It’s comforting to know that Michele Bachmann has pledged to protect “the innocent fruit of conjugal intimacy” and to protect women from the “seduction into promiscuity and all forms of pornography…and other types of coercion or stolen innocence.” That’s precisely what I’m looking for in a president. And there’s a bonus. She’s also pledged “vigorous opposition to any redefinition of the Institution of Marriage…through statutory, bureaucratic, or court-imposed recognition of intimate unions which are bigamous, polygamous, polyandrous, [or] same-sex.”
I think they left out the man-on-dog.
So, anyway, it looks like Bachmann is now sworn to protect the womenfolk from the porn industry. What will Clarence Thomas say?
Protecting women? With friends like that .. ..
She didn’t really say ‘intitmacy’, did she?
That said, I think I’ve finally found my band name: The Innocent Fruit.
thx, fixed.
what the hell does she know about “conjugal intimacy”? Who’s she having sex with, her totally-not-gay husband?
well, that’s my point about why she won’t be nominated. That topic is going to take over the discussion.
Will it? Really? With our brain-dead corporate media?
Not sure how the corporate media will deal with it, but since sex is involved who knows. What I’m thinking the GOP will want to avoid is a combination of Christine O’Donnell (who lost them a safe senate seat) and Rick Santorum from the viral video/ google point of view. just sayin.
“I think they left out the man-on-dog.”
Well, they can always run Ricky with her for VP and take care of that problem.