We here in Pennsylvania welcome Paul Ryan and his Sith Overlord to the Keystone State for some last minute campaigning. It is a tradition that Republicans convince themselves that they can win Pennsylvania and visit us during the last four days of election season. Poppy did it in 1992, Dole did it in 1996, Dubya did it in 2004, and McCain did it in 2008. None of them won the hearts and minds of Pennsylvanians. We rejected them all, just as we will reject Mitt Romney. And then we never want to see him again. Like, ever. In any context. Not even on the Charlie Rose Show. Just get lost and don’t come back and stay off of the television and don’t write stupid op-eds about who you think should go broke. We’ve had enough. You are a very unpleasant man and we are tired of you.

So, welcome to Pennsylvania. I hope you enjoy our beautiful fall colors. Grab yourself a sandwich. But, come Wednesday, you better be gone, and gone for good.