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- Day 15: You Thought Blowing Up the Debt Ceiling Was Bad?
- Day 14: Louisiana Senator Approvingly Compares Trump to Stalin
- Day 13: Elon Musk Flexes His Muscles
- Day 12: While Elon Musk Takes Over, We Podcast With Driftglass and Blue Gal
- Day 11: Harm of Fascist Regime’s Foreign Aid Freeze Comes Into View
How about you all? I had meetings and interviews all day and then still had to do, you know, work. And give all my guys attention too. 😉
So is anyone else addicted to Words with Friends? I never played Scrabble until last week, and now I am hooked!
We used to play quite a lot, but at some point transferred the word games to the NYT crossword.
Quite frankly…I’ve never known a Monday that wasn’t long…Or a Friday that wasn’t short…
The power of the human mind…
For example…
Compare e-mail volumne at 8 a.m. on Monday, versus e- mail volumne at, oh say, 3 p.m. on a Friday…
Funny how that works…
All I know is that I never could get the hang of Thursdays, to cite one of my favorite literary characters, Arthur Dent.
I love Scrabble (I had a computer version for a long time but it didn’t get updated and wasn’t compatible with some — I forget which) version of windows) but I don’t do online games; plus I don’t like commitment.
Do online games, but I play this one with Marty and one of my work friends, and it’s nice because you can make your next move whenever you feel like it
it’s nice because you can make your next move … after you’ve spent hours looking through the dictionary for the highest possible score. 😉
I played pomander for 131 points last night…no dictionary required…. 🙂
I am impressed. 🙂
When I play Scrabble with the b2 boy, he makes up words and tries to convince me they’re real.
So…he’ll be a lawyer? 🙂
Or a politician.
I make up words too, and soemtimes they are real. 😉
Finny want to play words wwith us – I’ve never seen a little guy so fascinated with letters and words and numbers. It’s very cute.
click for larger
That’s a wild photo because of how NOT wild the water is.
(It’s too early for me to be making sentences.)
Whose BD is it, Miss O? Yours? Hope it’s been happy!
Hiya ww!
It’s Andi — and I’ve been stalking her all over wishing her a happy birthday, lol.
Keep this up and I’ll be up there with a pair of scissors and a bowl to give you haircut. 😛
lol! That’s the best threat ever. 😀
Happy birthday, Andi! Thanks for still being older than me.
I do it just for you. 🙂
Andi! Happy Birthday! Here’s to another year of woodland excitement!
Happy Birthday Andi and thanks for ordering the nice weather for it!
Belated Happy Birthday Andi!
At first those items in your photo were suspended in air, until my little brain rationalized them back into their water reflection reality. Weird how the eye tricks the brain sometimes, even if only momentarily.
Just now Ms NDD thought it was a blimp for the first moment.
Thanks everybody for the birthday greetings.
belated happy birthday greetings! I hope you had a wonderful day.
Mine is on Saturday. I’ll be, umm, 30. Yep, that’s it, 30.
Here’s hoping the Weather Gods give you warm, clear, sunny weather on your day!
Have a happy one.
And Shana Tova too.
Thanks Andi! Happy new year!
I’ll have to check your shot later on. Meanwhile, more rain here. 🙁
Sorry about the rain. Now I wish I’d put up a sunny picture.
I love reflection the complete stillness oof the water-it’s sort of spooky.
I was really amazed at how perfect that reflection was.
I always love the effect of the fog making the lake disappear.
I’ve been trying to get some photos of Charlotte, our resident front porch spider over the last few evenings. If I get something I like I’ll make sure to upload it. I’ve been thankful that her most recent web was built so I could more easily walk under it, rather than through it. Always appreciate a spider who understands that the humans in her life are real klutzes. 🙂
I hope you some good ones. I love taking pictures of spiders and spider webs. I find both endlessly fascinating.
I was looking at some of what I had taken last night. I actually think I have a few that are decent. Spider webs are cool. Many moons ago I read an article in a science magazine about some experiment where the researchers exposed spiders to various mind-altering drugs and looked at their web designs. Suffice it to say, the one that the spider given LSD produced was a trip. 🙂
Iirc, it was a mess.
Probably just subtle anti-drug propaganda proving nothing about anything.
Haha. Probably true. Still provided a bit of cheap entertainment for a then-kid. 🙂
Like this?
Yeah but they’re a trip without any artificial assistance.
Here are couple of my favorites:
I love the way the sun catches that web.
Thanks. It seems like I get lucky with at least one web in sunlight shot a summer but none of them has ever quite matched that one.
Hah, “…without any artificial assistance.”
I wouldn’t dare use any artificial assistance around that second one, as the odds of making it back out into the real world again might be quite a challenge… depending of course on just which parameters one has engaged.
I noticed the spammers seem more active this morning. Seems like I can get chocolate AND diabetes advice, learn art online and get a free fishing charter. Exciting shizznit.
