I guess Fox News is having a debate tonight. Maybe they can discuss why the Confederate Flag still flies over the capital building in South Carolina. Or why all their candidates oppose pretty much everything Dr. King stood for on social policy. Should be a good time. This time, less Huntsman and more Ron Paul.
About The Author
Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
Romney is bragging about balancing the budget when he was governor. That was required under the law.
Rick Perry wants Romney to disclose his his income taxes. He says Texas “is all about capitalism.” Of course, he didn’t answer the question.
Romney is a slippery fuck. He pretends looting companies is a “pretty good record.”
Ron Paul responds to a question about the tone by saying he didn’t hit Santorum hard enough.
Ron Paul going after Santorum. Good or bad? Plus side, he could overtake the second place slot. Bad side, he allows Romney’s lead to increase.
Sounds like he and Romney do have some sort of agreement.
Oh how ironic that Santorum is defending “right to work.”
“In our glorious fight for civil rights, we must guard against being fooled by false slogans, as ‘right-to-work.’ It provides no ‘rights’ and no `works.’ Its purpose is to destroy labor unions and the freedom of collective bargaining…We demand this fraud be stopped.”
~MLK, Jr.
well, he was trying to delicately explain that he wasn’t totally hostile to unions.
Santorum denounces his vote for NCLB and promises to eliminate federal funding/role in primary and secondary education.
So The Frothy One wants all kids to be as stupid as his are?
All Fox News people want to know is if the candidates should stop disagreeing with each other.
Santorum is for allowing felons to regain voting rights. Romney is (basically) not for that.
Santorum did a nice job of carving Romney up a bit in that first segment. Ron Paul still gets no time even with only five candidates on the stage.
no fair, he should get to fling poo and jerk off at the zoo visitors too.
Ron Paul has had a miserable, awful debate performance.
My roommates and I have felt that he has had the best night of it next to Santorum. Clearly Mitt is the loser of the night, followed by Gingrich and Perry doesn’t matter.
Paul is the only person who speaks in English, mostly because he wasn’t allowed to get into a diatribe about the Fed.
Also, to have both Paul and Santorum stand up for the rights of detainees was one more person than I thought would do so. Probably the only glimmer of hope to come from this whole campaign, and swiftly counteracted by Gingrich’s out and out racism on the issues of what it takes to get out of poverty.
I think Gingrich won the debate by a mile. His racism was exquisitely delivered and his bashing of “Juan” Williams was so effective that he should be coronated tomorrow. Ron Paul lost all but his base over his incoherent and totally unpopular views about bin-Laden.
Santorum was very effective in the first part of the debate, but only in ripping Romney, not in making a case for himself.
Couldn’t disagree more. Paul sounded rambling and confusing and I felt like he was uncomfortable for most of the night. He made his usual points, but did so inartfully tonight.
“I think this crowd will be disappointed when informed that there will not in fact be a public hanging later in the evening.”
~The Economist
“It sounds like Fort Sumter out there.”
~Frank Luntz, when fireworks or explosions were heard outside
LOL… Freudian slip?
Newt Gingrich is Ed Wuncler:
There is an answer to your “why” questions? And the candidates know that it goes without saying.
The. ghost. of. Strom. Thurmond