I made a series of comments on Booman’s article Trayvon Martin: The Prez Can’t Win opposing what is going on in this case. I seem to be one of only a few people here who think that we should back off and let the facts speak for themselves. Have the facts spoken yet? No, they have not. Instead we have had possible pro-Zimmerman attitudes from the local authorities and a huge chorus of anti-Zimmerman yelps from almost the entire media system and from those who pay it much serious attention as well.
But one of the most recent comments…from Tarheel Dem, who is usually above such foolishness…was the last straw as far as I am concerned.
Here is the sentence that put me over the edge:
It is now likely that Zimmerman is now a flight risk.
“Flight risk!!!???”
He’s got a $10,000 bounty on his ass!
New Black Panther Party Offers $10K Bounty For George Zimmerman
Mikhail Muhammad of the New Black Panther Party speaks to the media next to a memorial to Trayvon Martin outside The Retreat at Twin Lakes community where Trayvon was shot and killed by George Michael Zimmerman.
Now…I don’t know who these jokers are, but if I was Mr. Zimmerman and I saw them saying this shit in my neighborhood? I would not only be a flight risk, I’d be disappeared before I finished reading the article.
This illustrates exactly what I have been saying here, and I am truly ashamed to be even a peripheral, opposing part of this reverse lynch mob. ‘Cuz that is exactly what is going down in this case. A national lynch mob, driven by racial politics, media hype and not a shred else. Get your heads straight, O high and mighty “progressives.”
You have once again been had.
The Attack Of The Liberal Zombies
Clomp clomp clomp clomp clomp clomp clomp.
String ’em up!!! Goddamned racist killer!!!
Read on for more if your mind is not already so tightly shut that it would take a good oyster shucker to get it open again.
Read on and think, goddamnit!
Now…did our original fine, white supremacist lynch mobs occasionally also string up real criminals? I suppose so. But the act was still wrong, and you all know that it was. But in this case?
Oh, no!!! It was a hate crime, fer sure!!!”
Prove it or shut the fuck up until all the facts are in.
1-The kid was suspended from high school because he was busted w/a bag of marijuana leavings. Does that automatically make him a bad kid? No, of course it doesn’t. But it also means that he was no saint, for sure.
2-There are a 911 call, an eyewitness account, and physical evidence of injury that all point towards the fact that Zimmerman was indeed under physical attack and losing. Does that mean he should not have confronted the kid in the first place? Shot him? No, but it does mean that something other than this supposed “vicious, racist killing of an unarmed, innocent, sweet-faced young boy” was happening.
3-Trayvon Martin was 17 years old. He played football and appears to have decked this grown man with one punch. That sweet picture of him, the one that’s being used to fuel this whole dustup by our OH so impartial media??
I teach kids this age almost every weekend who are from the same sort of middle-class/working class/mixed-race neighborhoods as this boy came from…the Newark area version (I live in one as well, inna Bronx.)…and lemme tell you right now, it looks to me like that’s about a 14 year old boy in that picture, not 17. Those 3 years can make a world of difference in how kids look and how they act, especially if they’re getting high and acting out. Bet on it.
This rush to judgement is absolutely unconscionable. Lay the fuck off and let’s see if the Omertican InJustice system can get its act together here.
At long last, folks…have you no decency left? Must it all be about politics now?
Tips? Recs ? I’m gonna need ’em…
You wants facts? Okay, let’s stick to some facts.
You don’t know any saints who smoke pot? Really? In your world? I call bullshit.
Fact: weed has got nothing to do with it.
Fact: the kid was watching the NBA All-Star game with his family, not smoking blunts.
Fact: He went to the store at halftime.
Fact: His girlfriend called him and talked to him up to about two minutes before he died.
Fact: some dickhead called the cops on him and then started following him around.
Fact: his girlfriend heard him ask this dickhead why he was following him.
Fact: his girlfriend then heard a noise that sounded like his headset hitting the ground and then the call terminated.
