I found the geezerly youtube. I had forgotten I had put that one up. BTW thanks for reading some of the stories. I’m trying to get back into the writing mode.
Good to see you again, FM!
Yesterday I heard that there’s only one state in the lower 48 that doesn’t have snow. Is it true?
I’m tired of winter, myself. However, I noticed the very first sign of spring today — amber buds on the willow trees!
Sending warm snugglies to all my fellow sufferers.
Glad to hear there are signs of spring out there somewhere. Our trees are covered in a lovely coating of ice. It looks pretty, but I’m not looking forward to slip-sliding out to the car tomorrow.
Glad I caught you before running off to my chores.
Not so much snow on the ground here right now — after a snow-melt earlier this month — but it’s been a very cold season, with more in store for this week.
I hope you’ve avoided all the winter goodies so far!
Glad you’re doing ok, b2! All’s well here. We’ve been staying at home during the storm; still snowing here — very pretty, large flakes. Looks like snow through tomorrow too.
did you see the one I posted on the other cafe thread? I couldn’t find it in your blog (was browsing and couldn’t retrace my steps) so I found it on youtube. The guy is really funny. I liked your blog very much, pictures of mist on the pond are beautiful.
Yep I saw that one and agree with you. I still have my camera, but haven’t taken any pictures in ages. I’m not even sure I would remember how to post them. Plus I haven’t been able to get back on my blog, so I’m thinking about starting a new one.
Yes Mam! I knew I shouldn’t have mentioned pictures here. You know it’s a lot of work to to walk that 50 feet out to the backyard and to push that button to click a picture.
Energy is such a fleeting thing. I’ll feel like I’ve got a lot of energy and stand up to do something. Then I’ll think nope and sit back down. A slackers life is so full of decisions sometimes.
Ah gee Andi. I’ll dig out my old tired camera and put in the old tired batteries and take my old tired self out to the pond. Do you detect a theme going here? ;P
Hey Family Man,
Happy New Years
I`ve been out of touch for a while recuperating from surgery.
Before that I was stressing over it.
Now that it`s over I realize I didn`t need to worry.
All`s fine now, & that`s not a “denier`s statement.
Luckily, I was referred to a “big name” west coast surgeon, by the doctor who has been taken care of Teri for a few years.
When I went to see him, he asked why I`d taken so long to seek medical attention.
I told him that whenever we could afford it, Teri was the first to get treatment.
He still is a professor at UCLA Medical & he referred me to the surgeon.
I was in surgery for ten hours with two doctors & two nurses & without insurance, it seemed like an impossible position to be in.
The first Dr. told them I was a special guy, so for payment, the second Dr. wants me to build him a reading table.
How`s that for chickens?
When I called the referred doctor they told me to show up with $250.00 in Cash since I had no insurance.
The next day their office called back (after talking to Dr. # 1) & told me not to bother with the cash.
They`d take a trade.
I asked the lady if I needed to get out my baseball bat, & who they wanted me to take out.
She laughed & said, You know what I mean.”, even though I didn`t.
She`s a very nice lady as I soon found out.
When I went for the consultation, she told me I was “pretty” & to never cut my hair nor beard.
After the consultation, the Dr. took me to another office & had one of his assistants pull up some images on a computer.
He asked me if I could duplicate the imaged table.
I asked him what wood he wanted, since I have Cherry, American Walnut, & Hawaiian Koa in stock.
I convinced him that American Walnut suited the table style.
He took my email address & sent me the pic.
Then he told me to make an appointment for surgery for the next week.
That`s how fast everything happened.
Here`s what I need to build for him, a relatively simple reading table.
Yes, quite incredible, on the barter deal.
I`ll post pix of the table when I`m done.
When the first surgery was done, I asked him if I could play the piano when I got home.
He assured me I could.
I told him, “Wow, that`s incredible, I`ve never played piano before”.
The both Drs. & nurses burst out laughing.
