It seems like the field of Republican presidential candidates is growing rather than shrinking. With Jim DeMint the latest to throw his lure in the water, it’s doubtful that there is a venue in America that can stage a debate of these ass-clowns. Think about it. We have: Sarah Palin, Newt Gingrich, Tim Pawlenty, Haley Barbour, Jim DeMint, John Thune, Mitt Romney, Michele Bachmann, Mike Huckabee, Rick Santorum, Rudy Guiliani, and (possibly) John Bolton. And Ron Paul could always get into the race again. How do you get them all in one screenshot?
More to the point, why would anyone want to listen to them debate? Do you get 10 seconds each to respond to a question?
Romney could be dangerous in the general if he can somehow get there. Thune could be a taller and better looking Bush (i.e. empty vessel) with fewer a-hole tendencies. Other than those two? Roadkill.
Easy. One word Oprah style responses to selected images or words.
-destroy Israel (applause)
-regime change (more applause, thumbs up from some a-hole)
-attack plan (wild cheering)
-not the problem
-a 2nd amendment right
-we need more (applause)
and so on.
The fact that money and organizing power have not already crystallized behind a single candidate says to me that the ruling elites feel Obama is still the clear favorite. There was a comparable dynamic in 2008, where they finally nominated a candidate everybody hated but that was at least plausible. I think this time will be even more unpredictable.
Other than those two? Roadkill.
I disagree. I think Romney would be roadkill in the general election. At least he should be made roadkill in the general based on his past history(see this:)
Romney trying to out-DFH Ted Kennedy? LOL!! I think Huckabeee is most dangerous.
Why would that hurt him in the general election? I guess there might be depressed Republican turnout, but if the Republicans have already decided to settle for Romney and give him the nomination, the fact that he actually used to want to be perceived as moderate or even liberal can only help him in the general election against Obama.
That said, between the Mormon thing, the Romneycare thing, the fact that he comes from “Taxachusetts”, the pretty-boy looks, and the used-car salesman demeanor (apologies to used-car salesmen everywhere), outside of Utah Republicans just don’t like Romney. I don’t see how he makes it to the general election without doing something just utterly horrible to prove his bona fides to the base – and making him unappealing to the mass electorate as a result.
please please please
This might be the first election season to feature true glossolalia.
My money is on Palin and a strategy of getting a leftist 3rd party splinter figure on the ballot in enough states to give them a chance of forcing the thing to a vote in the House.
Huckabee and Pawlenty. Both are ex-Govs in states with Democratic traditions, and thus can state falsely that they “know how to work with Democrats”. This is a huge lie, but worked for Bush.
Except Huckabee comes across as jovial and a nice guy, even though he isn’t. T-Paw has the charisma of a dead fish.
The Huckster scares me most. I just can’t see Flipping Mitt making it in the Primaries.
Don’t forget Sharon Angle:
Don’t forget the Indiana crop of greedheads, Daniels & Pence. Daniels is currently engaged in one of his favorite pursuits, union busting, the current target being the teachers union. Pence, of course, is just batshit nuts.
Word now is that Pence is out and is looking at running for Daniel’s soon to be empty seat.
I don’t think Huckabee will be strong because he is staking a lot on repealing Obamacare. Two years from now that is going to look pretty simple minded. Or at least hard to back away from such a strong position. The GOP is going to find it pretty hard to just go back to what we had. That was not sustainable in most voters eyes. In the next two years people will start to see the obvious benefits of the program and the actual shortcomings will be more obvious to fix as well.
Rule out a bunch in that crowd too who would only run as a means to make money for themselves and advance their celebrity. Gingrich and Palin top that list. Bachmann may be angling that way too.
Frankly, if I was a Republican of any stripe I would be pretty demoralized by that crop.
Someone out of the blue may be my biggest concern for Obama.
How much true teabagger money is there to go around? The big business guys used the baggers to get The House back but there is no way in hell they will let them take the White House.
Just within the last 60 days the rhythm of the debates has changed and I don’t think the Rep’s as a whole have recognized it much less looked at new tracks.
Palin/Bachmann speak is burning out. TeaParty noise is dying down. HealthCare, socialism & even Birther talk are just a distant getting old collection now.
Obama’s SOTU recognized not just that the country can turn a corner but its desire to do so and that’s why he got the ratings he did. For the first time, he’s leading and the Rep are just plain old out of step.
Fear is so yesterday and until someone rises out of the Rep ashes that recognizes that they will sideline themselves.
You’ve mentioned Thune before and I think you are right. And I also agree that Romney could play well in the general election.
After that: there is a big drop off. And am I the only one who noticed that Pawlenty was wearing too much make-up at the State of the Union? Bring him on!