Ann Coulter is attempting to revive her “career” by demonstrating she is ready for Comedy Central. Here’s her audition tape with Bill O’Reilly entitled “Radiation is Good for You.”

And you wonder why people who watch Fox News are the most misinformed people in the world. Of course, Coulter’s position probably doesn’t have anything to do with the facts that:

Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) unveiled his five-year budget plan Friday, a radical and ambitious proposal that would — among other things — eliminate the U.S. Department of Energy, one of the two federal agencies charged with overseeing America’s nuclear capabilities.

We should probably eliminate the FDA and the USDA too. I have heard from reliable sources that a little salmonella and e coli can be good for you, too. And who needs the SEC? More securities fraud is undoubtedly good for the economy, at least the part run by Goldman Sachs and friends. As for the EPA, well, dirtier air and polluted water and acid rain and oil spills aren’t as bad for you as some people make them out to be.

I think it was Ann Coulter, but I could be wrong. It could have been any number of people who appear on Fox News.