I had imagined they must have had heard that corny old joke before, but apparently not.
I’m really sorry to hear you had to have surgery, but I’m very glad you got it, and I hope you’re feeling better. In this day of no care without money or insurance you are a very lucky man. I agree with your docs that you’re a special guy, but I sorta feel those docs are special guys too.
Here’s to hoping you get to feeling better and better!
Thank you Family Man,
See my comment up above.
Teri was at Dr. # 1 the other day & he was telling her how he & his wife were mesmerized by an impossible table I`d sent him an image of.
He must have been looking at the wrong image.
I had sent him two, one obviously manipulated.
I call it the Escher Table.
Here they are.
Thanks Errol,
I do these little projects as homework to perfect my skills.
I also do homework in PhotoShop to do the same.
Those are an example of each.
Family Man,
The top image, ‘Little end table” is really quite simple.
The legs go from one corner at the top to the next corner at the bottom, & that follows around the four corners.
It is optically confusing but makes for a unique little table.
I’ve always wanted to work in wood, but I never had a talent for it. I’ve bought wood from time to time to make something, but like my home repairs I’ll work and work on something and finally realize I’m a total bust at this. I have noticed I am very good at one thing though – slacking. 🙂
Boran2, Thank you.
I build complete homes from the foundation up & including a lot of the furniture & all the cabinetry.
I`ve been doing this a while.
Some of my work is pictured in high end magazines.(big deal)
I`ll see if I can scan some of the images in the magazines, & I`ll post them.
I do a lot of complicated work that others can`t do, or refuse to do.
First a small stone cottage guest house on the beach.
The main house that Disney owned, is way up on top.
This is simply a guest house to it. I did get to keep some rare & unique Disney artifacts.
A few interior shots with a fireplace I built, with a mantle I brought in from Louisiana as part of a property we had dismantled & shipped here. I also made the table set of American Walnut. Just the table is an $8,000.00 item. (big deal)
A few shots of waterfalls I built on the property.
I built three different ones here on this project.
A gate to the beach, separating Brad & Angelina`s property from the owner of this one.
Brad & Angelina rented this property to be able to drive in & cross over to their house next door, evading the papparazi on the street.
Consider this just a sampling.
I also rented just the cottage to Nike executives for a one day retreat for $10,000.00.
I also got a few thousand dollars in gift cards. That allowed me to buy new Nike footware for my workers, get Teri a few pairs of custom pairs made to her order, a pair for myself, although I mostly wear black boots, & a nice Nike watch, which I gave to one of my stepsons for christmas.
Ah, seeing those pictures reminds how much I miss your blog. As much as I love the reef and its inhabitants, the pure delight of seeing your projects as they progressed is what I miss the most.
I hope you’ll find a little time to get back to it at some point.
Howdy & Happy New Year to you, Andi! Hope everyone’s staying warm & cozy at your place.
Alas, I am not enjoying these beautiful humpy woods very much these days. Too many chores!
It is beautiful, though. The skies tonight are full of stars & bright moon.
Thank you, Family Man, it is going extremely well. Got the results of a med test I had this morning (scheduled on Monday so I only had to worry for 2 days) and it turns out I don’t need all those chickens after all and it’s fine that I don’t know how to make tables. Am very relieved about this. Hope everyone’s afternoon is going this well.
Great news on that front.
When I went in for a biopsy, I was swearing at the Dr. in French.
I then asked him if he as multilingual.
I told him I had been swearing at him.
He told me not to worry & to call him next Monday for the biopsy results.
I told him I might be calling him sooner than that.
He told me it wouldn`t do much good since he would not have the results.
I told him I`d be calling him to swear some more at him.
He told me to get in line.
I`m glad you don`t need the chickens!!
That’s great! sounds like a great doctor. I thought I wouldn’t get my MRI results until Friday, was splitting my time between anxiety and trying to work out my plan B Still hadn’t worked it out when I called the dr. who gave me the results today! If I had to keep all those chickens around I think some of them would have made their way into delicious chicken and garlic and olive oil concoction I am afraid to say.
