One thing I’ve started to wonder about is what particular event is going to cost Glenn Beck his job at Fox News. I’m certain that he’s already on the verge of getting the axe. But, given how bizarre and deranged he’s become, he won’t be fired simply for being bizarre and deranged. He’s offended nearly everyone there is to offend, so I don’t know if being offensive is going to do it, although it might. It’s actually possible that he’ll lose his job by being ridiculous in a way that offends key Republicans. That’s what he’s done with his ravings on Egypt. Opinions differ among conservatives about what’s going on in Egypt. As Steve Benen says:

In the case of U.S. policy towards Egypt, the dynamic is well beyond left vs. right. Instead we’re seeing (a) those in the U.S. who support the protesters, their calls for sweeping democratic reforms, and Mubarak’s ouster; (b) those who support Mubarak and fear his unknown replacement; and (c) those who believe caliphates run by zombie Islamists, the Illuminati, and the Loch Ness Monster are coming to steal your car.

I don’t watch or listen to Glenn Beck, so I don’t know if (c) is literally true, or not. With Beck, who can even tell?