Btw, I don’t know what a “Cross Fit Sydney” is, but according to one diary headline there seems to be some concern about its health. Oh, and I always wanted to try feather hair extensions. I think they would really match my outfit. 🙂
I was intrigued by the feather hair extensions, but not quite enough to click thru…
We used to know a couple of drag queens we could have asked, but have lost touch over the years as we aged out of the party scene.
Maybe we could click on the PR1 ad & ask the Las Vegas escorts ..
Heh – now I think of it, I’ll bet my kids know. Bartenders know everything.
Wise move to avoid clicking through. Always best to practice safe computing. :o)
I’m afraid my party scene days ended sometime in the early 1990s. Some activities are definitely best left to the youth. :o)
Yep, now staying up after midnight even sans party favors tends to leave me with a bad head the next morning. Ah, the golden years…
Wait, you mean your party hardy ways are not the reason the Muddy Boots Cafe is now open till midnight on weekends? And here I was so sure you were the entire reason.
I may have to make an exception and go check out the late-night scene over there. Might be missing something.
Codger! 😉
“Hey – you kids get off my lawn!”
the party is out in the street.
Young and old. There’s music and food to be shared. You hear all these cool words and phrases. And you’re not seen as a fuddy duddy but as an ally.
Want to feel young again? Protest out in the street. I mean it. 🙂
Judging from the walnut hail on the roof the last few minutes, our weather is about to change.
Ours too. It’s darker.
I hear chillyness is on the way, with frosty possibilities. Seems as if we just recently took the house plant jungle outdoors for the summer.
I’m at Topsail Island, awaiting the rumored arrival of a strong cold front tonight. I am so looking forward to it. I brought sweaters!
Good idea with the sweaters. Low predicted for here tomorrow night is 34F. I suppose it’ll work its way out to you eventually. Have fun on the island and don’t forget to wave to all your landlocked friends;-)
Ha! I was out on that pier this afternoon. Guy caught a shark and then put it back in the water. It’s about a 5-minute walk down the beach.
I’m a little envious of you- I miss our Outer Banks trips. It sounds especially nice to be there in cooler weather . 🙂
Apparently I can learn “how to successful on Facebook.” I had no idea “successful” was a verb. Next time someone asks me what I am doing, I’ll just say, “I’m successfuling”. That should give ’em something to think about.
And it follows that nothing exceeds like excessful.
Last night’s crescent.
Beautiful shot!
Gorgeous. I like the way you framed it — it gives it a air of mystery.
Thanks guys! Didn’t have a lot of time to catch this one.
Greetings all, and happy weekend!
Hope yours is going well. We’re having nice fall weather here — sunny, breezy, and cool. Today we’re going to enjoy that weather while going to Cincy to spend the day with Jim’s family.
have a great time, hope you see some great foliage en route.
gave a great time! I am really enjoying the crisp weather this weekend Yesterday the CBs broke out their hand knit sweaters to go for a walk, making me very happy. 🙂
Plus, it’s fun to take Finny out for garage sales and fall festivals. Today is a home keeping day, though.
There’s a light frost on the roofs here and grandchildren in the house:-)
Sounds like a perfect start to the day. 😉
That sounds like the cover photo for Family Fun magazine’s October edition. 🙂
Mmm, I think ome of those TI beach photos might be even better. Are you still down there.
My Freshly Made Blood Orange Margaritas. However this is a photo from earlier this year when blood oranges were in season.
I’m thinking of renaming them “Bloody Protestoritas” 🙂
Can’t see in this photo but there’s little bits of red pulp in the drink.
Haven’t made a Bloody Marmotini but I did have fantastic results from “experimenting” with Lemon Drops this week. I make incredible lollipop rims. Who knew I was talented?
Those look delicious! I’ll pass on to my bartender sons;-)
Had my first 5k race earlier today. Apparently, I was the 3rd fastest 50somethinig man out there. Woohoo!
Congratulations boran2! Also, I promise you’ll get no competitive challenges from me.
Ha! It probably wouldn’t take much of a challenge to beat me. 😉
These days, this is much more suited to my speed.
I’m never even one of the fastest three 50-somethings running to the bathroom. Congratulations!
Used a thumbnail in deference to squeamish folks but click on larger if you want to see how cute it really is. 🙂
click for larger
I still wouldn’t call it cute, but it’s a great pic.
So maybe there’s something a little skewed with me but I think they are adorable (well as long as they don’t slime me).
Anything covered with slime forfeits the term “cute” IMO. Maybe if they were fuzzy…like a caterpillar.
Look out Man ee!
C-c-chilly 48 degrees in the Hudson Valley. Weren’t we just complaining about the heat?
36F here with patches of frost. Spent the entire day Sat. repotting and bring in the houseplant jungle.
Meet Charlotte. She adopted our porch this year.
We’re glad to have her here — though between the slugs and the spiders, some people might feel we’re a little early with our Halloween decorations).
A repair person came by this afternoon, as I understand it, and alas accidentally knocked down the web. He apologized to Madame under the mistaken impression that it was a Halloween decoration.
Not to worry, Charlotte is okay, and she has already rebuilt a spectacular replacement structure.