Booman writes in his recent piece Could the GOP Kill Our Credit Rating?

It’s as if we’re the deadbeats.

I hate to be the one to break it to ya Booman, but…”we” are the deadbeats.

Been the deadbeats for going on 4 decades or more.


Spending more than we are making, borrowing to make up the difference, getting too fat to even see our own increasingly flaccid little credit rating hanging down there between our legs, gobbling economic Viagra like it’s The Last Tango In Paris, etc. etc., etc., etc.

Up and down the scale.

As above, so below.

At the lowest end of the scale if you don’t pay up in time a couple of badfellas come to your place of business and break your legs. Or worse. Much worse.

Further up?

You lose your house, your car and so on.

Right up at the top of the credit heap?

You are shut down from more borrowing. Progressively shut down. This S&P shit is simply the first call from the shylock.

Yo, Mikey. You’re late on your payments. Don’t make me do nuttin’ you’ll regret. And until you pay up in full…including the extra vig I’m laying on you because you’re late…don’t even think about asking for more. Fuggedaboudit!!!

It gets nastier as the situation gets more serious.

Bet on it.

Deadbeat America.

Bet on that as well.

Borrowing for its McMansions and falling short.


Ain’t none. We’re also the consumer engine for the worldwide economic bubble, and…we’re the badfellas who have been used as enforcers by many of our creditors as well.

UH oh!!!

The whole ubble’s gotta pop…just as ours did…before a “solution” will come to hand.

As above so below.

UH oh!!!

Hunker down, kiddies.

Slim pickin’s comin’ ’round the bend.