Fact: She never saw or heard from her boyfriend again because the dickhead shot him in the chest and killed him.
What other facts are there?
I dunno. I guess it might be of interest to know if the dickhead got punched in the nose and had his head slammed into the pavement. But we don’t have much to go on. Conflicting eyewitness reports and the self-serving explanation of the shooter.
This shooter:
This shooter:
This shooter:
So, let’s review, Arthur.
Young man goes to get a drink and a snack. Some serial 911-abuser and self-appointed negro-harrasser calls the cops on him and then shoots and kills him after confronting him about his whereabouts.
Can he argue self-defense? Certainly. Let him argue it to jury.
I guess it might.
By the time the media lynch mob…and I include you in this, O passer of “negro harasser” judgment…gets through with him Zimmerman won’t be able to get a fair trial anywhere in the country. The jury is in…the real jury, the opinion makers and shakers…and the verdict is “GUILTY!!!”
A passage comes to mind from the Holy Prophet Lewis Carroll’s immortal futurist epicAlice In Wonderland.
`I don’t think they play at all fairly,…and they all quarrel so dreadfully one can’t hear oneself speak–and they don’t seem to have any rules in particular; at least, if there are, nobody attends to them–and you’ve no idea how confusing it is…
`How do you like the Queen?’ said the Cat in a low voice.
`Not at all,’ said Alice: `she’s so extremely…likely to win, that it’s hardly worth while finishing the game.’
Sounds just like this little game of croquet, to me.
You say “Zimmerman called 911 46 times in 2011, according to records released by the Sanford Police Department. Not one of those calls resulted in an arrest or further action being needed by police.” If his neighborhood is anything like mine and I was on neighborhood patrol regularly, I would have called 911 a bunch of times too. Once a eek? More’n likely. Just for the corner drug deals. And again, if his police force is anything like my own Bronx precinct, likely nothing would have come of any of the calls. I see nasty shit every day just looking out my window and going back and forth to the subway and stores, and this is a pretty peaceful neighborhood.
He is quoted as saying “These assholes always get away.” I know the feeling.
When gangs of Italians with baseball bats jumped black people at night on the street in Little Italy during the late ’60s/early ’70s…I knew the feeling.
When junkies of all races and colors broke into buildings on the Lower East Side and the all-white Hell’s Angels burned down my apartment building during a gang war I knew the feeling. When the same gang set up shop on . 3rd St. and ruled the place like they were the law I knew the feeling, too.
When mob guys and cops cooperated in making parts of Boston into a no-walk zone for black people late at night in the early ’60s I also knew the feeling.
When black and hispanic drug gangs ravage areas of every city in this country…black-on-black, minority-on-minority crime of the nastiest kind, bet on it…I know that same old feeling, bet on it.
Maybe Zimmerman had just seen too many people walk because of a police force that didn’t pay attention. And maybe he is just another racist asshole and maybe he fucked up big time. I don’t really know yet, and brother…neither do you.
But you’re talking the big talk, that’s for sure. And the big talk is going to convict him no matter what went down.
I find this whole thing positively disgusting.
The media is guilty of hyping race hatred in this country on both sides of the line, and it does so through pure lust for profit. Gangsta rap and Rush Limbaugh. Two sides of the same set of filthy coins. And then when something demonstrably bad comes of the intersection of these two general societal areas, why…they fan the fucking flames and make even more profit of of it.
And you sir…you are now part of this system.
Hang ’em high.
I’m sorry for Trayvon Martin and his family.
I’m sorry for George Zimmerman and his family too.
And sorry as well for all the little Clint Eastwoods out there howling for Zimmerman’s blood.
But most of all, I am sorry for America.
Sorry for the death of the real American dream.
Justice for all.
Dassit as far as I am concerned. Y’all go on about your blood business.
Good luck.
Between the blood of the people we have killed in our last several war adventures and the blood of the millons of other Americans like both of the principals in this little drama, it ain’t just gonna be chickens coming home to roost.
It’s gonna be vultures.
Time for me to….