We’re supposed to be getting up to 61F today, but the news is predicting sleet in the next day or two. Just make it hot or cold and quit this jumping around. It confuses poor George, not to mention me. 😉
Yep it’s warmer where I’m at, but still below freezing. I didn’t know EJ was on the beach. Reminds me of the beach party diaries we used to have in the old cafe.
We actually got down to around 27F this morning, but it back up to the 40s now. Unless some big cold front comes through, I expect we’ll keep staying in the 50F-30F range until spring gets here.
When your very very cold gets there, try and stay warm and remember to slack when possible. 😉
Yep it possible to slack at slacking. However, to slack at slacking means you have to go out to work. Slacking is hard to do and much more work than people realize. 😉
well, I’ve already failed at it. while lounging on the couch I noticed some long needed cleaning that required immediate attention. Here I am a couple hours later realizing I’ve totally failed, for the morning at least. will try again for the afternoon.
Maybe you’ve gotta be born to slack — just like in the Springsteen song:
In the day we like to take a nap, or maybe we watch TV
At night we take another nap, have dinner and go to sleep
Dozing in cages out on highway 9,
Chrome wheeled, fuel injected, it sittin’ there in the garage!
Baby this town puts you right to sleep
It’s like an alarm clock that don’t go beep
We gotta get up and get a snack
`cause tramps like us, baby we were born to slack!
Andi asked me once, “Can one work at being a successful slacker?”. So I said,
“To obtain enlightenment, one must merely be.
I am slackdom, so I embrace my inner self.
Therefore, doubling my efforts to be myself is obtainable by doing nothing.”
If it wasn’t so much work I’d strive for the pure energy existence thing. But nah. 🙂
Ahah! now you have your own snow cave. ask will probably come visit you soon!! seems we did not get that much, looks like only 3 or so inches and temp is right around freezing so it’s turning to slush.
We only ended up with a total of 6 inches so I’m feeling a bit lucky. Now if I could just brag on our temps, I’d have it made — but no luck there yet. It’s 4 degrees right now.
I would say it sounds like you’re looking forward to summer, but I know you hate the high heat also. When we hit triple digits during the summer down here, I’ll be wishing it was single digit winter at that time.
On mornings like these I miss our old Jotul stove, but not so much when we stupidly let ourselves run short on firewood & had to be out in the woods cutting & splitting in temps like this.
The real rule of thumb seems to be to have 2x the wood you think you need at the start of the season.
If it turns out you don’t use it, all the better! Nice & dry for next year.
Speaking of, some day I would like to have a wood splitter. Attention Tooth Fairy!
That said: according to NOAA, by Monday we may have wind chills close to 30 below zero.
I’m giggling already!
Heating with wood is great. It is the only fuel that heats you twice.I’m going to have to bring up more wood soon unless global warming hits Gnawbone soon.
I’ll have to look but I don’t think it will be because the flow had dropped off before it got really cold so probably only small icicles — though another one of our mini-falls does have a pretty good size sculpture.
It’s a hard spot to get to (I have to climb down a steep bank and then walk on rocks in the creek to get that shot) so you’re not too likely to get to see that shot now. 😉
But here’s the bigger creek where it joins in (on the right and just about 25 feet from the cascade) — with a bonus Bebo butting in.
Lovely shot and Bebo looks pretty occupied. Wonder if he sees a fish or something under the ice.
I woke up this morning and the heater was off. I went out side and reset the switch on the fuse box. When I came back in I saw we were in the mid-50s in the house. So slowly the temp. is starting to come by up. Plus with the temp. we’re out of coffee. This is not starting out as a good day. 🙁
It’s warmed up to a balmy 15 outside now…I think this is a good day for indoor slacking. I have a sweater to finish sewing up, BooMan has beer to bottle, and there’s chicken meatballs to be made. 🙂
We did brave the cold yesterday to head out to breakfast with friends and down to the city, and for some reason it didn’t seem that bad, although I had been a little afraid to take Finny out when it was so cold.
