Ann Coulter is attempting to revive her “career” by demonstrating she is ready for Comedy Central. Here’s her audition tape with Bill O’Reilly entitled “Radiation is Good for You.”
And you wonder why people who watch Fox News are the most misinformed people in the world. Of course, Coulter’s position probably doesn’t have anything to do with the facts that:
- Republicans in Congress want to build 200 new nuclear power plants
- Powerful Republican senators are attacking the Nuclear Regulatory Commission decisions on re-licensing old nuclear plants, and
- Senator Rand Raul simply wants to eliminate the Department of Energy all together.
Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) unveiled his five-year budget plan Friday, a radical and ambitious proposal that would — among other things — eliminate the U.S. Department of Energy, one of the two federal agencies charged with overseeing America’s nuclear capabilities.
We should probably eliminate the FDA and the USDA too. I have heard from reliable sources that a little salmonella and e coli can be good for you, too. And who needs the SEC? More securities fraud is undoubtedly good for the economy, at least the part run by Goldman Sachs and friends. As for the EPA, well, dirtier air and polluted water and acid rain and oil spills aren’t as bad for you as some people make them out to be.
I think it was Ann Coulter, but I could be wrong. It could have been any number of people who appear on Fox News.
e coli is organic, boo. Let’s just stop being so fussy.
Radiation is used in medical devices, Steve. Obviously it is good for you.
The more you glow the better you feel, so lets have rads for every meal!
The final proof: Nukular Medicine.
My father was the oldest of five children, three men, two women. After he and his brother, the next oldest, had already grown & left the nest, the family moved downwind from a nuclear plant. The siblings remaining at home were already in their teens at the time. The youngest brother only lived there a couple of years before moving away and the youngest sister moved away a year after that. The older sister ended up stuck there and married a local because the parents needed long-term care as one died from leukemia and then the other from bone cancer. At the time, no one thought the passing of the parents was odd since they were in their eighties.
Now. I invested all these words to set up the understanding that the siblings each died–within a decade–from various forms of cancer not by age but in the order of who had had the longest exposure to the nuclear plant. The older sister first, then the younger sister and then the youngest brother. My father and his other brother–who never lived there–are still remarkably healthy in their late 80’s. This is, of course, only anecdotal evidence. I will also note that my much younger cousins, who were born and stayed in that town, all died from cancers in their 30’s and 40’s. Pure Coincidence, don’t ya think?
Gah, is Coulter still making the rounds? She’s like a yeast infection; popping up when conditions allow, disappearing for a blessed stretch, then coming back. She’s an annoying pest.
Actually some radiological studies have shown that small doses of radiation do have certain health benefits. No one knows why. I will try to find the links.
Here’s a link that discusses some aspects of low dosage effects. Apparently there is no definitive evidence one way or the other.
The money quote: