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- Day 28: Democracy Dies In Darkness
- Day 26: People Discover That American Fascists Like German Fascists
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- Day 23: The Fascist Regime and House Budget Committee Are Coming for Medicaid
- Day 22: The Fascist Regime Destabilizes the Jordanian Monarchy
The low temperatures seem to be making the posting of a new cafe slow this morning…
How is everyone today? I started my day with Finny feeding me some cheerios – there’s a change!
Happy cheerios, CabinGirl!
something puzzling here – yesterday evening I posted 2 comments at the cafe, one in reply to ID about GOS and one replying to WW also on the discussion of GOS. I saw them post but today they aren’t there (not showing up in my comments list). Same thing happened with a comment on JimF’s Snow Days diary 2 days ago. can a comment look like it’s posting but not remain posted? also, what’s the best way to access previous cafe threads?
That’s weird…maybe BooMan has an answer? Unless it somehow got wiped out when I gave the spammer the removal treatment?
The best way to access previous cafe threads is probably by going to your comments list, finding a comment you made in that cafe, and then clicking the link (“attached to__”) to the whole story. I used to put a link to the previous day’s cafe in the first comment on the new one; I can go back to that if you like that better.
Hi everyone!
I think that if a comment is deleted (or hidden), then replies (or replies to replies) will also disappear.
But if Errol’s comments were outside that sub-thread, then it is strange.
yes, my comments weren’t attached to deleted comments -will let you know if it happens again!
thanks, will try that!
pondering the link to previous cafe thread.
Let me know. 🙂
Good morning CG and Errol,
CG I agree with Errol – Happy Cheerios. 🙂
Errol, I agree with CG about accessing your comments and going back.
We’ve got rain and temps in the 40s down here. Hope everyone stays warm today.
Take care
We had a balmy 38 degrees here today too…almost don’t know how to act without shivering in horror at the single digit temps. I’m wondeirng if olivia has warmer weather yet.
Happy snowy day to all! And more snow tomorrow. I’m thinking of giving up the car and getting a sled and some dogs…
It’s been snow going away days here — highs in the low 30s combined with sunshine how reduced our snow down to an inch or two. I hope you get to celebrate some melting soon too.
Its been ever so much nicer than the -1 we woke up to last Fri. Along those lines, I received an early valentine gift from Mrs. ID yesterday, a pair of fleece-lined slippers to wear while retrieving the morning paper. No more chilly feet! She gets Ugg snow boots, but they haven’t arrived yet.
Now that’s how you show the love. 🙂
Hope yours doesn’t stretch out.
click for larger
My HD will be very happy – it’s a WAH HD!
We got a little snow, and they closed the schools, I think because the really ugly weather is expected this afternoon. I wish we could get an old-fashioned snow day from work…
Finn is calling me maa-maa this morning!
You aren’t getting this one from us — we have had rather nice weather the last couple days.
Enjoy the WAH.
We had a quick blast of warm and normal weather yesterday afternoon before we got this…and more expected tonight, I think.
In other news, Finny has a new toof. top right front, if anyone’s interested. 🙂 (cg)
Good boy! He’s got one more front tooth than I do.
How great to hear about Finny, CG! Very exciting.
Soon he’ll be requesting music to dance to!
Eek! I forgot to comment on Finny’s greatest achievement!
But in my defense I was expecting you to put up a video with full dolby surround sound. 😉
Good morning Andi and CG,
Y’all keep sneaking up on me with mid-week and weekends. How time flies when you’re having fun, or just ignoring it. 🙂
Y’all stay warm.
Just wait till 2012 when Jim and I are both retired and we’ll join you in being confused about the calendar. 🙂
OMG, 2012 is just next year. How cool is that?
Very, very cool. 🙂 Though retirement won’t be until June (and SS won’t start until October and September) so it’s still more than year away.
Beautiful image, Andi!
Good morning all! looks like more snow expected this afternoon, but temps above freezing? it’s all beyond me. temps too high for dogsled here, I think. just slush. CabinGirl, I’m thinking maybe a link to previous cafe would be nice, to check happenings of the immediate past (is that an actual time period?).
Sitting at work waiting for the school to call about early dismissal. We’ve got 7 more inches or so coming later on. That dog sled is looking better and better.
Back in the day, when I was living a half mile from any road & schlepping in supplies, Andi suggested a dog sled — not only for transport but for warmth indoors on cold nights. However, one’s bed must be relatively large.