Chicken meatballs and homemade beer sounds really good. As usual, we take care packages.
I know what you mean about taking Finn out in the cold. When my girls were small I think we spent more time on bundling them up than they spent outside.
I had a pretty long walk with the dogs yesterday — it was 8 when we left and once I got the blooding pumping, it didn’t seem so bad to me either, which here was a combo, I think, of sunshine and no wind.
OTOH, it was painful when I took off my heavy gloves (I wear liners underneath them) so I could take photos.
Icy, slushy, snowy day here at Chez Cabin…hope everyone else is out of the weather too.
same weather here, wondering if I can make it out the door. excuse-work here is nearing an end.
We have freezing rain here, and I’m home on a sick day. Time for another nap.
Hiya CG,
Some people do luck out with the winter weather conditions. Enjoy your nap.
Yeah, it was a good day not to be out in the muck.
Enjoy your nap! perfect nap weather here!
Hey Errol,
I found the geezerly youtube. I had forgotten I had put that one up. BTW thanks for reading some of the stories. I’m trying to get back into the writing mode.
Good to see you again, FM!
Yesterday I heard that there’s only one state in the lower 48 that doesn’t have snow. Is it true?
I’m tired of winter, myself. However, I noticed the very first sign of spring today — amber buds on the willow trees!
Sending warm snugglies to all my fellow sufferers.
Only one state? Gee, I wonder which one. 😉
Glad to hear there are signs of spring out there somewhere. Our trees are covered in a lovely coating of ice. It looks pretty, but I’m not looking forward to slip-sliding out to the car tomorrow.
No, slip-sliding-away is never fun. Throw some wood ash out there if you have any!
Our pretty willows are coated now, too. I sincerely hope we keep our power tonight. Just a half inch of ice can cause outages.
X.. (sign of the crossed digits)
Hellooooooo WW!
Good to see you. Yep I think FL is the only one not to have it. I’m sure where you’re at you have more than enough though.
Glad I caught you before running off to my chores.
Not so much snow on the ground here right now — after a snow-melt earlier this month — but it’s been a very cold season, with more in store for this week.
I hope you’ve avoided all the winter goodies so far!
Time to cook dinner here. See you soon!
I’m glad I caught you too. Yep all the winter goodies have been avoided and I’m waiting for dinner to get through cooking myself. See ya later.
Hay ww, how did you make out with all our nasty weather? I managed to make it to work. It is amazing what stability control can do in snow and ice.
Glad you’re doing ok, b2! All’s well here. We’ve been staying at home during the storm; still snowing here — very pretty, large flakes. Looks like snow through tomorrow too.
did you see the one I posted on the other cafe thread? I couldn’t find it in your blog (was browsing and couldn’t retrace my steps) so I found it on youtube. The guy is really funny. I liked your blog very much, pictures of mist on the pond are beautiful.
Yep I saw that one and agree with you. I still have my camera, but haven’t taken any pictures in ages. I’m not even sure I would remember how to post them. Plus I haven’t been able to get back on my blog, so I’m thinking about starting a new one.
Hah! Another pond picture fan.
And you can always satisfy us by posting you’re pond picture right here in the care. 😛
Yes Mam! I knew I shouldn’t have mentioned pictures here. You know it’s a lot of work to to walk that 50 feet out to the backyard and to push that button to click a picture.
You can use some of that energy you saved from your slackerly grocery shopping.
Energy is such a fleeting thing. I’ll feel like I’ve got a lot of energy and stand up to do something. Then I’ll think nope and sit back down. A slackers life is so full of decisions sometimes.
well, I’m still trying to organize myself to post some pictures of snow
Good thing for you that the cafe is here every day — so the opportunity will never go away. 🙂
Ah gee Andi. I’ll dig out my old tired camera and put in the old tired batteries and take my old tired self out to the pond. Do you detect a theme going here? ;P
I do find that a comforting thought. Maybe I’ll sift through some of the snow shots today.
