With the unemployment rate now down to 7.8 percent, it is at the same level it was when President Obama took office. When you subtract all the jobs that were lost in his first 13 months on the job from the jobs that have been added since then, you get 325,000 net jobs created. Despite a total lack of cooperation from the Republicans which prevented Obama from taking more forceful action, he has now climbed himself out of the hole George W. Bush and the Banksters dug for him. Naturally, this is upsetting to the Republicans who have been doing everything they can think of to keep the economy weak and the unemployment rate high. So, their first inclination is simple disbelief. “This can’t be happening. This is the worst thing ever. People can’t be getting work. Not after all we did to keep them on food stamps. The administration must have cooked the books.” Jack Welsh is even tweeting such nonsense. It’s quite a scene. A bunch of rich, white men complaining that the economy is strengthening and the stock market has more than doubled in value on Obama’s watch.

It’s a sad unpatriotic spectacle when greedheads cannot even be happy when they’re getting rich because the wrong team is in the White House.