Are you ready for the Republican primaries? Are you ready for Newt 2.0?
About The Author

Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
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so pumped for Newt 2.0. It’s gonna be newt-tastic. Newtritious. It’s gonna be newtkakke all over the place. A Newtron bomb.
No one will be newtral.
hopefully his ambitions are newtered before too long.
Oh yeah. I’m ready. The new Republican revolution will be televised…and photoshopped.
Outstanding! Do I have your permission to link this image on my Facebook profile?
Of course 🙂
I should also note that the original photo is not mine, I grabbed it off a stranger’s blog after it came up in a google image search. I hope they won’t mind that I stole it.
I’m ready…I think it’ll be hilarious.