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- Day 25: The Fascist Regime Comes for the Federal Prosecutors
- Day 23: The Fascist Regime and House Budget Committee Are Coming for Medicaid
- Day 22: The Fascist Regime Destabilizes the Jordanian Monarchy
- Day 21: The Fascist Regime Screws Farmers, Tries to Sabotage U.S. Bonds
- Day 20: Super Bowl Edition
to see the ice go. It’s nice to have running water and power again. 🙂
Just in time for the weekend, too. I’ve got yoga and knitting plans. What are you folks up to?
I had a gorgeous trip over to a nearby town yesterday. There were ice sparkles covering the trees all along the way. Glad to hear your utilities are back!
Welcome back! More snow tomorrow. Sigh.
Maybe there’s something to the alternate pronunciation of his name.
Pardon me, but ‘ruggedly handsome’ ? Is this the same John Boehner?
I suppose if one likes those citrusy skin tones…
Maybe the better term would be ‘ruggedly fruity’.
ruggedly fruity, great. very curious where this scandal will lead!
Well, consider the source ..
ordinarily, yes. but they were correct about John Edwards. but that’s not what persuades me. Mike Stark had a diary about it over at GOS. laying in a supply of popcorn just in case (but storing it in my car).
Let the popping begin!
re: Mike Stark’s diary: he said the story has been around for a while but Enq was holding off, was finally going to publish it on thurs, which they did.
Why do I have the sense that, no matter what the revelations or developments, Boehner will be forgiven by his party & lose nothing?
I haven’t checked out the dk diary. I guess I’d feel more interested if I thought otherwise.
That said .. d’ya think he’s orange all over?
not a pleasant speculation, quickly I need to look at the cozy cabin in the snow.
Ew. I bet it looks like a Cheetoh.
Well, that’s appropriate ..
Both as to size and color.
No wonder he weeps ..
forgiven by his party less important imo than what pressures will drive him to more carelessness in public about his drinking.
as well as the weeping!
Most amusing spam diary title of the day:
Symptoms For Anxiety You Need to Fully understand About Right now
OMG! Right now???
Well I understood my symptom of anxiety this week perfectly well — cold air from the north met warmer wet air from the south causing in freezing rain that coated the trees and streets.
Definitely cause for anxiety. As for us, today we’ve got power but no heating oil, as the delivery company put off delivery last week due to weather.
Frankly, as time goes on I’m more & more determined to move toward self-reliance re power, by hook or by crook, as soon as my life is my own again. Centralized power generation starts to seem pretty crazy as these weather events become more frequent. I’m tired of the anxiety. I’m even more tired of the anxiety in my housemate, who remembers dirt-cheap fossil fuels & just can’t conceive of the flaws they concealed. It’s like living with the American Public. The sturm und drang is just incredible.
Hiya WW,
Sorry to hear about the heating oil problem. I certainly agree with you on the self-reliance re power. Just about now I’m thinking tropical island though. 😉
Can’t help thinking about those — but they’ve all basically been ruined by the Americans.
Thanks for commiseration! Hope your cold is gone & you’re having typically Southern weather.
Nope the weather hasn’t been typical down here. It’s still cold.
Now you can’t say they’ve all been ruined by the Americans. There are the French, English and Spanish to name a few that have contributed to the islands. 😉
You’re aboslutely right.
At this point I’ve become so disgusted with our culture that I think I’m using ‘the Americans’ as short-hand for world destruction.
Hope your weather warms up soon! Otherwise you might as well be up here with us.
(btw, have you noticed that this is the Froggy Bootom Cafe’? My dyslexia reads it ‘Froggy Booty’.)
Just another snowy morning. At least its not zero degrees outside – yet.
Glad to hear it! Hope it stays that way for a while.
It’s damn warm here, with a dense fog rolling in on the snowfall. Supposedly local temperatures will hit the mid-30s, which is lucky for us (see my last post).
we get it. You are in charge. Now please stop with the freezy water stuff!
Sigh, we have the icy wintry mix today, which resulted in the cancellation of my yoga class, and now my knitting get-together is getting pushed back to next week too (illness running through the triplets’ house).
Sigh. I hope the big CBs make their way home soon (they had to catch a bus most of the way home, but I have a feeling they’re running a little late).
Hope everyone’s safe & warm at home by now.
