Michelle Malkin isn’t even pretending that today’s Ann Romney/Hillary Rosen kerfuffle was about advancing policies that her side believes will help women. It’s not about women at all:
We’re supposed to be a democracy in which we have an ongoing contest about what’s best for the country, and for individual citizens and groups. But for the right, it’s never about that. It’s always completely about winning. First, last and always. Winning for the sake of winning, and nothing else.
(X-posted at No More Mister Nice Blog.)
Exactly. They suppress voting, while saying that there is voter fraud; they target bigots and religious extremists for constituents, but say that President Obama is not truly American; they take away countless reproductive rights from women, but say that liberals are against stay-at-home moms; etc, just to win, just to attract 40-some percent of the population to vote for them. That’s the sum total of bigots + religious extremists + greedy people who don’t mind the bigots and religious extremists so much. 40-something percent!!
But, remember, Murphy Brown is a slut.
I don’t understand what they’re crowing about. Did Obama concede the election? Did Romney suddenly become credible on any subject? No? Then who cares?
Fuck these people. I’m so over their shit.
It’s similar to McCain’s super effective strategy of trying to win the news cycle every day by doing something completely bizarre.
POTUS was asked in an interview today about the comments, and IMHO in one statement he has at least partialy boxed in Ann Romney as surrogate for Romney and in part indoctrinated Michelle against criticism
by members of Romney”s “direct” team…not much you can do about “un-offical” surrogates.
I think you mean innoculated against criticism
ha thanks…writing on IPhone and stupid auto-correct always f’s me up…lol
auto correct is a menace
Village like shiny object… Village like to say “both sides do it.”… Village happy…
A freight train, huh? I don’t think so. More like this.
That’s a good way of putting it. For people like Malkin, it isn’t even about winning anymore, just scoring points. Or even imagining that you’re scoring points. All that matters is that it felt good. Sort of like the way it felt so good to nominate Sharron Angle and Christine O’Donnell. Out here in reality, though, I doubt that Hilary Rosen’s comments are going to send women voters stampeding back to the GOP.
I checked out the cnn.com comment thread on this and the posters were just about universally on Rosen’s side that Ann Romney has no idea what life is like for most women, working or stay at home moms.
This is amusing:
Notice: Free Republic has been in full rebellion mode since 2008 and will remain so for the duration
Warning, Free Republic link.
So this is what’s it’s going to be like now forever; politically speaking? War all the time? Did Bill Clinton getting elected in ’92 really blow their minds this much? Asshole peckerheads…..
that’s simply delightful!