Hey Family Man,
Happy New Years
I`ve been out of touch for a while recuperating from surgery.
Before that I was stressing over it.
Now that it`s over I realize I didn`t need to worry.
All`s fine now, & that`s not a “denier`s statement.
Luckily, I was referred to a “big name” west coast surgeon, by the doctor who has been taken care of Teri for a few years.
When I went to see him, he asked why I`d taken so long to seek medical attention.
I told him that whenever we could afford it, Teri was the first to get treatment.
He still is a professor at UCLA Medical & he referred me to the surgeon.
I was in surgery for ten hours with two doctors & two nurses & without insurance, it seemed like an impossible position to be in.
The first Dr. told them I was a special guy, so for payment, the second Dr. wants me to build him a reading table.
How`s that for chickens?
Its good to hear that your health situation is improving, especially the barter payment part. Now that’s incredible!
When I called the referred doctor they told me to show up with $250.00 in Cash since I had no insurance.
The next day their office called back (after talking to Dr. # 1) & told me not to bother with the cash.
They`d take a trade.
I asked the lady if I needed to get out my baseball bat, & who they wanted me to take out.
She laughed & said, You know what I mean.”, even though I didn`t.
She`s a very nice lady as I soon found out.
When I went for the consultation, she told me I was “pretty” & to never cut my hair nor beard.
After the consultation, the Dr. took me to another office & had one of his assistants pull up some images on a computer.
He asked me if I could duplicate the imaged table.
I asked him what wood he wanted, since I have Cherry, American Walnut, & Hawaiian Koa in stock.
I convinced him that American Walnut suited the table style.
He took my email address & sent me the pic.
Then he told me to make an appointment for surgery for the next week.
That`s how fast everything happened.
Here`s what I need to build for him, a relatively simple reading table.

Yes, quite incredible, on the barter deal.
I`ll post pix of the table when I`m done.
I’m so glad the surgery went well. And what a lucky doctor to get you for a patient — I’m sure it’s not often he gets paid in beauty.
When the first surgery was done, I asked him if I could play the piano when I got home.
He assured me I could.
I told him, “Wow, that`s incredible, I`ve never played piano before”.
The both Drs. & nurses burst out laughing.
I had imagined they must have had heard that corny old joke before, but apparently not.
Heeeeyyyyyy HEAD!
I’m really sorry to hear you had to have surgery, but I’m very glad you got it, and I hope you’re feeling better. In this day of no care without money or insurance you are a very lucky man. I agree with your docs that you’re a special guy, but I sorta feel those docs are special guys too.
Here’s to hoping you get to feeling better and better!
Take care Head
Thank you Family Man,
See my comment up above.
Teri was at Dr. # 1 the other day & he was telling her how he & his wife were mesmerized by an impossible table I`d sent him an image of.
He must have been looking at the wrong image.
I had sent him two, one obviously manipulated.
I call it the Escher Table.
Here they are.
Little end table
Manipulated impossible one.
That end table is amazing!! – the real one. the impossible one is too of course.
Thanks Errol,
I do these little projects as homework to perfect my skills.
I also do homework in PhotoShop to do the same.
Those are an example of each.
Just amazing.
I keep looking at both pictures and they both look impossible to me.
Family Man,
The top image, ‘Little end table” is really quite simple.
The legs go from one corner at the top to the next corner at the bottom, & that follows around the four corners.
It is optically confusing but makes for a unique little table.
I’ve always wanted to work in wood, but I never had a talent for it. I’ve bought wood from time to time to make something, but like my home repairs I’ll work and work on something and finally realize I’m a total bust at this. I have noticed I am very good at one thing though – slacking. 🙂
This is wonderful! You must post more photos. I didn’t realize that you did this work.