It really doesn’t need to be large. You just need a group that’s good at maximizing available space.
click for larger
Jim’s native name must be Dances With Dogs While Sleeping.
Great photo!
That is too funny. Love the paw above Jim’s face. 🙂 (cg)
I think Andi has finally surpassed the infamous “boxers” photo of yesteryear;-)
wonderful photo!!!
Love this.
Hey there! How are you and the kids doing?
They say they’re willing to snuggle anytime you make it back this way.
boran2, I was going to suggest that Andi & Jim could give you some pointers on pack management and the photo certainly confirms it!
Sounds good to me! We’ve got several inches already.
It may be easier than that – if Andi and Jim train the lead dog, won’t the lead dog take it from there?
The only thing we’re good at training dogs for is taking walks, eating, and sleeping …
but training them to sleep in a heap takes special skills which obviously you have – we can see from that photo
Nope, no training. Just natural abilities. 🙂
I had forgotten how time consuming rating each new comment is. I want my ROBORATER back!!!! 🙁
Does anyone have Omir’s e-mail? Maybe get in touch and see if all is OK and if the rater can be posted again.
He was over at dkos not too long ago but I’ve not seen him regularly.
Another foot of snow last night. Sigh.
Seems we got 15″, it’s stopped right now.
Wow! Fortunately my Yaris with snow tires had no trouble on the roads today.
Large heaps of snow out there now but no new accumulation this afternoon. Didn’t have to try to drive today, luckily, but tomorrow. not looking forward to it.
Amazingly, we got < 1″ up here.
Wishing both you & Errol safe travels!
Hiya WW,
We got less than < 0″ yesterday. I guess you could say we got no snow. 🙂
I hope everyone is staying warm, and don’t drive on icy streets.
Take care
Thanks for good wishes, FM. Hope you’re having a great day!
You’re very welcome WW.
Unfortunately my day has been going so-so. I’m having the problem of not being able to see pictures posted here and at other blogs. I was told to clear the cache, but that didn’t work. I use Firefox, but when I went to internet explorer the pictures came up. Since I don’t want to use Explorer, I’ve got to figure out how to fix this browser.
Other than that, everything is just peachy keen! 🙂
I’m sorry I can’t offer suggestions, though I can sympathize. Computer problems in particular seem like a grand pain in the ass to me. Probably because I can remember a world without computers & so, on a certain level, none of it seems really necessary.
I find that images load very slowly for me sometimes, but eventually they do load. I expect these things because I’m on dialup. As for video, forget it.
Hopefully some computer-savvy folks here at the cafe’ can help.
Thanks WW.
Andi had given me the answer this morning but I didn’t know it. She basically pointed me in the right direction, and I finally pushed the right button. The thing is, I didn’t know I had pushed the right button until later on. The pictures are coming back now.
You must have far more patience than I have. I don’t think I could ever go back to dialup. Then again, if I had no choice, I guess I would learn some patience. 🙂
I agree with you on computers problems are a great pain in the ass, and a lot of things being unnecessary.
Anyway, I’m out of the woods for the time being, and I hope your day is going fine.
I’d check for updates to firefox.
Is anyone else getting a sidebar ad to buy live tortoises via mail? Yuck.
Hiya SN,
I checked for updates, but it appears I’m up to date at the moment. It ended up that I had pushed some button I wasn’t supposed to push. So I pushed the right button and all is back to normal.
I haven’t seen the live tortoises ad yet, but….
Hope you and family have been doing fine and take care.
what have you been surfing?
Tortoise porn sites.
We can buy women via mail, so why not tortoises?
Anything for a buck — which is why our species is headed down the shitter, imo.
Glad to hear Andi could help.
Yep, ‘no choice’ really does teach patience. Some day our valley will have high speed internet. Just after the Mongolian yak-herders do.
Patience is paramount when you’re herding yak. I’ve heard to dry out yak droppings takes a lot of patience.
So I figuring that someone that has the patience to watch yak dropping dry has more than enough patience to be the next silicon valley. Hah! 🙂
how does one clear the cache? I think that would help my system here
Good morning Errol,
While I was looking everywhere for it yesterday, I think I found it, but damned if I can remember where it is now.
Once Andi comes along, I’m sure she can tell you.