Does this look like Da Bronx?
Jesus. You seriously need to check yourself.
Sanford, FL-Estimated median household income in 2009: $41,775
Kingsbridge, Bronx (my own neighborhood) –Median household income 2009: $38,103
Newark, NJ-Estimated median household income in 2009: $35,963
Pretty close. Within about an 8%-9% difference range. Betcha the demographics aren’t that dissimilar either.
Like I said…
It is you who needs some checking, Booman.
Florida, da Bronx, working class Maine, working class PA (Bethlehem), working class Long Island, working class western NY, working class New Jersey (w/the exception of Florida all places that I know well on a personal level) and apparently pretty much everywhere else in this great country…same same. The recession has leveled shit out enormously and so has the monochrome media. Everybody’s getting pretty much the same two or three colors of brainwash now, and almost everybody’s in some kind of financial trouble as well.
Broke and constantly bombarded by media fear-mongering, the entire damned country now exists in a state of barely controlled panic.
Anxiety America.
Nut City.
Bet on it.
And when that shit breaks loose…whether in an Afghan village or on the streets of Sanford…it ain’t pretty.
Believe it.
Get used to it, bubba. You’re part of the hype machine now. Square up and take it like a man. Stand up for what you believe!!! You think it’s OK to call this Zimmerman guy a “self-appointed negro-harrasser” with absolutely no proof of the accusation? You countenance people posting images of Ron Paul in Confederate drag on your website? OK. Boy howdy, podna!!! Be proud! ‘Hit’s the ‘Merican way!!!
He’s a self-appointed negro-harrasser because he went around in his neighborhood looking for black people to harass. And because he talked about it with his neighbors. And because he wasn’t part of any neighborhood watch program, as a volunteer or otherwise. You want proof? Read the reporting from the neighborhood. Look at the 911 numbers. Look at the statements of his neighbors.
As for Ron Paul. when he stops justifying Jim Crow and hanging out with white supremacists, I’ll give a crap if people portray him as a confederate.
Way to deal with my main points, Booman.
Sanford is just contemporary lower middle class/working class America writ small. I dunno where you live, but that’s where I live…it’s where I choose to live…and it is where I function on a daily basis. I know this kid Trayvon and his general class of contemporaries of all races, and I know people like George Zimmerman, too. It’s Nut City out there on all sides of this society, and the media is the drug that puts people on Strange Street and then keeps them there. Whether it’s consuming hype about gangsta-acting stars…and that includes a large number of the black basketball stars that this kid was watching that night as well as a majority of the most popular rap acts…or listening to poison-spewers like Rush Limbaugh and reading tabloid press shit, many people are now walking time bombs. It would be…interesting…to know what media these two consumed. Or to be more accurate, which media consumed them. Betcha.
And the so-called “educational” system? More like a prison system as far as I can see, and I am involved in it in a peripheral sense almost every week one way or another.
According to some accounts…I keep my disbelief intact as much as possible, but here’s the skinny as far as today’s set of half-truths is concerned…Treyvon Martin was:
1-Suspended from school “three times for offenses including vandalism, truancy and tardiness, and, at the time of his death, he was in the midst a two-week suspension for a baggie containing marijuana residue found in his book bag.”
2-He “reportedly defaced school property with graffiti – he reportedly wrote the acronym ‘WTF’ on school property. When school officials searched his bag looking for the marker he used, they discovered 12 pieces of women’s jewelry and a flat-head screwdriver. The Miami paper reported that he was suspended for the graffiti but was not disciplined for possessing the women’s jewelry.”
“None of that looks good.”
“If the reports are true, Trayvon wasn’t as innocent as that baby-faced photo of him in the red Hollister T-shirt makes him look…”
3-There seems to be little doubt that George Zimmerman was taking a beating, that he was on the bottom of a ground fight and getting his head beaten into the pavement when he shot Trayvon Martin. At least one witness has been willing to talk to media about what (s)he saw, and that is the information that the police used as part of their rationale for not charging Zimmerman with any crime.