What he said.
Boran2, Thank you.
I build complete homes from the foundation up & including a lot of the furniture & all the cabinetry.
I`ve been doing this a while.
Some of my work is pictured in high end magazines.(big deal)
I`ll see if I can scan some of the images in the magazines, & I`ll post them.
I do a lot of complicated work that others can`t do, or refuse to do.
So you’re building the things I’m painting. 😉
I would love to see photos of your houses and/or cabinetry. And I am glad that you are well.
First a small stone cottage guest house on the beach.
The main house that Disney owned, is way up on top.
This is simply a guest house to it. I did get to keep some rare & unique Disney artifacts.
A few interior shots with a fireplace I built, with a mantle I brought in from Louisiana as part of a property we had dismantled & shipped here. I also made the table set of American Walnut. Just the table is an $8,000.00 item. (big deal)
A few shots of waterfalls I built on the property.
I built three different ones here on this project.
A gate to the beach, separating Brad & Angelina`s property from the owner of this one.
Brad & Angelina rented this property to be able to drive in & cross over to their house next door, evading the papparazi on the street.
Consider this just a sampling.
I also rented just the cottage to Nike executives for a one day retreat for $10,000.00.
I also got a few thousand dollars in gift cards. That allowed me to buy new Nike footware for my workers, get Teri a few pairs of custom pairs made to her order, a pair for myself, although I mostly wear black boots, & a nice Nike watch, which I gave to one of my stepsons for christmas.
Ah, seeing those pictures reminds how much I miss your blog. As much as I love the reef and its inhabitants, the pure delight of seeing your projects as they progressed is what I miss the most.
I hope you’ll find a little time to get back to it at some point.
All beautiful!! how perfect for the landscape and what marvelous landscape it is!
Wow! These are wonderful photos! You do beautiful work!
Amazing work, KH. Seeing these places is like looking into someone else’s dreams.
I didn’t know. Glad that you’re okay, Knucklehead.
Good to see you, KH! Glad your situation worked out so well. Hopefully this is the future of medicine.
no, please do not tell what’s-her-name from Nevada about this. I cannot make tables and don’t have space for the number of chickens I might need
I don’t mean the furniture — I mean a consideration of the client as an actual person.
Wilderness Wench,
The furniture of medicine.
I love it.
Happy New Year.
Happy New Year, ‘Head!
Just slipping in here to say “Hi”. I hope you are enjoying your snowy woods and mountains.
Howdy & Happy New Year to you, Andi! Hope everyone’s staying warm & cozy at your place.
Alas, I am not enjoying these beautiful humpy woods very much these days. Too many chores!
It is beautiful, though. The skies tonight are full of stars & bright moon.
I felt the kneed to post something a little different.
click for larger
Morning Andi,
So it is mid-week isn’t it. How time flies or stops when you’re retired. 😉
Afternoon Errol,
Hope the day is going well for you.
Thank you, Family Man, it is going extremely well. Got the results of a med test I had this morning (scheduled on Monday so I only had to worry for 2 days) and it turns out I don’t need all those chickens after all and it’s fine that I don’t know how to make tables. Am very relieved about this. Hope everyone’s afternoon is going this well.
Glad to hear the med test went well. It seems the older I get the more test and procedures I have to go through. But, what can you do?
Great news on that front.
When I went in for a biopsy, I was swearing at the Dr. in French.
I then asked him if he as multilingual.
I told him I had been swearing at him.
He told me not to worry & to call him next Monday for the biopsy results.
I told him I might be calling him sooner than that.
He told me it wouldn`t do much good since he would not have the results.
I told him I`d be calling him to swear some more at him.
He told me to get in line.
I`m glad you don`t need the chickens!!
That’s great! sounds like a great doctor. I thought I wouldn’t get my MRI results until Friday, was splitting my time between anxiety and trying to work out my plan B Still hadn’t worked it out when I called the dr. who gave me the results today! If I had to keep all those chickens around I think some of them would have made their way into delicious chicken and garlic and olive oil concoction I am afraid to say.
