Let’s face it, Mitt’s past has caught up with him.  Gingrich was right (Lord, the pain that phrase causes).  Bain capital was a vulture capital
enterprise and Mitt was in the middle of it.

His problem is that he has given  contradictory information.

He signed SEC filings that he was President, CEO, Chairman of the Board, and sole stock holder in Bain from 1999- 2002.

In sworn testimony to Mass. election board, which was considering whether Mitt was a Mass. resident or not, he and his lawyer testified that Mitt’s leave of absence was temporary and he was still participating in meeting. Flight records show he attended board meetings or phone conference calls.  They determined he was still a Mass. resident.

But now and in 2007 he has claimed that when he left for the Olympics in 1999, it was a permanent break.  He had NO, NONE, NADA business dealing with Bain after 1999 and those SEC filings were just details…..

Problem is, several business deals happened from 1999-2002 with Bain, its subsidiaries and its invested firms.  Those deals led to closures, bankruptcy, and off shoring.  How much was Mitt involved?  He says not a whit.  But his filings with federal agencies and testimony before Mass election board say otherwise.

He can’t have it both ways.

If not at all, then he lied to Mass officials and took huge salaries from Bain, just for breathing air.  If he did participate in decisions,then he is lying now and in 2007.  Too many people were involved for it
to be in question for long.  The demand for minutes of those meetings is starting to grow.

Then there are the tax returns.

They will show a huge fortune placed off shore and an effective tax rate less than Mitt’s gardeners.  He can’t release them, political suicide. When a Rep Gov of Alabama calls for you releasing your tax forms, the
jig is nearly up.