I like fireworks. Fireworks are cool. But you can’t set them off in areas that have been experiencing drought conditions. So, for example, there won’t be many Fourth of July fireworks displays in Oklahoma this year. You have to wonder what Senator Jim Inhofe (R-Oil & Gas) thinks about that. Senator Inhofe was the pioneer of global warming skepticism. He was denying climate change when it wasn’t yet fashionable. I guess others saw how well it paid. Oh well. Sooners are revisiting their Grapes of Wrath period, they can’t properly celebrate our independence from the Brits, but at least they are good at denial.
About The Author
Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
Sen. Inhofe says that swimming in Grand Lake made him sick.
GRDA official: Some toxins in Grand Lake are 18 times World Health Organization’s maximum level
Read more: http://newsok.com/grda-official-some-toxins-in-grand-lake-are-18-times-world-health-organizations-ma
Karma, for sure. Not that I would wish it on him, but it couldn’t have happened to a more deserving individual.
leave the wishing it on him to someone like me. I’m glad he’s sick. It’s the least he deserves.
Thanks, brendan! 😉
OT, but isn’t OATS this weekend?
it is, but I am playing Heavy Rebel Weekender in Winston Salem with Delco Nightingale and then heading to NYC to see fireworks with Sam and Christina.
check your email…
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
Boy oh boy those Chinese manuf’s are gonna be unhappy with Imhofe & Perry
Don’t dignify them by calling them climate deniers. They are just oil company stooges.
Also, Gawker has obtained some documents from the Nixon and Bush libraries that show that the idea for Fox News began shortly after Kent State in 1970 and that Roger Ailes first thought of it as a White House-run propaganda operation. Then he tried his own TV news service. Before in 1996 (interesting year that) convincing Rupert Murdoch to start FoxNews.
Roger Ailes’ Secret Nixon-Era Blueprint for Fox News
What this article shows is that from the beginning Roger Ailes was a pioneer in wingnut welfare. There is always an eye for future business or a political appointment in the way he handles himself in his comments and memos.
Now wingnut welfare extends to Congress itself. Imhofe is not being a stooge out of intellectual obtuseness or conviction. He benefits in his personal finances from his political positions. Through speaking fees and other sources of income as a member of Congress, and through the revolving door should he be defeated or decide to “retire”.
We kid ourselves if we think this is a philosophical argument.
“Don’t dignify them by calling them climate deniers. They are just oil company stooges.”
Don’t ever complain about the Reich-Wing Noise Machine. They do exactly what you are – putting words in other peoples’ mouths.
It’s not my fault if you believe it is ‘scientifically provable’ one can predict the future. What, you have a high grade crystal ball ?
Even the lady who believes it still knows that’s a non-starter and we need to concentrate on things we know are wrong.
Algal bloom is stimulated by agricultural abuse of the nitrogen cycle. Feedlot use of antibiotics to stimulate growth are breeding antibiotic resistant disease. Runaway CAFO proliferation has shit in groundwater everywhere in the Mississippi Basin.
There’s some ‘denying’ science going on all right. Isn’t that what you call it when doing an ostrich act ?
Apparently the keywords “Fox News” draws the Ann Coulter book ad.
I’m getting an ad for Catherine Coulter, a writer of thrillers.
I’m getting Springsteen, the making of Darkness of the Edge of Town.
What came up that I was commenting about was an ad for Ann Coulter’s Demonic: How the Liberal Mob Is Endangering America and get How to Talk to a Liberal (If You Must).
No harpies here – thankfully, Best Western instead. Can’t imagine what brought that up.