We lost power and our driveway is a skating rink. I do have internet access on my phone, but it’s hard to write much on a phone.
About The Author

Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
I can’t believe our power is still on. There are tree limbs down everywhere & an emergency travel ban in our county since last night. There were numerous calls on the fire dispatch channel until just after midnight for what sounded like some pretty spectacular electrical displays due to tree contact with high-voltage lines.
Strangely, the ice coating is gone from trees & power lines this morning. The wind maybe?
The power company says our power will be back on by midnight.
Hope you have heat!
Take your wood ash, if you burn wood, & make a walking path on ice. Small branches can work too. Most of all, play it safe.
Sorry to hear that. Power is still on here. Hopefully you’ll get yours back a lot sooner than midnight.
I don’t think wind woud do it. Maybe temperatures rose overnight?
Good luck, huddle up. Entertain yourself, don’t post.
Stay warm and don’t go out and walk on the ice.
There’s a flash freeze predicted for tonight.
In west NJ, we had ice and rain. It will melt later if the temperatures go up enough and then re freeze.
What a bad winter we are having.
It is now warm enough that the forest is raining chunks of ice on the house. Down to 61 degrees.
Stay warm! Temperatures seem to be rising a bit and things are melting. Hopefully your power will be back soon.
SW Ohio got the ice yesterday and the wind last night. Our neighbor across the street had massive tree limbs snap off two different trees; one in his back yard and one out front. We had the brief spell of above-freezing temps in the middle of the night, but it’s back below freezing with snow flurries now. Some of the accumulated ice did melt, but there’s still plenty on the ground and streets.
The transformers in our neighborhood were snap-crackle-popping all over last night. The shopping center a quarter mile from us went dark at ten pm. The fitness club where I work is also without power, so I get to stay home today. Luckily, I have a new rug hooking project and we still have power, so I’m loving it.
be safe as you can, BooMan.
We lost power for a day last week on account of a snowstorm. I actually saw some of our neighbors idling their cars to charge their cellphones.
Here’s a more useful tip however – if you have a newer phone, you can trickle charge it from your laptop instead.
… or if you live on a dead end road in rural Maine you get a hand crank cell phone charger.
Just because.
Now there are telling us that we might have power by 1:50am the day after tomorrow.
Now there are saying the power will be on at 4pm. It’s 46 degrees in the house.