We’ve officially reached Peak Stupid. In this video, Donald Trump explains that he eats his pizza with a plastic knife and fork because he doesn’t carry knives and forks around with him and using a plastic knife and fork enables him to avoid eating the crust and to keep his weight down. He apparently thought this issue was important enough to create a YouTube to explain it. He also thought that people will be satisfied with this explanation despite the fact that it is completely illogical and doesn’t answer at all the question of why he doesn’t just eat his pizza like a normal New Yorker.
Let me just say that I anticipate much more media concentration on this issue. It’s obvious that Trump has not satisfied his critics, and anyone can tell you that cutting up a slice of pizza with a plastic knife is a royal pain in the ass.
peak stupid is a myth booman. we can get much much much stupider.
I don’t know if that’s true – my reading of history suggests that we’ve always been just as stupid as we are now.
But technology makes it easier to disseminate the stupid, and capitalism makes it profitable to do so, so the stupid may be more damaging today than it was a century or so ago. We’ll find out in another century or so, I suppose.
(Seriously – when I read Twain’s political commentary I read things that describe in vivid detail almost exactly the kind of stupid shit that is going on today. People aren’t any stupider – or any smarter – we just have vast echo chambers that make the stupid seem larger than it used to.)
No stupider or smarter today than a century ago? What’s wrong with this picture?
Speaking for my client, the late Samuel L. Clemens, I object, your honor!
This generation has nigh on a hundr’d years ‘o further ‘sperience–‘sperience which my client didn’t have. And so, if we ain’t no smarter than the average fella of a hundr’d year ago, then, sir, why, we be a damn sight dumber.
P.S.: species stupidity can worsen until it produces extinction. Humans? We’re not yet at peak. But we are moving in that direction.
Sorry Boo, but we reached Peak Stupid in 1980. This is just the debris.
I think he does answer the question, though, in his special way: apparently to keep his weight down he scrapes all the cheese and grease and sausage off the top and eats that mess, but doesn’t eat the crust beneath. He doesn’t say why he doesn’t just lick the top off and not need any implements at all. Maybe he’s not intimate enough with Palin yet to display his true habits.
We are at the pinnacle, aren’t we. I want to see Dana Bash hound him about why he doesn’t tell us the real reason he uses plastic, he hasn’t answered it clearly enough. There are still questions in my mind, for sure. Are the press camping outside his office?
Why doesn`t he just grab a slice, stuff it in his pie-hole & fling the crust rim to the Alaskan dog, or maybe to Rand Paul (possibly pictured in the left background of his fan club)
Does this mean we are going to enter an era of stupid scarcity? Will we long for the “good old days” when the stupid came cheap?
“Donald Trump explains that he eats his pizza with a plastic knife and fork because he doesn’t carry knives and forks around with him”
Maybe he doesn’t, but I bet he has a servant carry around plastic knives and forks so he doesn’t have to grab them out of the little bin like the rest of us.
sorry, i just gotta add this.
My dad grew up in Flatbush in a Trump house, one of the many homes Fred Trump built for working- and middle-class people in the postwar era.
Just read that obituary folks: that’s what you call a real self-made man with a community spirit. His son is a very wealthy clown, and that’s about it.
I was thinking your Monty Python Upperclass Twit clip would apply pretty well here.
almost, but not quite.
Trumps a twit, but he’s not upper class. he’s just rich.
If he were upper class he would either:
a) not eat pizza
b) eat pizza with silverware
also, too
c) not dine with Palin
“also, too” is going to stick with us like “the google” and “the internets”.
As anyone knows, plastic flatware just doesn’t work very well with pizza — only metal utensils get the job done. Is Trump going to lob spitballs at Iran when they invade Israel?
Furthermore, a person can indeed carry around metal utensils with them if it’s important. My aunt did it her whole life because she didn’t like plastic utensils, why can’t Trump?
I look for a serious, in-depth discussion of this topic on the Sunday talk shows. It might even bump Palin’s fake patriotic bus trip down to the second tier of stories on Meet The Press.