Hope you’re having a good day so far.
thank you, it’s been on my mind, I look forward to her help on this. I am quite well, considering it’s Sat and I’m having a chance to rest. made a list of one thing I will attempt to accomplish today. yesterday had to drive in the snow and ice – though no snow was falling at the time it took over an hour to make a 15-20 minute trip what with roads blocked by snow shovels, cars parked diagonally b/c they couldn’t get in their spots and all the dangerous drivers out there. slightly faster on return since I knew what routes to avoid.
I was looking around earlier for it, but it still looks like Andi is going to have to be the answer person.
I’m glad you’re having a chance to rest today. BTW, how can you make a list with only one thing on it. 🙂
It has been a very very long time since I’ve had to drive on snowy/icy roads. It has been even a longer time since I drove anyplace that had snow shovels. Gosh how time flies.
Remember – Slack When Possible.
Take care
I’m trying to learn how to slack. that’s the origins of my list with one thing on it. I got tired wondering if I could accomplish the one thing and decided to leave it at that.
It appears that you are on the road to slackdom. I’m very proud of you. 🙂
Hi. I’ve been gone all day visiting my mom so didn’t see this till now.
Are you using Firefox? If so, go to Tools/Options/Advanced. Then select the Network tab. Look for where it says “Offline Storage” and right below that and to the right, there’s a button that says “Clear Now”. Select that and it will clear the cache.
I’m sure about IE but if you use that, I’ll be happy to go figure it out for you.
Hiya Andi,
I knew you would have the answer. Now that you mentioned it above, I do vaguely remember going to that area.
When it comes to having knowledge that won’t make anybody rich, I’m full of it. 😉
I’ve been told that I’m full of it, too.
hope your visit with your mom went well. thanks so much, yes, I’m using firefox. will put this on my list for tomorrow, which, unfortunately already has more than one thing on it. still working on my one item for today and it’s getting late…
I don’t have options under tools have websearch downloads addons error console page info start private browsing clear history
There is a cache under library on the harddrive.
note: anyone else having trouble loggin on to Bootrib today? i’m finding it slow or impossible
The very last line on the tools menu should be “Options.
thanks for picture, yes that’s what I have but no options line. but I recalled that under preferences something might be there (I set up preferences following some dkos person’s instructions after a virus got on our accounts in kos some years back). anyway, i saw network there and “clear now” for offline storage. so strange it’s not set up like yours though.
thanks so much, will see if it helps. I can hardly log into anything or open anything on bootrib today.
Yeah, that is odd. I hope what you found solves your problems.
My sympathies to you and Errol. That’s just too damn much snow — especially on top of what you already have. Yuck.
Morning Andi,
You must have posted while I was typing. Yep my sympathies too.
Back to the office today…
My condolences CG.
But at least it’s Friday.
Good morning all! No new snow this morning and much warmer at 34F.
Good morning ID,
No snow here either, but we’re at 49F. 😉
They’re predicting the temp up to 73 this afternoon. I don’t want that. 60F/40F is good for me.
Hope you and the Mrs. are doing fine.
Got to drive through the big city of Indy Mon. for more dental work for poor Mrs. ID. I’m going with her for moral support. Hope we can make it back home before the next big snow that Jim mentioned.
I hope y’all make it back before the snow storm hits too. It would be pretty bad to be caught in something like that.
Tell Mrs. ID I’m sending good dental vibes her way, or if you want, I can start typing up all the dental horror stories I’ve had and you can let her read that. 🙂
Be careful on your drive Mon. and take care.
Not sure you can top hers (dental horror stories) but thanks for the good thoughts.
does that rule out stopping for pastrami? I hope not. Pastrami is the whole purpose of keeping one’s teeth in condition.
Teeth are helpful with pastrami, but without them how would any Hoosier enjoy a summer’s worth of corn on the cob?
Indy Pastrami Central is right on our way, if she’s in the mood. Sadly, Mrs. ID has been corn-on-the-cobless for the past year. I’m perfectly willing to run some through a blender for her though, if she’s jonesing badly enough. Maybe some corn pudding would do.
Sending good luck to Mrs. ID. And a reminder that chicken soup with matzo balls and potato latkes are a heck of lot easier to eat than pastrami on rye. 🙂
Mrs. ID says “Thanks!” for the good wishes and menu recommendation. Now, all I have to do is fight our way back home through the freezing rain after. Hope it holds off until late.
