This election shouldn’t be close and it is. But tonight we got what we wanted and I think we all hope it was enough to close the deal. Everyone has been worried. I think we deserve a few hours to relax and breath a sigh of relief before we all get back to work dissecting Romney’s MANY lies and doing our GOTV and persuasion efforts. So, for tonight, let’s just enjoy our strong victory and do what any sensible person does in circumstances like this: listen to Curtis William DeVaughn.
I know you feel better now.
Can I just say thia?
I am so fucking sick of these lying, bullying Republican sociopaths, I hope Obama and every other Democratic candidate now running kicks their asses from here to Canarsie and straight into Jamaica Bay. Thank you.
Not Curtis, despite the youtube.
Yeah, you’re right.
chalk up another win for the good guys:
wisely choosing to avoid an overt show of partisanship no doubt.
I loved Obama’s gas prices retort. He got in a substantive rejoinder that actually generated a laugh.
This was an important exchange, too, early in the debate. Romney was trying to browbeat him and Obama came back and proceeded to dominate. I knew it was going to go well from the split screen: Obama was very eager to rebut him.
Via Taegan Goddard, a batch of the latest swing state polls, for those of us junkies who know better but can’t help ourselves.
Interestingly, most of these come from a British-based polling firm called YouGov. I wasn’t able to find much about them, but apparently one of their founding members and former CEO is now a Conservative MP, so that would seem to indicate they’re not a left-leaning organization. They have an unusual internet-based methodology though.
Anyway, the numbers look nice, and of course they’re all pre-debate.
Don’t get complacent. Early voting season is starting. Last night was good for NC, which starts early voting tomorrow.
The third debate should, by all logic, be Obama’s, but he will have to fight Romney, Bob Schieffer, and the stiff-behind-the-podium format all at the same time. And watch out for some pre-debate media pummeling on foreign policy and the “angry black man”. The media has to keep those ad bucks coming in, and Romney almost lost revenues for them before the first debate.