How’s Mr. Finn digging the winter?
Everybody made it home (and then monopolized my computer), but it took them a while Now it’s warm enough that we’re having a bit of snowmelt.
I think Finn liked the snow when we took him for a sled ride, but it’s been mostly ice out there, and that limits what we can do.
Yes. Well, he’s got plenty of time.
Glad everyone made it home. Lovely day today, it’s true. It’s like being reborn (if not Born Again).
Unfortunately, more icy temperatures are due later this week.
A friend’s cottage, a century old converted barn where we’re cat sitting for a few days.
Afternoon ID,
That’s a very nice cottage. I especially like the snow in front of it. I saw y’all have another snow storm coming next week. Hope it’s not as severe as the last.
That looks like a nice spot. Lucky you!
beautiful and cozy!
Looks very cozy – a great place to spend a few snow days!
Now yesterday’s snow was my idea of a friendly snow — snow a bit, make things pretty, stop after a couple of inches, and give the road crews plenty of time to clear things off (we went to Bloomington last night so the last part was especially pleasing).
Our snow up on the mountain was friendly too. Plus the added fog that I do so love.
What’s shakin’ in Bloomington?
The Blue Man Group performed at IU last week, but we stayed home. It was right at the height of the ice storm.
Good idea to stay home. No use in everyone turning blue.
Me, I wouldn’t head out in an ice storm to attend my own wedding ..
lol! Good plan.
So far it’s worked out really well.
Something is always shaking in Bloomington but in this case, we’d been given tickets to the IU Opera. The Musical Arts Center has fantastic acoustics that for showcasing the great voices of the School of Music.
We saw a couple of one act operas by Puccini, one of which was way too sentimental for our tastes (though the set and voices were fine) and the other was a comedy that was very funny, well staged, and performed (some very good physical comedy by the singers).
Glad you had a good time!
I may just check out Bloomington next time I’m looking for an urban experience. New York’s become so exclusive.
It’s a tiny fraction of the size of NYC but being a university town it does have a lot of big city type perks on offer. Plus it’s got me, Jim, and ID nearby. 🙂
Really, a nice, reasonably sized university town would be my next pick. I do believe one’s excused from the universal fascination with NYC if one was born there.
I enjoyed Asheville, NC very much when I lived there. That seems to be an exclusive town now too.
Bloomington, of course, has y’all: big pluses!
Heaven knows, though, my toes are starting to grow right into Red Hill & become tubers. That last trip to NYC in May might be the last time anyone sees me away from the Catskills for the rest of my life. I’ll be like one of those Wizard of Oz trees that growl at passers-by for fondling my apples.
Your photos make it plain why it would hard to leave that lovely porch and the lovely world surrounding it.
Ah yes — I used to run around taking pictures! How nice of you to remember.
Next time look around for Mrs. ID. She is almost always in attendance. I tend toward involuntary napping when left in a comfortable, warm seat for very long, so I don’t normally go. I think the Blue Men would probably provide enough action & sound to keep me awake, though. Went to the Chieftains concert last they were there & nary a nod;-)
If we go again, I will but since the free tickets were a one shot deal, we probably won’t go again.
click for larger
For all the trouble it causes, it sure is pretty to look at!
I’ll be able to feel a lot more kindly toward it once it’s completely gone.
Assuming this is a photo of ice (blocked courtesy of overlords), I’ve had enough! 😉
So when you get home, cover your eyes when you come into the cafe. 😉
Lots of sparkle.

Just over 2 years ago at Butternut:
Geneva is nothing similar to that these days, though, mid/high 50s the last few days and for the foreseeable future. Sunny!
The sparkles are gorgeous but I’d definitely trade them for those temps in the 50s.
This is a lovely photo, ask.
Congratulations on the weather!
Nicely done but c-c-cold looking. It’s warmed here but will drop to 12 or so degrees later on. And the winds are coming. Sigh.
It mostly looks cold – it was the result of freezing rain and was gone the next day, as I recall.
Another ‘balmy’ day in the mid-50s here. Went for a brief stroll during lunch break.
Hold on tight, b2. It’ll start getting warmer again on Friday (if you believe NOAA, which I generally do).
This is the beginning of the end of Winter.
Beautiful shot, Andi! You capture the magic of the woods so well.
I still wouldn’t trade it for anything — not even FM’s tropical isle.
