From RawStory Romney Wishes To Live In New Hampshire and “Save Some Tax Dollars.

What the Mittster said in Manchester was:

“So many friends here in New Hampshire,” Romney said at the beginning of his remarks. “I feel like I’m almost a New Hampshire resident. … It would save me some tax dollars, I think.”

Has it occurred to anyone but me to wonder why this tax-avoidance-scum has never publicly claimed that he was a legal resident New Hampshire?  Preferred his son’s unfinished basement to his estate in New Hampshire?  To be fair, it’s not known exactly where the Romneys legally resided for most of the past decade or so.  Could have been any one or none of the houses they owned.  Could even have been New Hampshire in certain years.

Why?  New Hampshire taxes unearned income.  And seems not to permit any gaming of that flat 5% tax rate on unearned income.  Thus, the little bit Mitt would save by not being taxed on his earned income (a small portion of his 2010 income) wouldn’t make up for the higher tax bill from his unearned income.  However, that large loss carry-forward on his 2010 return suggests that New Hampshire might have been an excellent tax-avoidance haven for the Romneys in 2008 and/or 2009.  So, there’s one more possible reason why their tax returns won’t be released.