I picked up earlier on these criminal families who made Bain Capital and Mitt Romney is what he is today! One can add some more criminals from Great Britain and good old USA. Annual return on investment: 173%, taxes not included … (you know why). This makes Willard a true Reaganite with proper CIA credentials, similar to George Herbert Walker Bush.  Fighting communists socialists, breaking labor unions, hiring the likes of Oliver North for illegal arms running, funding black operations, control of the media and harboring terrorists (foreign and domestic). Tip of the hat to Errol.

Families of Bain Capital’s original investors had ties with El Salvador’s infamous death squads

(Dkos – Meteor Blades) – When Mitt Romney decided to take up the offer to launch Bain Capital in 1983, he initially found financing difficult to come by. And so, after some initial misgivings were conveniently overcome, he flew to Miami to meet with some Salvadorans. And he returned with pledges of $9 million, 40 percent of Bain’s start-up capital. Thus did the Bain buccaneer lay the foundation for his fortune.

The families of some of those investors had ties to the death squads that plagued El Salvador at that time. Ryan Grim and Cole Stangler at the Huffington Post are the latest reporters to take on the story of those investors, following on the heels of reporting by Joseph Tanfani, Melanie Mason and Matea Gold at the Los Angeles Times in mid-July, by Justin Elliott at Salon in January and by Mitchell Zuckoff and Ben Bradlee Jr. at the Boston Globe in August 1994.

When Romney first sought the presidency in 2007, he was back in Miami, and he took note of those early investors:  

    “I owe a great deal to Americans of Latin American descent. When I was starting my business, I came to Miami to find partners that would believe in me and that would finance my enterprise. My partners were Ricardo Poma, Miguel Dueñas, Pancho Soler, Frank Kardonski, and Diego Ribadeneira.”

Romney didn’t mention a few other founding Salvadoran investors, including members of the de Sola and Salaverria families. Some had had their plantations there confiscated by the government. All were in self-imposed exile in Miami.

USIP Truth Commission: El Salvador

Below the fold … Willard Remembers the Peace Loving Sheikh People

Mitt Romney confuses ‘Sikh’ with ‘sheikh’

(Wisconsin Star) – “I was in Chicago earlier today. We had a moment of silence in honour of the people who lost their lives at that sheikh temple,” the daily quoted Romney as saying. “I noted that it was a tragedy for many, many reasons. Among them are the fact that people, the sheikh people are among the most peaceable and loving individuals you can imagine, as is their faith.”

Mitt Romney confused the words “Sikh” and “sheikh” at $2m Iowa fundraiser