US State Department declares Libya’s yellowcake and chemical warfare products are secure – August 2011. Spokesperson said: “Libya’s supply of yellowcake is “safeguarded” at the Tajoura nuclear research facility..”
Libya military site yields possible radioactive material
Sabha, Libya (CNN) — A military site containing what appears to be radioactive material has been uncovered by revolutionary forces near the southern Libyan city of Sabha.
Military forces loyal to the country’s National Transitional Council took a CNN crew Thursday to the site, not far from Sabha in the Sahara desert. The crew saw two large warehouses there, one containing thousands of blue barrels, some marked with tape saying “radioactive,” and several plastic bags of yellow powder sealed with the same tape.
The material has not been confirmed as being radioactive, but the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), the United Nations’ nuclear watchdog agency, confirmed Thursday that the Libyan government had yellowcake stored near Sabha.
Gadhafi sons and loyalists carrying gold find safe haven in Niger
(Global Security) – Pharma 200, a plant in the Sebha Oasis 650 km south of Tripoli, has been alleged to be a chemical weapons (CW) production facility. Construction of the Sebha plant, said to be located underground at a military base, reportedly began in the 1980s. By 1990, at the time of the initial allegations involving Sebha, the plant was said to be nearly complete. The Pharma 200 facility was said to be designed using the same plans as for Pharma 150, the CW plant at Rabta, and it was reported that the Sebha plant was almost identical to the one at Rabta. There have been no allegations of CW production at Sebha in recent years. The Sebha facility has also been linked to Libyan biological weapons (BW) efforts.
Prior to the release of the 28 May 2004 IAEA report, this facility was not previously associated with Libya’s nuclear weapons program in the open literature. It is unclear whether the US intelligence community had associated this facility with Libya’s nuclear ambitions prior to the year 2003, when Libya decided to abandon the weapons program.
The yellow cake storage facility at Sabha was termed Site F by the IAEA.
Libya publicly declared and then renounced its clandestine nuclear weapons program
You cannot build a bomb with it. You cannot fuel a nuclear reactor with it.
All you can do with it is to sell it to somebody who has the capability to refine it, and this is called high technology for a reason: It is not something you can do in your basement. It happens to involve handling large quantities of fluorine, using an advanced, specialized chemical process.
Well, we have been down the yellowcake road before, as in the run-up to the Iraq War. Can the story be anything besides bogus? Even more surely, it is totally meaningless and irrelevant. The whole point here, as before and as always, is to fool the gullible–those who can be made to fall for invented fears of “terrorism.”
And, after the fact, to try to excuse the lawless invasion of Libya by NATO forces.