Taking she was asking for it to a whole other level…
About The Author

Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
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What kind of country have we become? We, as a country, really are loosing our moorings.
Are we becoming? Or have we been this way for a while?
Quite a while. Civilization is a constant fight.
This. People need to get over the idea that there was some mythical Golden Age when American citizens were the shining examples of awesomeness for the entire world to look up to.
Our nation was built on top of the ethnic cleansing and genocide of people who lived on this land before us. Our initial economy was so dependent on slavery that before we could be a united country we had to write slavery into our very Constitution. Then we fought a war when the economy became not quite so dependent on slavery and some folks thought perhaps it was time to get rid of it. We treated immigrants like shit if they spoke the wrong language or their skin was the wrong color – used them as cheap labor and screwed ’em over at every opportunity.
Hell we treated every laborer like crap until they finally got fed up enough to organize – then we called out the military and killed them until enough people finally were convinced that treating with the laborers was better than killing them. We treated women like third-class citizens for well over the first century of our existence – not even allowed to vote or run for office in this country until other nations like Canada and the UK blazed the trail for us. And black citizens were treated in even worse ways – sure they technically had the right to vote and run for office, but in many places they were barred from doing so via Jim Crow and terrorism. Hell they were barred from eating at the same restaurants or even drinking from the same public water fountains as their supposed “betters” by law. Hispanics in California faced similar discrimination, though it’s not as widely reported, so it’s not like this is just something that was restricted to a few bad apples in the South either.
We have often in our history picked out some small country that we trump up a grievance with and pound them for a while because we’re the US and we should be able to do whatever the fuck we want when we want – Mexico, Cuba, the Philippines, Vietnam, our most recent foray into Iraq.
This isn’t new stuff – this is what US history is all about. We’ve had our great moments too, but if you ignore the awful moments of our history and only look at the great moments then the present day looks like we’ve fallen into some kind of cesspool of evil from our previous glorious utopia. But we haven’t. The past was not a glorious utopia and the present isn’t a cesspool by comparison. We can always work to make the country a better country, but if we make the mistake of thinking that the country used to be better than it is now we’re making the same error in judgment that conservatives always make.
What about “losing her security detail” did these jerkoffs not understand. I suppose that Anderson Cooper had it coming to him for his “political correctness” too.
What a worthless bunch of cheeto-eaters.
Except that Anderson Cooper is a guy, so he’s brave and understands the risks.
Logan is a woman – and blonde and attractive, so you know she’s especially stupid – so she was blinded by her political correctness. It couldn’t be that she was doing her job, since women, as we all know, don’t actually have jobs. They’re just supposed to smile and look good, which I guess is why we let a few of them on teevee.
(Sigh) Some of these people make me seriously embarrassed to be American. I mean, every country has its share of idiots, but we seem unique in the extent of our ability to take public pride in ignorance, and sneer at elitist concepts like science or education or compassion.
Ignorance is America’s new national value because there is big money to be made in suckering the yokels through being “contrarian” or “counter-intuitive”. Wow, Jethro, did you know that? I never thought of it like that. Those libruls who raised me had it wrong; I must be real smart to have figured that out. Which then leads to: Tell those libruls how dumb they are and how smart we are.
Big money to be made. Especially if you’re female, black, Hispanic, or any combination of those. Like I said, “counter-intuitive”.
I really feel like both sides don’t do this.
There really is a maliciousness to that movement. A vindictiveness. Rape victims deserve it. Black men killed by cops deserve it. Liberal lawyers deserve to be fired. Everybody who is not them deserve it.
But yet and still they’ll take the most innocuous situations and make themselves seem victims. On one hand they’ll threaten you or laugh at the most inappropriate thing or misfortune. Yet you match that same intensity and here they go running to the media about what type of bully you are.
And to protest the bullies is “powitical cohwectness”. The old PC sucker-punch ain’t what it used to be.
The less meaning the phrase ‘political correctness’ has in reality, the more they will desperately hold on to it.
From 2007:
Well worth the read.
I’m not going to read that filth.
Men like Gateway Pundit deserve to be dragged into an alley bent over a dumpster, held down, and raped repeatedly. He’s asking for it, just by being a DICK.
It should happen to him or someone he loves.
No, he doesn’t. Geez. He’s a puckered asshole and a coward who gets off on tough talk and a delusional belief in his own seriousness. He’s a piece of shit hiding behind a keyboard but let’s not fantasize about sexual assualt and make light of it. This was just an especially damaged bit of trolling, which good lord there has been a lot of in response to this incident.
Brendan, This is a foul, disgusting comment. How are you different from Gateway Pundit?
I suppose i’m not being different from gateway pundit.
But ya know, this kind of shit really REALLY gets to me. I have friends who’ve been raped. I have a younger sister who I used to have to defend when we were kids. Whenever I hear some asshole make tough guy remarks, it’s very difficult for me not to respond in kind. I just think “what if Lara Logan was someone I knew, and someone said that to my face?” And the answer always comes back “I’d fucking destroy that person.”
maybe i coulda come up with a better way of saying that in the comment about. I don’t even know why anyone would link that garbage to begin with.
More thoughtless dickishness from right wing bloggers. I’d like to put Logan and this little puke in a locked room for ten minutes. Any damage she does to him is because he was asking for it.