If the Taliban are brazenly taking over districts while our coalition is there, what will happen if we ever leave? I think we asked the same question for a decade in Vietnam, but it proved impossible to stop the NVA’s takeover of South Vietnam. Does this remind you of stories related to the Viet Cong?

Rahman said the insurgents looted the government buildings and are now in control of the district.

Waygal residents are torn over whether to side with the Taliban or government forces, the police chief said.

“If the government has control of the district, people will support the government,” he said. “If the Taliban is in control, people will support the Taliban.”

It’s basically “who controls the night” controls the population. I think the NVA had a lot more legitimacy than the Taliban, but I’m not sure that Karzai is any better than the series of clowns that tried to run South Vietnam. At least he’s the right religion.

I just don’t think there is any hope for Afghanistan. If ever a country was doomed, it seems that Afghanistan is that country.