There is a weird irony in seeing the Republicans nominate a Medicare cheat to be their gubernatorial candidate in Florida. It pretty much says everything you need to know about the true nature of the GOP. They complain about Medicare fraud and inefficiencies but, in reality, they’d happily steal the money for themselves, and don’t see anything wrong with someone who did just that. But the fool actually got elected and now the Republicans are trying to deal with an ideological crook of a governor. Even with supermajorities in both houses of the legislature, the Republicans don’t intend to pass the governor’s budget, or anything even closely resembling it. What they will pass will be bad enough. And it should quickly destroy those supermajorities, along with any chance the Republicans might have of winning Florida in the 2012 presidential election.

The truth is, Christine O’Donnell and Sharron Angle may have lost their U.S. Senate races, but plenty of Republicans just like them won their contests last November. And the Republicans are going to pay a price for it because the American people don’t like the kind of forcible sodomy these politicians seem intent on submitting them to. Part of it is just the difference between the midterm and general electorates. Midterm electorates are smaller, older, whiter, and more conservative than general electorates. But the more important factor is that the Republicans’ solution to everything is to screw the little guy. They dress up their ideas so they sound nice and proper, but when they actually have the power to do what they want, their policies don’t work and make people suffer terribly. George W. Bush’s presidency was a template for what your state can expect from the new governors of Pennsylvania, Ohio, Michigan, Iowa, Wisconsin, Florida, and New Jersey. The very rich will do just fine, but everyone else will get raped. And when their terms are over, the state’s coffers will have been emptied…looted thoroughly by the powerful financiers of this idiocy.

It’s good for Obama’s reelection prospects, but it’s horrible for the people. Everyone is focused on Wisconsin, but I’d say that Florida is ground zero for Republican mismanagement. In 2012, I’m pretty sure that the Republican presidential candidate won’t even want to be seen with most of the GOP governors that were elected in 2010.