As I have said over and over again here, I am not “defending” either of these fools. Why? because I don’t know what went down before Zimmerman found himself in a potentially life-threatening situation, and also because…knowing the street scene in the U.S. the way I do…my gut feeling is that both of them are to blame for what happened. What I am trying to defend is the idea of blind justice, and what I am seeing is a massive media campaign aimed at convicting George Zimmerman of a crime.
Convict him of stupidity? Probably. Treyvon Martin too. Both living in a state of barely controlled panic because of their respective media addictions, one dead and the other now being used as fuel for yet more media viciousness.
Unless people start to wake the fuck up about what is happening here in the United States of Media Sickness this feedback system will simply continue to grow until it blows out the entire theater.
Evil amplifying evil amplifying evil until…
The Great Satan once again blows something up real good.
And you, Booman?
You are part of the system now, with your little explosions about people like Ron Paul and George Zimmerman.
You oughta know better.
But…you don’t.
You’ve got media poisoning too, only you restrict your own suspension of media disbelief to the leftiness side of the fence.
Trayvon was busted in school for putting up graffiti that said “WTF.” In a moment of sanity, it seems to me. It should be the number one question asked by all of us who live in this rancid, media-driven system.
I’m asking the same question here.
My own graffiti if I was in high school today?
Wake the fuck up, Booman. You’ve been had so many times you don’t even feel it any more.
P.S. It would also be interesting to know what drugs these two were consuming on a daily basis. So-called legal and illegal ones, including alcohol, Big Pharma psychoactives, street shit and whatever else is available and generally ingested by the vast majority of Americans. I think a mandatory tox scan should be in order for every person who gets arrested, is involved in a violent dispute of any kind, has a job that includes the possession of deadly force as one of its perks…including being in the military or in any part of the government with even the slightest hint of deadly force as a result of its actions, right on up to the office of Holy Preznit…and anyone in a position to use the media to move people’s minds as well.
HOO boy!!!
Lotsa people would be outta work in a fortnight if that happened.
Bet on it.
Sometimes I wonder.
I’ll piss in a bottle any time. A little wine, a coula cups of strong coffee and an occasional Advil is all you’d find.
We’re not allowed to drive “under the influence,” right?
DUI and you lose your license to drive.
But we can govern, legally buy and carry weapons and use the mass media to hustle others into certain beliefs and actions while full of drugs.
Sometimes I wonder.
every time you talk about Trayvon’s troubles at school I lose a little more respect for you.
And every time that you call George Zimmerman a racist with no actual proof of that fact I lose a great deal of the rapidly diminishing respect that I still maintain for you.
I repeat:
” ‘I’m a black male and all that I know is that George has never given me any reason whatsoever to believe he has anything against people of color,’ Oliver said.”
The embed code for the video in the above article will not work here…it’s not from YouTube…but just go to the link and see it for yourself. It’s the vid on the bottom of the page.
My point?
This is by no means an open-and-shut case, and calling this guy a “racist” despite what people who know him intimately say about him is sheer, potentially murderous stupidity.
Stop it.
Wait for the facts to show up.
Do we have to do a seminar on racism, Arthur?
Read more here:
I don’t care if he has some black friends. I care about what he did.
Here we have a kid who is visiting his Dad far from home. He’s talking in the phone with his girlfriend through a headset. He’s got an ice tea and some Skittles. He’s probably trying to figure out which one of the 400 identical homes belongs to his Dad’s girlfriend. It’s dark and raining.
And this self-appointed neighborhood watch Rambo who is armed with a Tech-9 doesn’t have the balls to roll up in his car and ask the kid if he lives in the neighborhood or where he’s going. Instead, for the 41st time in the last year, he abuses the 911 system to report that this kid looks like he’s on drugs. Then he calls him an asshole and a goon (or a coon). Then he follows the dude after being advised not to follow him. And not just by the dispatcher.
