Positive but potentially very costly. We’ll find out next trip exactly how much. The poor thing has been suffering less than competent treatment for over a year now and we decided it was time to visit one of the top people in the state.
We liked the new person very much. She moved here from Britain and then had 3 years additional training in her specialty. Had a good recommend from a dental surgeon the s-i-l (a speech & hearing therapist) knows.
Good morning! We have a thin layer of ice and a 2-hour delay; it’s supposed to be clear all afternoon before the rest of the storm sets in. Not sure whether I’ll go in to the office or not; I’m waiting until after CBtY heads out to school.
Might be a good day to work from home and take Finny to the library for storytime as a lunch break… 🙂
Ugh. CG, we need a nice winter scene at the top of the page. I’m at home today after turning around. I got about 2 miles away and things were just to dangerous. Lots of snow and ice pellets. School is closed. Tomorrow may be worse. I hope that everyone is safe and warm.
well, more sneaky anyway. lidnapping is when someone else reaches over, opens the laptop and posts something like a distress-causing photo under one’s own sig.
We were a little surprised about losing it since the ice isn’t that bad yet (and much more surprised to get it back) but that certainly doesn’t bode well for round two later today which is going to be much worse.
Sorry to hear about so many power outages and ice. Hopefully, everyone is able to stay warm. We had bad thunderstorms last night and our temps plunged down to around 24-27F. We might hit 40F today and then down into the low 20’s again tonight.
I’m just getting over a bad cold and cough. It seems they get worse every year.
I usually have two bad colds a year. One at the beginning of winter and one at the beginning of summer. This one sort of snuck up on me. However, it is getting better.
Hope this recent snow storm hasn’t reeked too much havoc on y’all. Stay warm and take care.
Our power stayed on throughout the whole storm – pretty lucky. I’m afraid since Andi hasn’t appeared here today that she & Jim are probably not so lucky. I heard my old fire crew say over the radio that there were a couple of main lines on the ground last night down their way:(
I’m sure they’re ok. This is a fairly normal occurrence here when you’re as far back in the woods as they are. We used to live on the edge of a state forest here and were almost at the end of the electrical service. We were out of power constantly and always one of the last to get it back on. Its certainly a downside to living in a hardwood forest, but the beauty and privacy is hard to beat.
Totally agreed on power vs trees, ID. One can live without power — so many have & still do! — but as Abbey said, wilderness is a necessity of the human spirit.
There’s no contest.
I hope everyone has been doing OK getting through the storm. We’re expecting freezing rain today, but not for long. Our weatherman said next week we have a better chance of snow and ice coming, so there’s always something to look forward to.
Hopefully, everyone whose electricity was off is now on and all are able to stay warm.
Good morning Family Man! We’re still here & power is slowly being restored around our area. We’re missing some tree limbs, but the trees survived.
About ten years ago, we lost our power one Jan. weekend when a big tree limb took the lines down & yanked the meter loose from the house. We decided to have the lines buried when the workers came to put them back up. It was expensive, but I’ve never regretted doing it.
It was really pretty but it’s supposed to be above freezing for the next 3 days and I’ll be glad to see the ice go. Even the dogs have slipped and fallen on it.
New cafe.
Good morning — well, fair morning. There’s a thin layer of ice on everything, school’s closed, there’s more ice on the way but we still have power.
Power is good. At this rate, Jim won’t have much of a summer break left:(
Oh, and good morning to you both!
Good morning, ID? How was Mrs. ID’s dental visit?
(I seem to have lost my laptop to a certain teenage boy lately, so it’s been hard to keep up with the ‘news’…)
Positive but potentially very costly. We’ll find out next trip exactly how much. The poor thing has been suffering less than competent treatment for over a year now and we decided it was time to visit one of the top people in the state.
Did you get out of Indy before the ice hit or are you still up there?
Got home just before 6 pm, about the time it started freezing rain up there. Whew!
I’m sorry to hear she’s had so much trouble, but glad to hear that she’s seeing someone new for help.
We liked the new person very much. She moved here from Britain and then had 3 years additional training in her specialty. Had a good recommend from a dental surgeon the s-i-l (a speech & hearing therapist) knows.
glad to hear all went well.
Good morning! We have a thin layer of ice and a 2-hour delay; it’s supposed to be clear all afternoon before the rest of the storm sets in. Not sure whether I’ll go in to the office or not; I’m waiting until after CBtY heads out to school.
Might be a good day to work from home and take Finny to the library for storytime as a lunch break… 🙂
I hope you power stays on!
Staying home sounds like a fine plan — it would be really bad to get stuck at work.
That was my thought. 🙂
Seriously, Finny would not do well if Mom got trapped at work.
Ugh. CG, we need a nice winter scene at the top of the page. I’m at home today after turning around. I got about 2 miles away and things were just to dangerous. Lots of snow and ice pellets. School is closed. Tomorrow may be worse. I hope that everyone is safe and warm.
