I’m concerned about why the hell Hillary Clinton trusts Mark Grossman to be our envoy to Pakistan and Afghanistan. I’m concerned about why she thought it was a good idea to send a bagman to Cairo. Harper’s Bazaar is concerned about the length of her hair, her love of handbags, her love of Grey’s Anatomy and other useless pieces of pop culture, her exercise regimen, and her love of swimming.

Behold, journalmalism:

She’s known for her pantsuits, but her staffers say nothing makes her happier than a good handbag. “I do love a good handbag,” she agrees. Can accessories be the great uniter of women? “I think they could be either a great divider or uniter,” she replies. “I’m on the uniter side. I think no one should make fun of anyone else’s handbag choices.” She warms to the topic. “I think we should be united in our support of one another. Because this is like a deep psychological need. It’s a desire to kind of organize and contain that which is important to you in your daily life. I have a philosophical view about this, and I have this Ferragamo hot-pink bag that I adore. My view was that I would carry it around only in spring, but it makes me so happy, I’m even now lugging it around in January. I mean, how can you be unhappy if you pick up a big pink bag?”

I feel dumber already.