My power is out again. Any little wind…and it’s getting dark. What’s going on in the Middle East? What’s going on in Madison?
About The Author

Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
The lights flickered here around noon time. Nothing since, and we still have power.
Not us. More time in the candlelight.
What do you do for heat?
Sweater, eventually a coat.
You are brave people. You should drive to CC and we can get a drink in a warm bar.
That sounds great but i’m tired and enjoying the glow of these candles. We should get together soon though. Maybe tomorrow evening?
It appears the SEIU are holding rallies in a bunch of cities this week. Are you going if one is in Philly?
Rain earlier today in downtown San Diego, but at the moment there’s sun and blue skies, plus “London Calling” on the hi-fi.
Blustery in Oceanside, but not all that bad a day. Some sun. I’ll be at the ‘Q’ parking lot all day tomorrow, so I hope no rain.
OK…it was hailing hard 10 min. ago, and now the sun is shining.
Anthropogenic global warming, I guess.
It’s past time for you to invest in a back-up generator.
The same thing, only…different.
Different stages of the same thing, anyway.
Does every flower bloom?
Nooooo…but seeds continue to germinate.
We shall see how far any of this goes.
If the Tea Partiers actually manage to close down the FedGov? If oil prices spikes as one by one the fragile Middle Eastern autocracies crash and burn in sequence? If your power problems spread throughout the U.S.? Into some nasty city neighborhoods eventually? (It could happen. Rather quickly. Bet on it.)
We shall see.
Soon enough.
Soon enough.
Trying to destroy the peaceful demonstrations:
Israeli army targets and arrests children in order to repress Palestinian dissent in the West Bank
Israeli military attacks nonviolent protest in southern West Bank village and arrests 13 boys from village playground
WI the estimate is about 70,000. Tea partiers, maybe 1,000.
We’ve had some serious gusts of wind here in NJ.
On Madison according to CNN:
Sorry about your power loss. Time for candles and Scrabble.
An American couple that has sailed the world with a yacht full of Bibles was hijacked by Somali pirates, and the U.S. said Saturday it is assessing possible options.
Settlers begin construction in West Bank
Removal of military law would make it difficult, if not impossible, to impose a freeze on West Bank Jewish construction, and strip Barak of the ability to authorize building.
Libyan forces firing machine guns and morters into protest crowds. Yeman is cracking down on protestors.
Bahrain, tanks have moved back from crowds.
Egypt was the unusal one.
Libya, yellow hats promised $30,000 dollars to fight.
Energy from Madison thanks to a link from blksista.
The embed code is the same format as the default code YouTube is now using and I couldn’t get it to work.
energy indeed!! love the music, bagpipes!!
We lost power last night briefly. I hope that you get it back soon, BooMan.
AP headline, doctor says 200 dead from Libyan protests.
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