared on the youtube menu. Great! (link later)
Hi Errol,
Geezerhood has really stuck me. I’m not sure I remember what you’re talking about. Look forward to the links.
here’s the youtube link for the one you posted. I couldn’t find it on your website though i know it’s there, I was browsing and couldn’t retrace my steps from yesterday. I thought it was 2007 though.
Whew. Made it to work only one hour late. (very icy). Thanks to stability control.