[Read more here: http://www.miamiherald.com/2012/03/17/2700249_p3/shooter-
Then the boy realizes he is being followed and asks Zimmerman why. A visibly-armed Zimmerman approaches him and asks what he is doing in the neighborhood. Then shoving ensues and the boy’s phone goes dead. Then the boy is shot and killed.
Is he a racist?
How do you keep the black folks out of your gated community…
…when every very fifth person there is black?
The man belongs on trial.
Do we need a seminar on racism, Booman?
No. Racism is plain to see on every level of American society.
Instead , we appear to need a seminar on justice.
The “Innocent until proven guilty” part.
End of seminar.
Check it out.
yup. That’s how trials work. Supposed to, anyway.
I was actually wondering if anyone ever tried to intervene with Zimmerman before this happened. It seemed like someone would be concerned about a neighborhood watchman who was obsessed with patrolling, made large numbers of calls, and carried a gun with him while patrolling. Thanks for the link.
Get yer facts sraight. It was not forty-six 911 calls in 2011, it was “46 calls from Zimmerman since 2004, both to 911 and a nonemergency number, sometimes for reasons as mundane as reporting a pothole blocking a road…”
More like 4 calls a year, and not even all 911 calls.
So I guess he’s not exactly a serial 911-abuser, eh? And what else might you have wrong here? Maybe..on the evidence of testimony from people who know him…he’s not a “self-appointed negro-harasser,” either.
Of course…you and all of the other members of this particular media-inspired lynch mob are self-appointed Zimmerman-harrassers, but that’s OK, because most of you privately think that this whole tempest is somehow going to redound to the credit (and thus re-election) of our wonderful Commander-In-Chief Barack O’Bomber, Knight of the Order of N.D.A. A. Well I’ve got news for you on that count as well. Combine that facts that the quite likely end result of this thing is going to be Zimmerman not being indicted or convicted of murder (due to the apparent fact that he was under threat of serious injury or death when he pulled his gun) with the truly sad act of O”Bomber’s man in front of the Supreme Court yesterday and this week could be the week that lost him the election.
Chew on that for a while instead of on Zimmerman’s ass.
Remember…if Obama loses a squeaker in November? Remember the last week of March, 2012. That’s where he lost his mojo.
The Clint Leastwoods of the progressive leftiness brigade once again shoot themselves and their cause right in the foot.
Nice work, Clint.
Good one Arthur. I don’t know what happened that evening, but I know what I believe. As does every juror in Seminole County, FL.
The words of the prophet still ring true
Sad irony in the name Zimmerman, no? Not to mention the French – plus ca change, plus c’est la meme choses.
How much longer? We’ll see.
ps. I love the oyster shucker reference – pure Florida.
Trayvon Martin Case: Timeline of Events
There is a 13 year-old witness who corroborates Zimmerman’s defense of being knocked down by Trayvon Martin, 6 ft. 3″ and 150 lbs. versus George Zimmerman 5 ft. 9″and 200 lbs. Nevertheless, the Sanford police messed up badly and started with a drugs investigation of the victim and didn’t bother to treat the case as a possible homocide. Most evidence will become available during grand jury trial in April.
There are plenty of other tragic stories out in the news: Shaima Alawadi, San Diego Woman To Be Buried in Iraq.
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
I admit I have at times felt somewhat uneasy at the way this case is being tried in the media. Normally my attitude would be, we need to be careful about rushing to judgement, and let a jury make a decision, who will be able to view all the evidence from both sides.
The trouble in this case though is that without a public outcry, there would not have been any trial. Even as things stand, there might not be a trial. So things aren’t so simple in this case; I would argue that public outrage was necessary. And contrary to your characterization, and obviously excluding anyone putting a bounty on on anyone’s head, most of those who of us who are protesting aren’t calling for Zimmerman to be lynched; we’re calling for him to receive a fair trial before his peers where he will be represented by counsel, and given every opportunity to present his side of what happened, including all of the points you made in your posts, plus probably many others we do not know about. That’s not a lynch mob.