Thanks. That was during a brief interlude of warmer temps. The lake is back to being frozen over. This is what it looked like yesterday morning:
click for larger
If I go back there this morning, the scene will be snow covered.
Good morning!
Afternoon Boran,
Hope the ice and snow aren’t too bad and hope the family is doing fine.
Hay fm! We’ve got a couple of feet outside now with more coming tomorrow. Sigh.
Good morning everyone,
We’re supposed to be getting up to 61F today, but the news is predicting sleet in the next day or two. Just make it hot or cold and quit this jumping around. It confuses poor George, not to mention me. 😉
It’s 8 degrees here with a wind chill of -5. I hope it’s warmer where you are.
Now sure would be a good time for EJ to show up and post some of his beach pictures.
Good morning Andi,
Yep it’s warmer where I’m at, but still below freezing. I didn’t know EJ was on the beach. Reminds me of the beach party diaries we used to have in the old cafe.
Good morning, all.
Good morning Errol,
It appears everybody is cold today, so I hope you’re staying warm.
Good morning Family Man, not so cold here YET. Tomorrow supposed to be very very cold. not looking forward to it!
Hiya Errol,
We actually got down to around 27F this morning, but it back up to the 40s now. Unless some big cold front comes through, I expect we’ll keep staying in the 50F-30F range until spring gets here.
When your very very cold gets there, try and stay warm and remember to slack when possible. 😉
Take care
following your good advice, family man, going to spend today slacking. is it possible to slack at slacking?
Glad you have a slackerly day ahead.
Yep it possible to slack at slacking. However, to slack at slacking means you have to go out to work. Slacking is hard to do and much more work than people realize. 😉
well, I’ve already failed at it. while lounging on the couch I noticed some long needed cleaning that required immediate attention. Here I am a couple hours later realizing I’ve totally failed, for the morning at least. will try again for the afternoon.
Maybe you’ve gotta be born to slack — just like in the Springsteen song:
In the day we like to take a nap, or maybe we watch TV
At night we take another nap, have dinner and go to sleep
Dozing in cages out on highway 9,
Chrome wheeled, fuel injected, it sittin’ there in the garage!
Baby this town puts you right to sleep
It’s like an alarm clock that don’t go beep
We gotta get up and get a snack
`cause tramps like us, baby we were born to slack!
Wilderness Wench, that is fantastic!!!
I’m waiting to hear FM stand up & start singing along!
Oh, wait .. ..
Standing up and singing? Way to non-slackerly.
Andi asked me once, “Can one work at being a successful slacker?”. So I said,
“To obtain enlightenment, one must merely be.
I am slackdom, so I embrace my inner self.
Therefore, doubling my efforts to be myself is obtainable by doing nothing.”
If it wasn’t so much work I’d strive for the pure energy existence thing. But nah. 🙂
Oh and WW, I agree with Errol. That was fantastic!
Wow. That’s pure Zen!
I don’t suppose you’re still in the weather wizard biz, then ..
Yep I am. I predict the weather will be cold.
OK I admit I am a little rusty on the weather wizard bit.
I’m still trying to figure out if they can get us world wide communications, why haven’t they gotten us world wide weather control yet?
Personally, I think we’re messing it up just fine as it is.
I’m off to serve dinner now. ‘Til later ..
Well I had just woken up from a nap a little while ago, but it’s dark outside so I think it’s time for bed now.
Enjoy and take care.
Good morning Errol! We got about 5-6 inches more snow last night. My front walk is like a tunnel. 🙁
Ahah! now you have your own snow cave. ask will probably come visit you soon!! seems we did not get that much, looks like only 3 or so inches and temp is right around freezing so it’s turning to slush.
Hiya Boran,
So you have your own snow tunnel. You should have called in today and had a play date with Boran2 Boy. There’s always the w/e though.
