I am a little concerned that President Obama is going to run for reelection on the slogan “Winning the Future,” and discover that people take that slogan less seriously than Tim Pawlenty. I mean, the future is a long time. We’re all gonna die. No one knows what the hell “winning” the future even means, except avoiding a premature apocalypse, I guess. If you wanna stupid but catchy reelection slogan, go with “Barack Obama! For the Win!!”
About The Author

Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
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I’ve said before a rhetorical emphasis on where we are going as a society is valid and necessary. In that regard talking about the future is good. But “win the future” is pretty dumb.
How about “Share the future”? Although sharing is hitler-communism probably.
I also like “Join the Future”.
Underlying meaning in biker gangs … f*** the world. Quite catchy Booman!
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
“It’s the economy stupid”?
He’s stolen everything else from Clinton.
It’s the WTF acronym that had me scratching my head.
“Barack Obama…or We’re Truly Fucked!”
yeah, my feeling exactly. it reminds me of “Whip Inflation Now”, but funnier.
when your slogan’s “wtf”, you gotta reconsider.
Well, Hope was cool but the cliche is “Hope is not a plan” — and we’ve certainly found out in the last two years that they never had a plan.
But I would certainly expect that the Obama/Axelrod geniuses are sure that all they need to win in 2012 is another cool slogan. That fits their past behavior perfectly.
I’m not concerned at all. He isn’t stupid and his team somehow got a man named Barack Hussein Obama elected against all odds. So really, I’m not that worried.
No offense to you, Booman, you are the exception…but I’m amazed how so many people who’ve never been elected to anything, never ran any form of government, never really done much of anything except sit in their mothers basement and type on their blog….feel like they can second guess a guy who was elected president of the only super power left on the planet. Yea, I’m going to listen to all these basement pundits because they all got it going on. And the man who kicked Clinton’s ass and beat the media annointed John McCain and Sarah Palin…what does he know anyway?
My sentiment exactly. I keep wondering where Obama got this reputation as being somehow clueless. The man brought down the Clinton machine, for crying out loud. Isn’t that worth something? Within three weeks of a historically bad outcome to a mid-term election he was riding high again and pushing through his agenda with a lame duck Congress almost too exhausted to keep up. Now he’s got ratings of around 50%. Look at what happened to Palin when she tried to go after the WTF acronym. She ended up doing herself irreparable harm while Obama came out smelling like a rose. He can call it whatever he wants. It’s not slogans winning his election.
I agree with you. I think that the “Win the Future” meme is for the young people, you know, the people that he spoke to today about innovation. They are the future. They have been told that over and over and it is actually true. He wants to inspire them to consider that their serious job right now is learning and experimenting and being at the top of their game with every STEM class.
Many of them will graduate from college before the end of his 1st term and hopefully they will be ready to find new solutions to old problems! There will be more years of graduates before the end of his 2nd term and he hopes that a good many of them will be pushing the US in the right direction. Some of them probably won’t make it through college though if the Repubs take away Pell grants or start charging them higher interest rates on their loans etc.
It is funny how most of the congresscritters have at least a college degree and they were probably greatly helped by the government in that endeavor but they don’t really want our young people to have anything resembling their advantages!
that’s an open thread right there.
“Nanananananananan o-BA-MAAAAAAAAA” (sung as the batman theme, then spoken in the background “paid for by the democtratic national committee”)
I have no doubt that this will NOT be his final answer on this one. I like the concept. But the wording needs tweaking.
And slogans and silly things DO win elections. Everything matters. I met a guy who voted for HW Bush because, he said, “He just looks presidential.” People will vote on the flimsiest of criteria. So the slogan does matter.
WTF on banners just isn’t going to cut it.
A better slogan is “Fearing the Future” if you don’t elect me.
boo boo, you think that the American people are smart enough to look at the events in Egypt and start to scrutinize our foreign policy and its consequences but you don’t think they can figure out what Winning The Future means? come on. I swear sometimes I just think people nit pick too much.
I like it. I like “We Do big Things” (there’s a t-shirt) even more. None of the suggestions offered in this thread are good by the way.
Let me remind of another corny sounding slogan: Yes We Can! look how that took off. Even Obama said he thought it was corny and Michelle had to convince him to use it.