It sucks to be George Tierney Jr. of Greenville, South Carolina. He’s the rascal that decided to send nasty tweets to Sandra Fluke. You remember her, right? She’s the woman who wasn’t allowed to testify before Congress about the availability and cost of contraceptives for students at Georgetown University. And then Rush Limbaugh called her a name. And then people like George Tierney Jr. of Greenville, South Carolina followed suit. And now he doesn’t like the consequences of having the first thing that comes up about him on Google being about how he likes to call women he doesn’t even know really nasty names. He has no idea what to do about it, and he’s not quite up on the state of First Amendment law in this country, so he’s threatening to involve his lawyer. I think that will end badly for George Tierney Jr. of Greenville, South Carolina. Lawyers cost money. And the last thing this man needs now is more publicity and more unfortunate Google hits about George Tierney Jr. of South Carolina not being a good friend of the ladies. Forget getting a date on eHarmony. This man might some day need to find a job.
About The Author
Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
“Forget getting a date on eHarmony. This man might some day need to find a job.”
Fuck him. He’s quite capable of pulling himself up by his own bootstraps. He can always go Galt, with the other job creating self-sufficient types.
Is this in reference to George Tierney of Greenville, SC?
Yes, George Tierney of Greenville SC, who said all that nasty stuff to some woman he’s never met. That guy.
I’m thinking that George Tierney, Jr. of Greenville, South Carolina, whose job as a golf caddy is something I did when I was 15, may be pursuing that fine profession because, firstly, it’s one of the only jobs still available that requires no knowledge of how The Internets work, and secondly, because every other job he applied for involved working with and/or for a woman.
I would also bet good money that George Tierney, Jr. of Greenville, South Carolina, is unmarried, for at least one of two reasons: 1) He can’t understand why women aren’t attracted to his winning personality; and/or 2) He hasn’t fully come to terms with his own sexuality. All that repressed anger!
Well, IIRC, the caddy in Caddyshack did not use any birth control devices, with predictable results.
I just Googled George Tierney of Greenville, South Carolina. After I stopped laughing. I think he’s about to receive the full Santorum.
Sounds like George Tierney Jr. of Greenville, South Carolina may need to think about changing his name. The Internets never forget about stuff like this.
What a fool.
I wonder if George Tierney Sr. of Greenville, South Carolina has any idea what his boy has done to his good name. Also, too, Mrs. George Tierney Sr. of Greenville, South Carolina.
Uh oh.
Really really sucks to be George Tierney Jr. of Greenville, South Carolina…
Indeed. If you Google his name you can see badly it sucks to be George Tierney Jr. of Greenville, South Carolina.
Really? What do you see when you google George Tierney Jr. of Greenville, South Carolina?
I’m surprised no one has mentioned that George Tierney Jr. of Greenville, South Carolina is a colossal dick. Or is it that George Tierney Jr. of Greenville, South Carolina wishes he had a colossal dick? It would be irresponsible not to speculate.
I noticed George Tierney Jr. of Greenville, South Carolina still has his twitter account up and those tweets have not been deleted. Not a Very Good look for George Tierney Jr. of Greenville, South Carolina.
I’m really glad I’m not George Tierney of Greenville, South Carolina!
That’s George Tierney, Jr.,, of Greenville, South Carolina.
Oh, I meant to say George Tierney, Jr., from Greenville, South Carolina.
Linkage to the collected works of George Tierney, Jr., from Greenville, South Carolina. (A period of fasting before consumption is recommended. Contents could be nauseating.)
Also this about George Tierney, Jr., from Greenville, South Carolina.
Oh my FSM!
Uncontrollable laughter here.
And look at the comments; what do you guys have against George Tierney Jr. of Greenville, South Carolina?
So happy to be spending time google bombing the assclown.
If I knew George Tierney of Greenville South Carolina, I’d advise him to move, change his name, and perhaps even his sex.
George Tierney of Greenville South Carolina has achieved Full Santorum!