The number one Twitter hashtag in the world right now is #Tebow.
About The Author
Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
Well, my boys got Tebowed…
LOL. I just hope the Pats can take care of business this year.
I can’t lie. I’m really happy the Steelers and their serial rapist QB and urine-stained towel-waving fans are going home. Can’t stand them dudes.
And I like Bill Maher but he’s looking really stupid right now. He’s fight is with fundamentalists. Not Tebow. Tebow is just some lame dude who knows how to compete and win games. Don’t come down on him for being how he is. (Sidenote: His affiliation with Focus on the Family did p!$$ me off. But not enough to attack him).
His … and who… sorry. got excited.
I talked about possibly supporting that new super-pac “1911 United” which is backed by 2 African Americans fraternities and who’s aim is to motivate and GOTV of African American and PoC. Here is an intro video from that group:
Are you Greek?
naw I’m not Greek, but I have a lot of family members who are Greeks.
“1911” was for many years the model number of the US military’s standard issue sidearm (pistol).
I think #Tebow will be quickly replaced by #Beezow:
Meanwhile, back at the
slaughterhouseranch:Iraq is a ruined country.
The entire Middle East is in turmoil.
Nigeria is in a state of civil war.
Iran is threatening to close the Gulf of Hormuz, bumping oil prices right of the charts and bumping the U.S. economy right off of its precarious perch.
The entire economy of Europe is poised to go down after one more big failure.
Scotland is seriously talking about secession from the British Commonwealth, and David Cameron is hustling his ass off to stop that from happening.
Eight days ago our “progressive” president signed into law the National Defense Authorization Act which includes provisions for what amounts to undeclared military rule.
And you are prattling on about what?
Football. The War Game. More make-believe.
Bread and circuses.
Let them eat fake.
Happy New Year.
Wake the fuck up.
Ever notice the similarities between a football game, and Hitler’s rallies?
No. Not really.
What an asinine “observation.”
I don’t think so.
I have.
Only ours are…subtler.
They work better, too. On the evidence.
“Evidence?” Yup. Hitler lies a’moldering in his grave while we…precariously at the moment, but it’s been a long run…rule the world.
Most Americans do not have a clue that we are an empire, even though our permanent war footing for the past…ohhh, give it roughly 60 years since Korea…makes it perfectly obvious what we are really about.
Football…a perfect metaphor for permanent war.
Bread, circuses and blood.
Bet on it.
Our “perfect American?”
A screaming, borderline psychopath.
What an amazing game.
And what a tough break for the Steelers.
Jeez, to fight so hard and come back like that in the last quarter and then to get trounced in the very first play of overtime by that fantastic long bomb.
Oh, if you want to make it personal I really don’t see that that sanctimonious prig has much over the “serial rapist.”
And who says he’s not one, himself, by the way?
So, better not go there.
Just let it be football.
It should be #Eli
Go Big Blue!
And– AG– relax.
Betcha I “relax” more…and more deeply…doing what I enjoy than do people passively watching a bunch of mostly low IQ muscle freaks try to hurt each other for about 15 minutes out of every hour while the rest of the broadcast time is spent hyping things like insurance, banks and other financial scams, overly expensive automobiles, bad, chemical-laden beer/fast food and pharmaco-illogical substances that only mask the symptoms of whatever is really going on in your body rather than act as cures. (Kinda like what the Democratic Party is doing on another level, come to think of it. Have you thought about it?)
You middle-class clones sit there and watch that shit through the rose-colored lens of the TV networks and then wonder why your lives are going down the drain even though you hired a “progressive” to lead your country.
You been had. On every level imaginable.
For example…what the fuck difference does it make if the good cop quarterback or the bad cop quarterback wins? (See the little discussion above.) It doesn’t directly impact your life on any sanely imaginable level one way or another. The people who watch bad soap operas? People at whom most of you supposedly intellectual progs turn up your elitist noses as low class dummies of some sort? They’re doing the same thing that you are doing. Rooting for some kind of fictional good guys in their eternal fight against the bad guys. The people who passionately work for the good cop Dems or the bad cop Ratpubs? Same same.
“Relax,” eh?
Wake the fuck up.
‘Scuse me while I kiss the sky. My own “relaxation.” Real work. Real music. Real thought. Real action. Real life.
Real life.
Get one or die.
I’m not a fan of T.T. at all, but the guy did play the game. Steelers thought that he couldn’t beat them with his arm, dared him to pass and he did. Let’s see what the Pats do next week.