Take care
We only ended up with a total of 6 inches so I’m feeling a bit lucky. Now if I could just brag on our temps, I’d have it made — but no luck there yet. It’s 4 degrees right now.
Morning Andi,
Wah, Wah, Wah. Always complaining about snow. Why down her we…. Wait, we hardly get snow down here. Never mind.
Of course I’ll take all your snow as long as there’s a guarantee everything in the house keeps working. 😉
Well to be precise, I wasn’t complaining about the snow. I was complaining about the temperature. 😛
I would say it sounds like you’re looking forward to summer, but I know you hate the high heat also. When we hit triple digits during the summer down here, I’ll be wishing it was single digit winter at that time.
4 degrees! stay warm!
It’s nice and toasty inside — the wood stove is doing its job. 🙂
On mornings like these I miss our old Jotul stove, but not so much when we stupidly let ourselves run short on firewood & had to be out in the woods cutting & splitting in temps like this.
The real rule of thumb seems to be to have 2x the wood you think you need at the start of the season.
If it turns out you don’t use it, all the better! Nice & dry for next year.
Speaking of, some day I would like to have a wood splitter. Attention Tooth Fairy!
That said: according to NOAA, by Monday we may have wind chills close to 30 below zero.
I’m giggling already!
Good advice! Hope the tooth fairy comes fluttering around soon.
He’d better! I’m running out of teeth.
Heating with wood is great. It is the only fuel that heats you twice.I’m going to have to bring up more wood soon unless global warming hits Gnawbone soon.
Have I mentioned how much I like the “Falling Water” shot above? Wonder what it looks like this morning?
I’ll bet it looks like a sculptural version of itself.
I’ll have to look but I don’t think it will be because the flow had dropped off before it got really cold so probably only small icicles — though another one of our mini-falls does have a pretty good size sculpture.
It’s a hard spot to get to (I have to climb down a steep bank and then walk on rocks in the creek to get that shot) so you’re not too likely to get to see that shot now. 😉
But here’s the bigger creek where it joins in (on the right and just about 25 feet from the cascade) — with a bonus Bebo butting in.
click for larger
Morning Andi,
Lovely shot and Bebo looks pretty occupied. Wonder if he sees a fish or something under the ice.
I woke up this morning and the heater was off. I went out side and reset the switch on the fuse box. When I came back in I saw we were in the mid-50s in the house. So slowly the temp. is starting to come by up. Plus with the temp. we’re out of coffee. This is not starting out as a good day. 🙁
It’s warmed up to a balmy 15 outside now…I think this is a good day for indoor slacking. I have a sweater to finish sewing up, BooMan has beer to bottle, and there’s chicken meatballs to be made. 🙂
We did brave the cold yesterday to head out to breakfast with friends and down to the city, and for some reason it didn’t seem that bad, although I had been a little afraid to take Finny out when it was so cold.
Morning CG,
Any day is a good day for slacking. 🙂
Chicken meatballs and homemade beer sounds really good. As usual, we take care packages.
I know what you mean about taking Finn out in the cold. When my girls were small I think we spent more time on bundling them up than they spent outside.
Hope the family is doing fine. Take care.
I had a pretty long walk with the dogs yesterday — it was 8 when we left and once I got the blooding pumping, it didn’t seem so bad to me either, which here was a combo, I think, of sunshine and no wind.
OTOH, it was painful when I took off my heavy gloves (I wear liners underneath them) so I could take photos.
Sounds like a really good reason to go back to bed.
The Be(agle) part of Bebo is always sniffing around for something to go after — but definitely not fish, more like squirrel or chipmunk.
I just wrote out about 10 bills and my wallet feels much lighter.
I know that feeling well!
Hiya Boran,
10 bills huh. I usually get up to 3 bills and my wallet is laughing at me for even thinking I might have a little left over for the month.
I hate that feeling, and there always seem to be too many days left until the next pay…