It’s a lynch mob once the media coverage reaches critical mass, rick. That’s the way things work now in America. I do not believe that…at least as things stand in the media now…George Zimmerman could get a fair trial anywhere in the country.
One way or another?
Hang ’em high.
Bet on it.
While I think you make some fair points (and I should look at your post previous to this one), I still object to your use of the term “lynch mob.” I believe it is hyperbolic, incendiary, and not likely to help the case you are trying to make. In the past, people weren’t “lynched” in the sense of receiving overwhelming biased publicity that made getting a fair trial problematic, they were lynched in the sense of being abducted (sometimes even from out of a jail sail) and brutally murdered in defiance of the law, and I confess I find the casual use of the term troubling. Also, you are attempting to appeal to people to cool their heads, to look beyond their understandable and initial outrage and the death of a kid, and to consider a bigger picture, so using such a term is not exactly an example of practicing what you preach.
I agree with you that given the publicity this case has received, it’s going to be more difficult for Zimmerman to get a fair trial, and that is troubling. But I’m not as cynical as you; I don’t think the verdict is foreordained. Zimmerman will receive competent counsel, the jury will be counsel instructed to consider only the evidence the trial, and they will spend weeks immersed in pouring over evidence that you and I will never see, at least not in its entirety. That the jury will ignore all that and automatically give a verdict of guilty seems hardly foreordained, at least not to me.
Of course it would be better, obviously, if we could find find nine representative people who’s only exposure to the evidence would be through the trial, and that looks like it will be all but impossible now. But no trial is perfectly fair, and we’ll do the best we can. We live in an imperfect world.
And you haven’t addressed my main point, which was what is the alternative? I admit, there are aspect of the coverage that are troubling. The media is not set up to give people a fair hearing. Personally, I heard the description of evidence that condemned Zimmerman early on, while I only found out about the witness who testifies he saw Trayman hitting him while he was on the ground later, and after doing some googling. I’ve seen pictures of a smiling young Trayvan Martin, but only one mugshot of Zimmerman in which he looks like a thug. And of course when a child is killed, whatever the circumstances, it hits you in the gut; it’s not easy to be dispassionate under those circumstances, and it’s not even clear if it’s right to be so. And of course some people are leaping to conclusions and saying dubious things on the Internet; big surprise there. When it gets to the point of people listening to recordings to try to decide if Zimmerman muttered a racial epithet, I agree things have gotten out of hand.
But then what is the alternative? What are you calling for? Should everyone have ignored the case entirely, and let the system run its course? When weeks had passed and it seemed to Trayvan’s parents there’d be no thorough investigation into their son’s killing nor trial for his killer, should they have shrugged their shoulders and said “oh well”? When we hear that an unarmed kid visiting his family minding his own business was pursued by a self-appointed neighborhood watchman, and in the ensuing altercation he was shot and killed, and the police let the killer go, and there are questions about whether they did a thorough investigation, do we just shrug our shoulders and say, “shit happens”?
Because something isn’t right here, even if we assume that Trayvon threw the first blow (something that would need to be argued in court). I don’t get to go around carrying a concealed gun, confronting anyone just because I don’t know them and I don’t like the look of them, pursuing them and then shooting them dead if I get into trouble. We have police to do that, police who are trained in when it is and isn’t appropriate to pursue someone, trained in the appropriate use of force, and trained to identify themselves as police before confronting someone. If I did something like that and ended up shooting and killing an unarmed kid as a result, I wouldn’t expect to be let go after explaining to the police it was self defense. Something’s not right here, whether its the police being prone to take the side of someone they possibly know and sympathize with over that of a black John Doe, or whether it’s the stand your ground law, or the way it’s being interpreted or implemented, or perhaps even the lack of someone sitting down with Zimmerman before all this happened and telling him while they appreciate his zeal and his desire to help law enforcement, community watch volunteers are not police, and shouldn’t be patrolling with a gun.
