Back in October or November I asked you to make contributions to the upkeep and improvement of the site. More than fifty of you chipped in and I bought the services of a programmer who works for Daily Kos. Our progress has been slow, in part because a lot of work is going into rolling out DK4 over at the Great Orange Satan. We were able to get Google Ads to run on the site, and that has begun to bring in some revenue. I wish it were more, but it’s something and it helps. We have also installed the social media buttons so you can share articles here with your Facebook friends and Twitter followers, or share them with Digg, or email them around. I hope you enjoy the change and take advantage of it to help us gain readership. The big problem we still have to tackle is blocking spam accounts and spam diaries. It requires some legwork and a good chunk of time, but we’ll get it done sometime soon.

I don’t really have more money to spend on making other improvements, but I want to know what improvements you’d like to see. I want to ditch the regional threads, since I haven’t updated them since before the last election. And unless we get a lot more diary entries, I don’t see a need for a World Recommend Diary feature anymore. Speaking of which, hey, submit some diaries people.

So, what do other sites have that we don’t have? What would you like to see?

I do rely on your contributions to keep the site going, so please consider making a donation to the Frog Pond. And thanks to all our readers. You are a generous bunch.