Since I am my own best booster I will say this….
I have a great idea for reinventing the American economy and thereby creating all the jobs we need! My idea is grounded in the obvious premise that virtually of the 20th century jobs will no longer be available in 21st century America. Therefore, all of the current talk about creating jobs for Americans is just that, talk and little else. We will not be creating jobs in America where American companies actually manufacture American products. The current effort of the powers-that-be is to make 21st century America the modern “Silk Road” to the world. This scenario requires a social restructuring where America maintains its crowning achievements in the field of modern technology while retaining an unshakeable grip upon the ebb and flow of the world’s financial institutions. The new American oligarchy has determined that this is the new destiny for American superiority in the world. However, to meet the dire immediate needs of our nation a new cycle of job creating businesses must be implemented. This was the inspirational essence for my idea.
I presented my idea to my Congressman and his aides where it received a strong positive reception. However, the Congressman’s committee assignments did not match up with the respective sections of the Executive agencies that would be involved with the implementation of my new program. So the best that the Congressman could do would be to pass it on to another Congress person whose committee assignments would be a closer match with the targeted Executive agencies. (For example if you had a proposal concerning development of a new energy source, its best route would be to forward it to someone who sits on a Congressional Energy Committee.) Chronologically, my idea was submitted back in May 2010 to my Congressman, and currently (outside of a  perfunctorily acknowledgement receipt) no response has been forthcoming as of today.

After sending my idea to my Congressman I tried to contact someone in the White House. The White House email website is set up to channel all correspondence through an “Issues” filter. (A partial “Issues” category list consist of the following samples; Civil Rights, Defense, Disabilities, Economy, Education. Energy & Environment, Ethics, Family, etc.)  The website does provide a place for general inquires/comments. However it is in the form of a box for input text that is limited to something like 256 words, which is certainly not enough space to lay out a conceptual proposal for putting millions of people back to work. I tried calling the White House phone line and was told by an operator that all messages are limited to one sentence, which may or may not be passed onto the President and his staff. (I doubt that even the best texter in the nation could reduce my plan to one sentence and still maintain any sense of coherence.)

So my conceptual proposal is currently resting comfortably in my desk drawer, just below this keyboard and unless a miracle occurs down in Washington it is likely that my proposal will never get the hearing that I feel that it deserves. So much for the President’s declaration that he will solicit ideas from every corner of America for proposals to relieve the unemployment problem in America. If the President was serious he would create a White House website wherein the American people could upload serious proposals.

There are many internet website tools available that could be installed for screening out input from spam robots, professional snarkers, and sophomoric clowns, while providing secure input access for serious dedicated registered validated users of the website. IMHO hiring professional and technical expert to read and evaluate the feasibility of submissions would be far more productive in a logical sense than hiring recycled Wall Street people to attempt creation of lame “out of the box ideas” for putting Americans back to work.

OBTW, if anyone has any realistic suggestions as how I might be able to get my conceptual proposal for rebuilding jobs in America a serious review by the Obama Administration, I will cheerfully welcome them.