Japan is radioactive; the Middle East is tumultuous; unemployment is high; the government is on the verge of shutting down; the president’s high school buddy allegedly tried to hire a prostitute. CNN breathlessly reports:

Most recently the Obama family spent time with the Titcombs on a trip to Hawaii in late December 2010 and early January 2011. White House pool reports at the time noted Titcomb by name on multiple dates during the trip. According to CNN records, President Obama golfed with Titcomb on December 23, December 26, December 28 and January 2. The first family was joined by the Titcomb family on Christmas Day and spent most of December 30 at the Titcomb residence eating, playing volleyball and enjoying time on the beach. The first couple also had dinner with the Titcomb on December 29.

If one of my closest friends from high school got busted trying to cheat on his wife with a prostitute, I’d be pretty bummed. But imagine how I’d feel if CNN tried to smear me by association and turned a little police blotter story in the Hawaiian press into an international story blasted everywhere across the intertubes.