I’m concerned about why the hell Hillary Clinton trusts Mark Grossman to be our envoy to Pakistan and Afghanistan. I’m concerned about why she thought it was a good idea to send a bagman to Cairo. Harper’s Bazaar is concerned about the length of her hair, her love of handbags, her love of Grey’s Anatomy and other useless pieces of pop culture, her exercise regimen, and her love of swimming.
Behold, journalmalism:
She’s known for her pantsuits, but her staffers say nothing makes her happier than a good handbag. “I do love a good handbag,” she agrees. Can accessories be the great uniter of women? “I think they could be either a great divider or uniter,” she replies. “I’m on the uniter side. I think no one should make fun of anyone else’s handbag choices.” She warms to the topic. “I think we should be united in our support of one another. Because this is like a deep psychological need. It’s a desire to kind of organize and contain that which is important to you in your daily life. I have a philosophical view about this, and I have this Ferragamo hot-pink bag that I adore. My view was that I would carry it around only in spring, but it makes me so happy, I’m even now lugging it around in January. I mean, how can you be unhappy if you pick up a big pink bag?”
I feel dumber already.
At least it’s Harper’s Bazaar (as in shopping) and not Harper’s magazine. No doubt Elle will have a follow-up.
Jebus, it’s crap like this which decided me at a very early age to NOT be a girly-girl because I couldn’t see any way people would take me seriously as an intelligent, educated woman if I showed a concern with looks, clothes, and purses. Maybe I was wrong. Maybe you can have it both ways, but here we are about 42 years after I started thinking along those lines and all any but the most serious journalists ever seem to want to talk about with powerful women is their clothes, hair, and handbags. Ever read the WaPo’s columnist Robin Givhan? Don’t even get me started about her. Any discussion of the activities of the most powerful women in Washington consists almost entirely of a critique of what they’re wearing.
Southerners put women on a pedestal to enslave them. The Village drives them nuts about who’s in fashion and who’s not. The sickest part of the Huffington Post is its style articles about Michelle Obama.
It’s nothing more that diminishing accomplishment as exerting social control that rewards women who act like men. See Thatcher, Maggie.
This goes along with the Hillary cleavage in the Senate. That was to prove she is a girl. This is the I’m just like any other girl Hillary.
It’s bs. It’s the image make over bit.
We are back to competetive cookie recipies from 1992.
I bet she didn’t mention her love of straight Bourban.
water for Obama during the Egyptian uprising? If so, he should have been SoS, not this broad. No matter what her husband says.
I looked at the photo shoot slideshow. That Laura Brown is a real phoney. The expressions on her face are truly fatuous.
My personal opinion is that anyone seeking substantive journalism in Harper’s Bazaar, a magazine that describes itself as “the latest fashion, beauty, and celebrity news”, hasn’t read the magazine before. Of course they’re “concerned about the length of her hair, her love of handbags, her love of Grey’s Anatomy and other useless pieces of pop culture”, that’s the kind of stuff they publish.
You might as well be upset because “Highlights” hasn’t published one single editorial about the GOP’s proposal to defund NPR. Not ONE, I mean WTF Highlights, couldn’t you dedicate one fuckin’ Goofus and Gallant to NPR?
Boo apparently didn’t know what HB is. Seems like we have enough crap from Fox, CNN, and the rest to worry about without taking on the airhead fashionistas.
Ask one goddamed question though. Her time is valuable.
well to be fair dude, they do ask her a lot about wikileaks and the impact its had on her job.
but what the hell man, you despise her anyway. what do you care?
Nothing at all in Highlights?
Not even “Sesame Street under Threat” or “Congress attacks Grover”
Nice job, BooMan. Your Google Ads came up with a clothing ad for ModCloth.
Now do a post on diamonds. Or gold. Or mention Mercedes.
And now the left top spot is taken by Maybelline.
I hope you’re being paid by views.
I’m getting “Buy Gold.”
I’m getting “designer” shoes and watches plus Rahm. None of which I expect to be buying. The “targeted” ad are actually kind of fun to watch. Sort of a counterweight to IBM’s Watson running away with Jeopardy.
At the moment, I’ve got Gucci.