Better safe than sorry, b2. Got e-mail from curly earlier today – she writes of icy rain this morning.
Seconded on the photo above.
Glad to see y’all safe & powered up. We’ve had snow here since last night. Snow snow snow snow snow. It’s beautiful.
Um, someone was impersonating me (due to aforementioned lidnapping of my laptop)…I’ll fix it with something more uplifting.
Uh, kidnapping.
I hear lidnapping is an even more heinous crime;-)
well, more sneaky anyway. lidnapping is when someone else reaches over, opens the laptop and posts something like a distress-causing photo under one’s own sig.
Me, I see a black rectangle. Definitely better.
also see the black rectangle. very soothing by comparison
Seeing the same on the FP, so something tells me this isn’t really a black rectangle.
The mind boggles as to what it could be.
I’m guessing you & I have similar browser issues. I know mine is ‘old’ & I generally view websites less than optimally.
Are you sure its not an obelisk?
Interesting! No, not sure at all.
I thought you meant like 2001 type obelisk – which it could be!
well I tried re-allowing the page. The black rectangle disappeared and I got a little egg with legs?????
All the county offices were closed here today. Probably will be tomorrow as well. The ice continues to build.
We were a little surprised about losing it since the ice isn’t that bad yet (and much more surprised to get it back) but that certainly doesn’t bode well for round two later today which is going to be much worse.
Briefly if at all, like I said.
Glad your power is back up, at least for now. Hopeful that will be all for the blackouts this time around.
Thanks for the thought but not losing power is just about the most unlikely thing that I can imagine happening.
BTW. glad you were able to get back home from Indy.
Thanks! Didn’t care for the rush hour raceway around 465 E much. My thirst for adventure has diminished somewhat with arrival in geezerhood.
No frozen stuff coming down at the moment and very quiet in town.
Cold rain here on top of snow and ice. I made it to work amazingly enough but it wasn’t pretty.
Please be safe getting back, b2. Forecast calls for a little more mess before the system passes.
We still have mainly snow here, tho’ it rained last night for about 15 minutes. Very wacky.
Thanks ww! Things should be a bit better by the time I leave here.
Looks that way. It’s gotten very quiet up here. Warmer, too, with a dense fog moving in. Wishing you safe travels!
Good afternoon everyone,
Sorry to hear about so many power outages and ice. Hopefully, everyone is able to stay warm. We had bad thunderstorms last night and our temps plunged down to around 24-27F. We might hit 40F today and then down into the low 20’s again tonight.
I’m just getting over a bad cold and cough. It seems they get worse every year.
Everyone take care and stay warm.
You stay warm yourself, FM! Wrap up good & get rid of that cold.
Thanks WW. You stay warm yourself.
Same here with the annual cold, usually around April. Hope yours goes away soon!
Hiya ID,
I usually have two bad colds a year. One at the beginning of winter and one at the beginning of summer. This one sort of snuck up on me. However, it is getting better.
Hope this recent snow storm hasn’t reeked too much havoc on y’all. Stay warm and take care.
Our power stayed on throughout the whole storm – pretty lucky. I’m afraid since Andi hasn’t appeared here today that she & Jim are probably not so lucky. I heard my old fire crew say over the radio that there were a couple of main lines on the ground last night down their way:(
I hope that they’re okay. We’ve still got some folks without power here.
I’m sure they’re ok. This is a fairly normal occurrence here when you’re as far back in the woods as they are. We used to live on the edge of a state forest here and were almost at the end of the electrical service. We were out of power constantly and always one of the last to get it back on. Its certainly a downside to living in a hardwood forest, but the beauty and privacy is hard to beat.
How are you making out with all the snow?
Totally agreed on power vs trees, ID. One can live without power — so many have & still do! — but as Abbey said, wilderness is a necessity of the human spirit.
There’s no contest.
Good morning to all,
I hope everyone has been doing OK getting through the storm. We’re expecting freezing rain today, but not for long. Our weatherman said next week we have a better chance of snow and ice coming, so there’s always something to look forward to.
Hopefully, everyone whose electricity was off is now on and all are able to stay warm.
Take care
Good morning Family Man! We’re still here & power is slowly being restored around our area. We’re missing some tree limbs, but the trees survived.
About ten years ago, we lost our power one Jan. weekend when a big tree limb took the lines down & yanked the meter loose from the house. We decided to have the lines buried when the workers came to put them back up. It was expensive, but I’ve never regretted doing it.
Back after 33 hours without electricity. So happy we heat with wood.
click for larger
Happy to see some blue sky & to know your power is back!
With the sun out, the woods looks like an 8-year old has gone crazy with a glitter gun.
Good to see you back, Andi.
Better a late hump than never.
Better a late hump than never.
The motto of the Royal Order of Geezers. 😉
& bravo for the glitter gun!
It was really pretty but it’s supposed to be above freezing for the next 3 days and I’ll be glad to see the ice go. Even the dogs have slipped and fallen on it.