Al-Qaeda no. 2 man killed by drone strike in North Waziristan – al Qaeda’s second-in-command Abu Yahya al-Libi was the target of a US drone strike that killed 15 people.

Rising Leader for Next Phase of Al Qaeda’s War

(NY Times) April 4, 2008 – On the night of July 10, 2005, an obscure militant preacher named Abu Yahya al-Libi escaped from an American prison in Afghanistan and rocketed to fame in the world of jihadists.

The breakout from the Bagram Air Base by Mr. Libi and three cellmates — they picked a lock, dodged their guards and traversed the base’s vast acreage to freedom — embarrassed American officials as deeply as it delighted the jihadist movement. In the nearly three years since then, Mr. Libi’s meteoric ascent within the leadership of Al Qaeda has proved to be even more troublesome for the authorities.

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Wanted: Abu Yahya al-Libi, a Libyan citizen, is an Islamic scholar captured by authorities in 2002, escaped Bagram AFB in 2005.

Mr. Libi, a Libyan believed to be in his late 30s, is now considered to be a top strategist for Al Qaeda, as well as one of its most effective promoters of global jihad, appearing in a dozen videos on militant Web sites in the past year, counterterrorism officials said.

“To Our People in Libya” – Abu Yahya al-Libi Delivers Message

"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."