It’s interesting to see that Bill Kristol is throwing Condi Rice into the mix as a potential running-mate for Mitt Romney. Since we all decided not to treat the Bush foreign policy team like the war criminals that they are, this prediction actually has a degree of plausibility. Secretary Rice did a passable job of helping Bush kind of clean up a bit of his mess during his second term. As for as the people who live in the Beltway bubble are concerned, Rice’s turn as the State Department didn’t go so badly. She certainly emerged far less scathed than figures like Rumsfeld and Cheney, although there is still her disastrous record as National Security Adviser to contend with. The Obama administration is in possession of a lot of records that Romney cannot see, which creates a pretty frightening vetting problem.
There is some very significant downside to picking anyone from the Bush administration, particularly from his foreign policy team. In addition, Secretary Rice has never run for office and lacks experience on the stump. Selecting her would involve a lot of risk.
As a demographic ploy, it wouldn’t move any black voters, but it might help Romney make some small inroads with women. Despite doing a horrible job of advising the president during his first term in office, Rice does have a lot of experience working with foreign leaders and on international issues.
I wonder how the racists would respond to the pick. Would a significant number of them just stay home?
In any case, if the other finalists are Sen. Rob Portman (R-OH), Gov. Bobby Jindal (R-LA), Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI), and Fmr. Gov. Tim Pawlenty (R-MN), then I see Rice as the strongest pick.
Isn’t that saying something?
In any case, if the other finalists are Sen. Rob Portman (R-OH), Gov. Bobby Jindal (R-LA), Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI), and Fmr. Gov. Tim Pawlenty (R-MN), then I see Rice as the strongest pick.
So they go from crappy Presidential candidate to super-crappy VP candidate? Is Portman or T-Paw going to excite any voters in the South to go to the polls? Is Rice? The only one of the above group that makes anyone in the GOP base see starbursts is the zombie-eyed granny starver. And that’s not because he has any charisma. It’s because He’s the leader of the “I got mine and f–k everyone else!!” brigade. I really hope he picks Ryan because that would put Ryan and the Wisconsin GOP in a pickle. Would the zombie-eyed granny starver pull a HolyJoe circa 2000?
zombie-eyed granny starver
I see you read Charles Pierce too….LOL
Me too. He’s awesome.
As for the VP pick, I never thought I’d be invoking our woeful Seattle Mariners, but…
Damn, that’s a thin bench.
If Paul Ryan runs for VP, does Wisconsin have a Lyndon law?
If not, we kill two birds with one stone: paul ryan out of the house and Mittens stuck with Paul Ryan.
I don’t think it’ll happen. Obama isn’t that lucky.
Interesting comments on possible VP option …
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
that must have been some party they had last w/e…;o) would you through me one just because of …well, I will not finish that have you been?
Sometimes it’s getting a bit lonely here at the pond, the community has changed. In personal life, all is well with my grown-up daughter and my grandson. The legal fight on custody and well-being of her son continues for 5 years now. Bit by bit we have managed to get equality in caring for her son. I managed to fully unravel the narcissistic personality of her ex-partner and argued the case before the family court. It has cost us dearly money wise, but the love of her son we’ll cherish fully.
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
i have been seeing the osmosis of which you ref to..
you hang in there my the event of it all you will most certainly win out….hugs..i know you know of what i speak…that little one will come out on the top end of it all, this i know for sure…..
office christmas party
accolade corporate events
Speaking from 3000 miles away and with Zero direct knowledge of the US political scene, it is difficult to see how Rice would add much to Romney’s potential vote from either women or minority voters, and easy to see how she might seriously switch off an already somewhat disenchanted conservative white base. I suppose Romney has the south more or less tied up anyway, but how does she help him in the swing states?
If you wanted to remind voters how much better Obama is than Bush, I cannot think of a better way. The election becomes a referendum on Obama vs. Bush, rather than Obama vs. Romney and helps to mobilise the Dem base some of whom may be feeling complacent or apathetic.
This sounds to me like one of those trial balloons designed to persuade voters that Romney is seriously considering a black women when in reality he has no intention of nominating her. The acid test for Romney has to be which VP stands the best chance of helping him in Ohio and other key swing states which he cannot win without a helping hand. There surely cannot be that many swing voters out there yearning for a return to the Bush era???
Far from helping Romney win swing states, a swing back to the Bush era could help Obama win by a landslide and make the swing states irrelevant. Her appointment could be portrayed as a desperate play by Romney reminiscent of the Palin pick even if that is unfair on Rice and the experience she brings to the job. The point is her experience is almost entirely negative and could help cement Romney in the public mind as a Bush-Lite warmongerer and a freeweeling wall street off-shoring de-regulator.
Which wars are you going to start this time Condi, and who killed Bin-Laden when they had the chance?
Since about 2000, the Republicans have adopted a technique called the “bank shot pander.” They put minorities into visible locations not to appeal to minorities, but to appeal to centrist/center-right white voters who might be reticent to vote for Republicans because they don’t want to vote for the Racist Party.
The thinking is, by nominating Condoleeza Rice or by finding some black Republican county commissioners to sit front and center on the stage at the Republican National Convention, they can show these people that We Have Black Friends.
Weirdly enough, Willard Bush has been running neck and neck with Obama. Or not so weird considering that it’s a contest for so-called independents that appreciate a “warmongerer and a freewheeling wall street off-shoring de-regulator.” Your last sentence is telling.
What, not
Eric CartmanChris Christie?I guess he’s not dieting anymore, given the way he clutches his ice cream cone.
He’s not able to control himself. It’s the fact that his policies have failed and he can’t handle it.
Speaking of his lack of self-control, the fat prick is eating a giant ice cream cone just two days after saying how hard he’s trying to lose weight.
I love the video. He doesn’t so much walk as he waddles. Like the Penguin.
or Cartman…
he is the perverbal bully amplified times many lbs….he is such a jerk….he is not funny anymore…I use to laugh at him but he is one of the dangerous kind of bullies…he holds grudges….
Romney’s already viewed with a lot of suspicion by the GOP base because he isn’t enough of a fanatic on social issues. Adding Rice to the ticket would just compound the problem.
Besides, has any candidate ever picked an unconventional running mate and had it turn out for the best?
It’s enough desperation to bring J.C. Watts out of retirement…and then there’s Anglophile Linda Sanchez.
for pittysake, dude, what a statement!!!!! ;o) how funny that would be for all that they wouuld interject into the narrative..besides, what I remember about JC is he got his eyes opened as to the ways and means of treating the AA by the todays gop.
Romney would pick Herman Cain ahead of Condi. Her pro choice views make her a terrible running mate for a weather vane candidate.
I think he’ll go the “safe” route with Portman. Romney always plays it safe. The hail mary would be Rubio.
amen to that one…
It’s got to be Portman because I have no idea who he is, so he seems helpfully even less defined than Romney.
It would be a good pick, and VSP would applaud.
If I were Romney I might be inclined to go wtih Ryan, but Rice is probably about as good as he is going to do.