When he was knee-deep in the waters of the Republican primaries, Mitt Romney thought federal disaster relief was “immoral.”
But now that his buddies on Wall Street are the ones being directly, physically affected by a massive storm, it should be interesting to see Etch-a-Sketch Romney trying to use Sandy to erase memories of that stance.
In addition to the inevitable questions about that pivot, however, I’d love to see someone ask the Mittster whether, as he did in Tampa, he still thinks climate change is a joking matter.
I’m not holding my breath on that one.
Is Romney seriously sending his campaign bus to the states in need of assistance to transport supplies? Am I the only one who thinks that just a stupid idea and actually does more to politcize the storm than if Romney just sat back and let the Obama and the government do it’s job
Also, I read on the twitter that Romney has spoken to the Republican govenors, but as of yet the Dem governors have heard nothing from him.
A sign of things to come.
evidently he’s planning to block the roads in NH, PA and NC
my bad. evidently he’s just collecting supplies in those states. link to the orange
We hope you’re staying safe.
thanks, so far so good!!
A prior storm hit home even with more than just the expected damage. A tree dropped a large branch on madame boran’s car while she was driving just a short distance from the house. It went through the center of the windshield and narrowly missed her. As an aside, it damaged every panel on the front end, even the A pillars. (windshield pillars) It missed entirely the center of the car but got the driver side quarter panel and taillight. Yes, it was large.
F*ck you, Mitt.
Here’s the article from Buzzfeed.
Maya Angelou said on Oprah “when somene shows you who they are…believe them”. So this sumabish…reaches out to Repuclican Governors, but the Dem governors diddly squat! Ya know this is exactly how he will govern…Believe it.
Romney reaches out to Republican Governors in path of Hurricane Sandy…Dem governors…nothing!
I was just listening to Randi Rhodes show in the car while running errands. The guest host today is talking non-stop about Romney wanting to make the states handle their own natural disasters or, better yet, privatize disaster relief. They’re using his quotes from the Republican primary debate that’s making the rounds today on the interwebs.
She had the author of book “Atlas Drugged” on talking about what this would be like, as this is like a scenario that takes place in his book. Sounds like a good book, actually.
Meanwhile, the President is busy being President in a disaster – instead of campaigning. Can’t wait to see how Romney tries to politicize this.
Stay safe everyone.
Did you see the comment on TPM by reader “JA?”
This has begun to really worry me. It would be crass and probably inaccurate to poll areas with Sandy and any late shift real or dirty-tricked could be missed. That’s in addition to the election shenanigans. Could Sandy cost Obama the election?
Yes, Romney is a formidable jokester. Like this classic one-liner reported by the Boston Globe:
… emphasis mine.
What our oh-so-highly moral n’ “severely conservative” Bishop was referring to here was the “immorality” of funding federal emergency disaster relief while the nation was running deficits—funding FEMA was “immoral” to our children at this point in the nation’s history.
This is what passes for rational argument among today’s retarded and morally bankrupt “conservatives”—that the wiser course is to have, say, populous powerhouses like Delaware or CT or RI or VT or SC be solely responsible for funding emergency relief for, say, hurricane disasters in their states. Or MO and TN and MS and AL be solely responsible for funding emergency aid for the tornado outbreaks they now enjoy.
One might have thought that perhaps even the moronic gub’mint-hatin’ “conservative” movement would agree that federal disaster aid—funded by the citizens of ALL the states of the union—might be the best, most efficient way to spread the risk of needing to fund large scale rescue and relief operations after (inevitable) massive weather events.
But no. Not in “conservative” America. Not to the brilliant MBA/hedge fund risk-management expert Willard Rmoney. Disaster relief should be purely a state responsibility. Check.
Now, there might be a way to question the “morality” of federal disaster aid, but it sure wouldn’t be Rmoney’s stupid “argument”. What might be “immoral” is for a large region of the country that is highly vulnerable to many weather disturbances–let’s call it the New Confederacy—to deny the reality of global warming and the massive catastrophic weather changes it will entail—stronger hurricanes, massive deluges, increased tornadic activity, much more severe droughts, etc. And for this region (for decades) to exclusively elect to Congress denialist turds who have done all they can to ensure that no action is ever taken to address undeniable, scientifically proven climate change.
And then, after they have done all they can to ensure that catastrophic human-caused climate change becomes inevitable, to think that the sane (mostly Blue) states of the union should sit around and happily fork over untold billions in disaster and drought relief to the very scientifically illiterate imbeciles who ensured that the nation couldn’t do anything politically to prevent the climate catastrophe and the increased weather disasters/costs that are CERTAIN to befall THEM as a result of global warming.
Now THAT sort of abusive expectation of federal disaster relief might be called “immoral”….
Everything suggests this will be really bad – a Katrina that was worse than expected rather than Rita that was relatively minor a month later.
So this completely changes the last-8-days game for the two campaigns. This is your October Surprise. Hell, Romney could release his tax returns now and it would get lost in the noise.
I think we can predict that the GOP will do two things in full force over the next week. The thing about the GOP is that under stress or moment of surprise they fall into natural habits, more quickly than most people or groups. Even if some GOP leader things of a creative response he/she won’t be able to get the party to join in because of the herd mentality.
The two things will be:
Obama’s team, OTOH, will have to be absolutely on their best performance both managing the relief effort and publicizing the management of it.
People forget with all the overhyped legends about Bush the elder and looking at his watch during the debate that a BIG event that hurt Bush in fall 1992 was the poor FEMA response to Hurricane Andrew. In desperation Bush promised to rebuild the AFB that had been designated for shut down as an obvious pandering for votes – a pandering that failed to help him.
Ok, different topic but along the lines of a Romney joke…apparently he doesn’t mind ‘renting’ the tax exemption status of the Mormon church to avoid taxes for 15 friggin years even if it can hurt the church.
So if he doesn’t mind using his own church for personal gain why wouldn’t he find Sandy an opportunity to share what he calls a joke.
at this point. Rain has died down but we have the strongest gusts of the day right now.
Are you flooded?
OMG! Did you remember to throw the main breakers when the basement started to flood? DON’T TRY IT NOW!