The White House sent out press releases like this to people across the country this morning.
Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius today released a new analysis showing that, without the Affordable Care Act, up to 5.5 million non-elderly Pennsylvania residents who have some type of pre-existing health condition, like heart disease, high blood pressure, arthritis or cancer, would be at risk of losing health insurance when they need it most, or be denied coverage altogether. Across the country, up to 129 million Americans would be at risk.
Under the full range of policies in the Affordable Care Act to be enacted by 2014, Americans living with pre-existing conditions are free from discrimination and can get the health coverage they need, and families are free from the worry of having their insurance cancelled or capped when a family member gets sick, or going broke because of the medical costs of an accident or disease. Repealing the law would once again leave millions of Americans worrying about whether coverage will be there when they need it.
There is more information at that you can share with your wingnut co-workers and crazy aunts and uncles. Let the Republicans say what they want, but don’t let what they say go unanswered.
Thank God there are next to no progressives in the Senate. If there were, there’d be a non-negligible risk of a righto-leftist coalition large enough to actually pass the House’s repeal legislation, cobbled together from those who don’t want any bill, and those who want a better bill and need the ACA dead in order to clear the way for it.
It’s 3pm, and now starts 7 hours of debate in the House on repealing the health care bill. Rep. Paul Ryan opens with two minutes of bullshit. Grab a tarp.
Even Bill Frist thinks Republicans should drop this charade and do something productive with their time. And I don’t think I need to remind anyone of Frist’s eminent qualifications to speak about health care (especially from a distance)!