I don’t think I could ever live anywhere without a hardwoods forest and seasons … even if winter does get me down and out (of power) sometimes.
Hear hear! Ditto ditto!
Well maybe not trade, but you have to admit it would be nice to get away to one for awhile.
Just the seasonal change to true Springtime is enough for me, FM. I always feel like a kid again. What more could you want?
When I go down to visit my mother on an actual tropical isle (Miami Beach, FL) it takes about a week before I’m ready to strangle myself. It’s hot, flat, polluted & crowded — including the beaches. It depresses me to see garbage on the beach.
If there is a tropical place that doesn’t suffer from humanity, it should stay that way.
I can’t blame you. I don’t think I would like a place that’s hot, flat, polluted & crowded. As seen on the news, they just found some lost tribes in South America. So I don’t think there’s anywhere that doesn’t suffer from humanity or that humanity can’t get to. I have to admit, I am a modern person and if marooned on a desert island, I would miss my modern things.
I’ll bet! Especially the telephone!
Imvho, FM, I don’t believe all humans cause a place to suffer from humanity. Those lost tribes are probably getting along with Mother Earth just fine. Our native peoples got along just fine on this land, too, without trashing it. They had a sense of their place.
It’s the conqueror mentality that screws things up .. ‘dominion over the earth’ & all that hooey.
Anyway! Wishing you well on your procedure. Keep us posted.
Who doesn’t like Harry Baals?
I see absolutely nothing wrong with that name.
Dick Hurtz
Guess we’ll get through this one in a hurry.
click for larger
Good morning Andi,
At first I wasn’t sure if that was one of the dogs or a deer. Last night we were on the 4 lane coming home from the city. I don’t think I’ve ever seen so many deer on the side of the interstate. It was nice at first to see them, but after awhile you get to hoping that they don’t wonder into traffic.
Wandering into traffic is one of the things they do best around here — our county has one of the highest numbers of deer-vehicles encounters in the state.
I saw the comment at your place about the procedure being scheduled. Hope it isn’t anything too awful.
I remember when I was in college and during a break I was taking a trip somewhere. I hadn’t even gotten ten miles from home when a deer came out from my left and ran into the left front fender of my car. I had a little Ford Pinto at that time so the left fender just crumbled into the tire. I pull over, stop and look at the fender and then go to look at the deer. I get within five feet and it jumps up and runs off. I was happy to see the deer was alive, but oh my poor car. Actually I just felt luck that the deer, I and my passengers were alive.
Nope the procedure won’t be too bad. The doctor said they’d give me something to relax. Actually they’ll knock me out and that’s more than fine with me. 🙂
Give you something to relax? Hey, slackers are always relaxed! 😉
Very unfortunately, hitting a deer seems to be a kind of rite-of-passage around here for all new residents. It’s a shame.
Interesting, too, what happens when one drives more slowly & pays attention to the roadsides ..
In saner places, bridges are actually created over the busiest highways for the animals to pass over. But we couldn’t possibly do that!
Given the stupidity of deer, I think they’d just ignore the bridges. I love the way they’ll stand there and wait right till you get up to them to jump out in front of you.
I’m of the belief that this is really an organized protest against global warming.
Great image, Andi! Beautiful late winter color. I could dive right in!
Or maybe not.
(Actually, the earliest I’ve been in the water here was Mother’s Day. I’m still recovering.)
Good morning, everyone!
NY-trip coming up in a week – yay.
Found this fun image related to current events in the middle-east:
Heh. Obviously Mubarak is a feature of Microsoft.
Terrific! Thanks for sharing it.
How about bringing along some of that beautiful weather when you arrive? We’d appreciate it.
I would if I could, ww.
Let me have a word with management and see what can be done…
I actually hope for somewhat winterly conditions to remain as we have discussed a possible trip to the Berkshires for the weekend – which could include a day of skiing at Butternut.
I wish you a lovely trip, regardless of the weather.
Me too!
what they said!
Good morning – and thanks to all.
Good morning everyone,
We got out snow last night and there’s still some on the ground. Unless there’s another major storm I think this is our last for the year.
Hope the snow didn’t or isn’t hitting everyone else too hard and take care.
Hopefully you’re right, FM!
Hiya Boran,
I’m hoping I’m more right for y’all than us. You’ve been hit with some pretty bad snow storms this year.