Rahm Emanuel has been ruled ineligible to be on the ballot for mayor of Chicago because he didn’t maintain a residence there while he was serving as chief of staff to the president of the United States. He’ll try to get the Illinois Supreme Court to hear his case, but he could be screwed on a technicality.
“We conclude that the candidate neither meets the Municipal Code’s requirement that he have ‘resided in’ Chicago for the year preceding the election in which he seeks to participate nor falls within any exception to the requirement,” the majority judges wrote.
“Accordingly, we disagree with the Board’s conclusion that he is eligible to run for the office of Mayor of the City of Chicago. We reverse the circuit court’s judgment confirming the Board’s decision, set aside the Board’s decision and … order that the candidate’s name be excluded (or, if necessary, removed) from the ballot.”
Do you care?
Isn’t Cythnia McKinney going to win the Dem nod now?
I care only to the extent that keeping him out of the race will set up the winner for stupid resentment and dismissal throughout his/her term.
Meself, if I had any thoughts of voting for Rahm they went away after the announcement that Clinton planned to come to town to campaign for him. I deeply resent bringing in a national figure who knows nothing and cares nothing about Chicago to pick one Dem against all the rest who are running. We don’t need the Beltway boys trying to bulldoze their way into our local politics, which this time around will be divisive and (so far) empty enough already. If Rahm can’t stand on his own with local issues he has no business running for mayor. The whole thing feels kinda like when my favorite local coffee joint got replaced by a Starbucks.
do i care?
only to the extent that i can make fun of him. since i don’t live in chicago, there’s not much fun to be had at Fuckin’ Retard’s expense.
Bingo!! And knowing Chicago/Ill. politics, it’s funnier. People will joke that Rahm forgot to grease some skids, or what have you. It’s funny in that it throws up an unexpected roadblock as he buys his way into the mayor’s office. And that he’s on the short end of the stick, even if it is only very briefly.
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
Not really.
Power politics is all.
He’ll prevail. The strings are being pulled as we speak.
Or…other strings will prevail.
The voice of the people?
No strings.
Just as it’s always been.
Move along here, people.
Nuthin’ new to be seen. Same old same old.
Now…move along, goddamnit!!!
Just as it’s always been.
I don’t really care. I don’t live in Chi-town, so I think it should be up to the voters.
But I do not understand the Rahm-hate glee, because in my mind what I think about is how pissed I’d be if it was MY candidate who would be taken down by a technicality. No matter how much I hate someone or something, I first think “it could happen to me”, and in this case I’d be pissed as I said.
I think you are missing the point, of which there are two. Rahm hates liberals, so any time he gets egg on his face, we’ll take glee in that. Will the decision get overturned? If I had to bet, I’d say yes. But it has causing heartburn, which the more hurt he feels, the better. The other is, Rahm would do the same thing if the shoe was on the other foot. So I doubt many people are shedding a tear for Rahmbo.
I can’t wait for the press release explaining that this is the outcome we planned on all along.
Only to the extent that an influence-peddling ex-investment banker is kept out of elected office.
Shouldn’t this diary be an addendum to your previous fp story Stupid Democrats?
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
Hell yeah. If it wasn’t for Rahm property would be now theft, the expropriators would all have been expropriated, and high-speed rail and Medicare for all would both blanket the nation.
He was that powerful.
I care to the extent that if Rahm isn’t kept busy in Chicago, he might wind up back in the Obama administration in some capacity.
As a Chicagoan, hell yeah I care. I’m glad. Rules are rules for a reason. he tried to be too slick by half and got his ass burned. no better for him.
I wrote:
Wake the fuck up.
WTFU signing off.
Once again.