Climate Change? Dead Birds? Weird Weather? Floods? Droughts? Massive wildfires? Polar ice disappearing? What’s up with that?

Well we could look for an atheistic scientific explanation which relies on the notoriously inaccurate scientific method, or we could instead look to the infallible word of God (as revealed to Moses and the writers of the New Testament and certain American Televangelists) to find the real culprit: Gays!!!!

So, God is the ultimate homophobe. And he’s willing to destroy the planet and kill millions of his creations because 10% of the population doesn’t get it on the way the rest of us do? So much for that God is Love spin I used to hear all the time when I was a kid. You see, God doesn’t just direct his outrage of Gay sex and (gasp!) gay marriage at gay people, he’s perfectly willing to kill off anyone who happens to live in a country that supports teh Gay. As well as killing off and/or making homeless millions of people who hate the gay as much as any real American Christian does (Russians, Pakistanis, Aussies, Indonesians, and anyone unfortunate enough to live close to a BP oil or Gas well).

By the way, why did God flood Nashville, which is right in the middle of the Bible Belt, last year? Couldn’t he have picked on people living in that haven of godless homosexuality, i.e., San Francisco? I mean what’s with kicking your followers in the teeth every time a gay person has an orgasm? You know, this God dude is either getting senile in his old age (He is the Ancient of Days, after all — just look it up in The Book of Daniel), or he’s letting his inner sadist out.

I think I liked him better when he was declared dead.