I also look for Trump to say that Obama eats his pizza with his hands, and not with any utensils, because that’s how everyone in the Kenyan bush eats their food. It’s a legacy passed down from his Kenyan youth, you know. Why, it’s plain as day, right? Just look, Trump will say….it’s uncanny.
Coincidence, he asks? I think not.
But only one problem. Trump ate this pizza when he became one stop on Palin’s bus tour. So, this is still a bus tour story.
Well hell. You burst my bubble of hope. Ain’t Palin just like a booger sticking on the end of your finger and no matter what you do you just can’t shake it off?
(Sigh)…….Well, I can at least hope she gets bumped. At least for a day. Just give me one Palin-free day. If there was a god, I would get my wish.
don’t laugh at me, but I am literally sitting in the laboratoy breakroom reading this as I eat my pizza from the cafeteria upstairs, with a plastic knife and fork. Seriously!
I usually eat pizza hut pizza with my hands, but whenever I eat the pizza from the cafeteria at work, I almost always ue a plastic knife and fork so that I dont’ get pizza sauce or whatever under my fingernails or on my uniform. At the very least, I cut the pizza in small enough slices/portions so that I’m not eating a large slice of pizza with my hands.
I just don’t like sauces or pastes, or whatever underneath my nails where i can’t get to it when I clean my hands. I’d need some sort of implement to clean under my nails, and such an implement is not very safe or sanitary to have in a microbiology lab.
So I can’t even clown Trump too much on this. He’s still a douche though…lol
I don’t know what’s up with your heebie-jeebies about sauces and pastes, but I’m guessing you’re not a New Yorker.
How’s the cafeteria pizza, BTW?
To be fair, I’ve eaten pizza with a knife and fork on occasion. It depends what’s on the pizza, how hot it is, and how drippy it is. Biting into fresh-out-of-the-oven pizza can leave you with a nasty burn on your lips or the roof of your mouth. And cheese holds that heat.
It’s because I’m a microbiologist by profession. We all tend to be borderline germophobes, but I’m not really. But I work with all kinds of fluids, usually with gloves, and we all just have an aversion to the idea of having fluids on our hands.
Plus, this is not “homemade” pizza we are talking about here. It’s frozen at best…lol.
like i said, when I eat pizza from the big 3 nationals, I don’t use plastic…
I’ve heard that the path down from the pinnacle is way more difficult than the climb up. I’d prefer to think that’s where we’re at.
Well, if he literally means the crust, he must be suggesting he’s on something like an Atkins diet: no carbs. The problem is the Daily Show video shows he is eating the slice in pieces, rather than scraping off the goo, as he is trying to imply. If so, he is getting just as much crust as he would otherwise. In other words, this is a coverup. Oboy, it’s not the crime, it’s the coverup. Besides, if my diet required me to scrape the goo off of pizzas, I would take Palin out for something else, so as not to look gross and silly on national TV.
Apparently Trump subscribes to the little know theory of “donut calories”. It is surmised (or hoped) by some of us that if you eat a donut in small pieces over a period of time that it has much fewer calories than if you shove the whole jelly donut in your pie hole in a couple of big bites. It is an unspoken office truth.
If you have one of those people in your office who always wants to cut slivers off the donuts in an effort to eat less of it; but they always seem to come back for the remainders, then you know what I’m talking about.
“Hey, I was good. I only had a quarter of a donut!”…..Yeah, four times!!
Well, eating it gradually will raise your blood sugar, hence your insulin, less, which will make you less prone to store the calories as fat, so it’s not entirely stupid, though, of course, it does not literally reduce the calories.
Well, seeing as it was a big publicity stunt, they were not there to actually consume pizza and I expect they politely nibbled at it and then went on with their business. I imagine that neither of the Giant Egos at the table would dare be photographed cramming pizza into their mouths when they had plenty of self-promotion to be done, and neither would they want to risk getting sauce on their suits or oregano stuck in their teeth.
This whole bus tour gimmick is as shallow and fake as Palin herself.
Saying we’re reached “Peak Stupid” is one of those Invocations of the Fates like saying, “It can’t get worse.” or “Nothing can go wrong.” It just sets off the gods laughing, “Oh yeah? We’ll show you!”