They called us conspiracy theorists when we said there was no WMD in Iraq and that Bush administration was the most corrupt in history or that we used White Phosphorus munitions against civilians in Fallujah (all regrettably proven true).
But when it comes to conspiracy theorists no one, but no one beats the Republicans/Tea Party Whack jobs in our House of Representatives. The latest comes from Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-TX) who manages to conflate the military intervention in Libya as a red flag operation by Obama to take over the country by declaring martial law and occupying all those true red states with his private health care reform army.
No really. That’s essentially what he said on the floor of the House:
Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-TX) offered a bizarre new theory about President Obama’s decision to intervene in the Libyan crisis. In the midst of a rant about health care reform, Gohmert nonsensically suggested that Obama might be trying to “deplete the military” in Libya, so he can call up the Commission Corps established in the Affordable Care Act…
Let’s roll the tape shall we?
Here’s the transcript of his remarks courtesy Media Matters:
GOHMERT: It’s a bad bill. And then when you find out that the prior Congress not only passed that 2,800 page bill with all kinds of things in it, including a new president’s commissioned officer corps and non-commissioned officer corps. Do we really need that? I wondered when I read that in the bill. But then when you find out we’re being sent to Libya to use our treasure and American lives there, maybe there’s intention to so deplete the military that we’re going to need that presidential reserve officer commissioned corps and non-commissioned corps that the president can call up on a moment’s notice involuntarily, according to the Obamacare bill.
I gotta hand to Rep. Gohmert. Not many people have the insight to connect military operations in Libya with the Health Care Reform Act as part of sinister plan to deplete our military and allow Obama to employ his “private health care” goon militia here in America to do — well unspeakable things too nefarious to go into detail in this diary. After all I don’t want any black helicopters circling my home.
But seriously, don’t these people know how stupid they sound? This is something that Glenn Beck might imagine, but we all know he’s a clown (and so do his many departing advertisers). Congressman Gohmert on the other hand holds elected office. That he is able to get elected is more proof of the looming Apocalypse in 2012 to me than any natural disaster.
Remember when Gohmert claimed Muslim immigrants were coming to America to bear “terrorist babies”?
In June, first flagged comments Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-TX) made on the House floor suggesting that terrorist groups were sneaking pregnant women into the United States as part of a nefarious scheme to launch terrorist attacks. According to Gohmert, these babies would be born here, sent back and “raised and coddled as future terrorists. And then one day, twenty…thirty years down the road, they can be sent in to help destroy our way of life.”
I’m not sure which conspiracy theory he promotes is more outlandish. I can’t wait for him to join Gingrich, Palin, Bachmann, et alia, as a candidate for the Republican Presidential nominee. That has to be his next step in my opinion. I mean Gohmert is clearly a guy who sees the Big Picture. Just like a former President you may recall name of W.
an yet a majority of voters in this guy’s district voted for him….
I will grant without argument that Gohmert needs a psychiatric evaluation…he’s too crazy to be permitted to hold a position of authority over Citizens.
But what does this say about the Voters who voted him in?
You can fool a majority of conservatives all of the time?
Guy’s obviously been reading too many junk emails originating from the Idaho woods.