So I think its good to remind people the media isn’t a courtroom and we should be cautious about rushing to judgement (and the best commentators who’ve addressed what happened have made exactly these points). But the issues here in my opinion are not black and white. I agree, there’ve been aspects of the media coverage that I’ve found troubling, but if there’d been no reaction I’d find that more troubling. We don’t live in a perfect world.
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
Arthur, to add to the confused conversation about the Trayvon killing, we now have a white jazz muscian living in the Bronx who regards himself as an expert on the slave master mentality of the police in (we run Jackie Robinson outa town) Sanford Florida. If you’re looking for facts regarding this murder just get thee down below the Mason-Dixon line and start looking up at the trees.
While you are the way to Florida, please stop in Georgia and pay your respects to 18 year old Ervin Jefferson, the latest “stand your ground” unarmed shooting victim.
The facts I refer to are the ghosts of Negroes lynched with impunity and amusement over the decades, with the latest lynching of a young Negro male just several months ago in Mississippi. Due to the fact that technology is everywhere these days, white folks down in Dixie no longer can have town picnics where the main entertainment is to hang a Negro. Now-a-days someone is sure to video it up on YouTube for the world to see. Regardless of the enforced restraint currently exercised by these good southern white folks, the mind set regarding “their” Negroes hasn’t changed in well over a century as demonstrated by the actions of the Sanford police.
Brother Arthur, just because you may have been comfortable making music with different African American brothers in the “City” and other parts north of Virginia; that history does not grant you either the experience or the expertise concerning the deadly dynamics of White/Negro relations down where the bacca’, rice and cotton grow.
Let me conclude with one brief request. Please before you continue messing around in this mess take a long walk in my shoes down the main streets and byways of Ludawici Georgia….
I have spent a lot of time south of what I like to call the Manson-Nixon line, parvenu…that’s the one that runs from about the middle of Philadelphia right on through the rest of the country to just east of San Franciso proper, with big, almost hyperdimensional jumps north to rural New England…and not-so-rural as well…large parts of the rust belt cities and most of the majority-white midwest as well. I spent a lot of time in and around Atlanta in the ’70s + ’80s and I also I did some touring in the deep south with mixed-race bands during and just after the Civil Rights movement. You remember…the trouble times? Or maybe you don’t. I have also spent literally thousands of hours with my mentors in the arts and crafts of jazz…the majority of them black and/or Hispanic men who came up during or just before WW II.
I am not in the least condoning the peckerwood mentality that remains alive in the hoots and hollers of the old south, the old west/southwest, old Boston or any other godforsaken place in his nation. What I am saying…and will damned well continue to say…is that just because this guy Zimmerman shot a black kid in Sanford, FL we should not automatically and unanimously condemn him as a racist and call this event some kind of inexcusable murder/hate crime. Both of these people lived under those “deadly dynamics” of which you speak, and both reacted to them in different ways. Both reacted badly, it is beginning to appear to me, and the shit hit the fan.
This is a simple enough statement that I am making here, along with my other, many times repeated statement that we should under no circumstances believe anything whatsoever upon which the entire mass media suddenly agrees. It’s a sure sign of disinfo and/or at the very least misinfo.
Plus, you write “…the deadly dynamics of White/Negro relations down where the bacca’, rice and cotton grow.”
Say what?
You actually think that the “deadly dynamics of White/Negro relations” are any better up here in Bloomberg Land? Please. Google “Amadou Diallo” and “Sean Bell” for all you need to learn on that account.
I repeat..unless and until there is believable proof (instead of just more media poof) regarding George Zimmerman’s evil motives, lay the fuck offa this shit.
It’s beneath you.
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
2821 retreat view circle sanford florida
It’s just a small gated community and you can see the pedestrian path between the homes where the incident took place.
I’ve been smoking weed for 25 years. I have yet to see weed make ANYONE violent. It does the opposite.
i call bullshit. Also, too: Zimmerman outweighed the kid by 100 pounds. Also, too: zimmerman had a long history of harassing black people, including a 7 year old.
I call bullshit AG.
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."