Update [2012-08-07 9:37 EST by Oui]: Deep, Deep Troubling …
Read article Oak Creek Gunman’s Supremacists Beliefs Revealed.
[Update] Must read:
- Mondoweiss – Terror war comes home: White supremacist kills 6 Sikhs in Wisconsin
- Informed Comment – White Terrorism at Oak Creek: The Paranoid Style in American Violence
See comments for Breaking News updates about ID Sikh tempel shooter Wade Michael Page …
Emails From Iraq: How A Military Veteran Found His Way Into A Domestic ‘Terror’ Group
(TPM) August 1, 2012 – The story of how former Missouri National Guard Spc. Ryan Riley (28) got involved with a group that authorities now say planned for the collapse of the U.S. government was detailed amid hundreds of pages of documents recently made public in a criminal case against the group in Florida.
Known as American Front, the white supremacist organization was snared in a joint terrorism investigation by the FBI and Florida authorities earlier this year.
Riley told investigators he grew frustrated with “racial hypocrisies” in U.S. society and the military while he was serving in Iraq in 2008. He began to look for like minded people on the internet and soon found racist skinheads who shared his beliefs. He particularly liked a group that called itself American Front. He started posting messages to its website.
Riley said he used his personal laptop, logging on about twice a week while he was at Camp Stryker, to write messages and blog posts. Eventually, Faella, the group’s leader, sent him a message telling him to be careful in Iraq and encouraging him to keep posting.
They struck up a something of a friendship and kept in touch throughout the rest of the tour. After Riley returned stateside, they started talking by phone. Riley told investigators he talked to others in his unit about his racist beliefs, but he never met any other skinheads, at least not while serving in the Missouri National Guard.
By early 2011, Marcus Faella was asking Riley to become a “patched” or sworn member of American Front. He invited Riley down to a barbeque at the group’s compound in Florida. Riley told investigators he drove down from Missouri with a pistol, an AK-47 assault rifle and 200 pounds of ammunition.
“Faella also wanted to utilize Riley for firearms, survival and medical training,” the report said. “Riley believed Faella wanted this training because AF believed the U.S. was going to collapse, and they wanted to be prepared for the ensuing chaos.”
American Front: White supremacists accused of planning for ‘race war’ in Florida
Obama has been targeted with vicious hatred and all minorities he has engaged have become endangered species, even Justice Roberts.
Demoted and cashiered, it makes one wonder what he did.
Great work, Oui.
Appreciated, as I may need to use your info/links to update my diary here: “FALSE Premise: We Cannot Preempt Rampage Killing in the U.S.”
As Moby recently said: “Everything we do is wrong”.
if the military is harboring/encouraging bigotry against brown/black skinned peoples, it’s not a surprise.
After all, dark skinned people are sitting on a large chunk of the petrol in the world– and we need this to fuel our giant trucks and SUV’s.
this attack on peaceful, God seeking Sikh’s sickens me.. we are floundering as a nation.
Seeing that the US military draws from the population it shouldn’t be surprising that there are a few soldiers who are racist, extremist, crazy and whatnot.
The weeding out process isn’t all that strict and until they develop mind-reading technology some number of nutjobs will put on the uniform.
The military is not encouraging bigotry against brown/black skinned people.
What eight years under Bush/Cheney has wrought …
Yes, but this is different from a top down order. I agree that the climate fostered by Bush/Cheney encouraged such behavior. Even so, it’s hard to tell what the impact of being exposed to such lectures had on policy. Dempsey was right to order all such public views and materials eliminated.
Page never disguised his hatred – Oak Creek Gunman’s Supremacists Beliefs Revealed.