Safety first, ID. Me, I’d reschedule.
Then again, almost everything in the world is a priority over dental work with me. That’s why people are always surprised when they find out I can read.
Yeah, wish we could. This one is a pretty high-end prosthodontics lady who has a 3 day cancellation policy. We can always stay up there if the roads get really bad. Mrs. ID’s sister lives nearby.
I’m glad to hear that. Please take advantage if you have even the slightest doubt — and pack your jammies.
If heading out looks bad, I’d just cancel. Nothing’s worth risking life & limb.
Talked to s-i-l last night, she said pack an overnight bag. From the sound of the forecast, it might be a several night stay.
Hope you can provide for the animals, if you have any. I seem to remember kitty cats. Thankfully, they’re pretty independent — you can leave plenty of kibble & water & they’ll be ok.
Wishing you good luck on the roads.
Oh yes, they are customarily well provided for, even before yours truly, usually;-)
And, BTW, we escaped just before the freezing rain began north of Indy. Just spoke to the s-i-l to let her know we arrived home safely. Thanks for the good thoughts!
Glad you’re back home & hope the day went well.
Thanks – it was productive but will also be expensive. My turn Thurs. for a crown prep:(
good idea, even if the roads are moderately bad I recommend staying over.
Jim and I were just trying to decide how many days we ought to figure we’ll on being without power. The last time we had a big ice storm it was just over 4 days. I am so not looking forward to this.
Here’s hoping the electrons continue to flow this time – for all of us.
Andi, you’ll lose power briefly, if at all.
Because I say so.
Well I’m sure hope everything that ought to be listening to what you say is listening to what you say. 🙂
does the fsm do weather?
Dunno. But I’ve tried making obeisance to the dogs since they seem the most godlike creatures around here.
I plan to leave some Parmesan cheese out for the FSM & special kitty party mix for the cats. Maybe that will help, although the cats may just take a notion to go “to London to visit the Queen” until things warm up. I sometimes expect a “So long & thanks for all the fish” note from them as well as Douglas Adams’ dolphins.
What is special kitty party mix? I can only imagine ..
Decadent kitty party mix.
I’m sure the FSM will appreciate the Parmesan cheese! excellent idea!
I’m sure the FSM will appreciate the Parmesan cheese! excellent idea!
wishing her the best. I hope some corn on the cob is in her future! and some healing matzoh ball soup in her immediate future
Its the chicken & matzoh ball soup then, by acclimation, with maybe a latke thrown in;-)
I’m sitting here in Starbucks for the past half hour I’ve watched skein after skein of geese flying south.
Maybe they’ve got the right idea.
Hello Jim,
Also heard from a person about a strong storm predicted for here, but nothing yet on the internet weather. yesterday i saw geese foraging on a snow covered wooded hill. maybe they figured out that they can’t live that way and are heading farther south.
Iirc, not all of them go south. Some do hang out, come what may.
Looks like we’re in for another crappy weather week here in the New York Appalachians.
Hope everyone’s having a fine weekend.
Looks like we’re in for another crappy weather week here
Gawd, I think that could be the motto for this entire winter.
I know what you mean. We’re supposed to be up to 65F tomorrow. 65F is to cold for down here. 😛
The prognosis looks worse every hour, too.
The Canada geese are year-round residents here too, but they may be getting a little hungry. We’ve had snow covering the ground and ice on the ponds and lakes basically since early December. It’s warmed up to expose bare ground for a few days and just enough to make the ice too rotten for skating. I figure they’re off to pay FM a visit for a few days. 🙂
Tell em to come on down! We have a nice little pond that they can disport boisterously near the house.
I do love looking stuff up in a thesaurus.
Anyway, Jim send them on down.
Things are starting to melt here with the milder temps. But it will take a week of this to get rid of everything.
Don’t count on it, b2. More chilly weather is on the way!
click for larger
Beautiful shot!
Or not so beautiful since it was about to dump snow on us (and eventually on you). 🙂
Well thanks for that. Actually, it’s supposed to start tonight. By Wednesday we’ll have an ice mix to go with it. So much to look forward to.
I agree! Despite what’s going on in it. In my experience it’s not easy to get a beautiful cloud shot, with balanced light & detail, like this one. Really superb!
This is obviously American Idol talent here – no, wait, she’s too good for them. Thanks for the laughs!
New cafe.