Do you think the gun stores are going to make a killing (pun intended) with their sales of guns and bullets this November like they did in 2008?
How long before Chris Christie starts attacking Obama again? Before or after he gets Federal money to rebuild his state?
Is Birtherism finally all dead (I know, I know) or is it only Zombie dead?
What’s your guess on the percentage increase in death threats against Obama and his family now that he has four more years?
Could you have stood for 9 hours in line to vote like the people in Florida or would you have needed a chair (I ask because a woman at my polling place in a safely white suburb claimed her whole day was wrecked because she had to spend thirty minutes in line to vote)?
How do you think Rick Scott (Fla. Governor) and John Husted (Ohio Secretary of State) are feeling today after all their hard work to disenfranchise voters still didn’t allow Romney to win the election?
Did you ever imagine a black man (claimed to be at various times a socialist, atheist, Muslim, white people hater, not born in the USA, ad nauseam) would ever be elected to two terms as President and win the popular vote in both?
How often do you think we are going to hear Mitt lost because he wasn’t conservative enough?
Was “Please proceed, Governor” the best debate moment ever?
I’m told the Chicagoland area has had a frenzy of ammunition sales since Cook County President proposed a five cent per bullet sales tax, which she has since dropped. I’m sure every Republican now has hundreds or thousands of rounds.
After, definitely. But not too long because the clock is ticking for 2016.
Zombie, like Hayek and Laffer.
Not a clue. Can they be higher?
No way. I only had to wait 30 minutes but had to sit down. I’ve got COPD.
Vowing to try harder next time. When will Holder start prosecuting these people? When more (any) go to prison, it will give pause to the others. BTW, did you notice the media saying the only person arrested for trying to vote twice was a Republican?
To be honest, “No”.
Incessantly. I wouldnt be surprised to see some GOP Senator say that contraception was the equivalent of murder.
No, but it was up there.
On reflection, I think maybe (Cook County) President Preckwinkle pulled a rope-a-dope to get all the gun owners to buy now, increasing the ordinary sales tax revenue now, helping to keep the county going until the Christmas sales tax revenues come in. Smart Lady.
Do you think the gun stores are going to make a killing (pun intended) with their sales of guns and bullets this November like they did in 2008?
Probably about the same. After all, it’s been 4 years and nothing happened but some will still fall for it.
How long before Chris Christie starts attacking Obama again? Before or after he gets Federal money to rebuild his state?
I don’t know. Christie being on best behavior got a Obama-initiated phone call from Springsteen. What did Christie promise Bruce? Did Bruce tell him to behave, and he’d at least acknowledge Christie’s existence? I’m surprised the right hasn’t freaked out about it yet.
Is Birtherism finally all dead (I know, I know) or is it only Zombie dead?
What’s your guess on the percentage increase in death threats against Obama and his family now that he has four more years?
The same
Could you have stood for 9 hours in line to vote like the people in Florida or would you have needed a chair (I ask because a woman at my polling place in a safely white suburb claimed her whole day was wrecked because she had to spend thirty minutes in line to vote)?
Yes and no. I would have, but also been raising hell in line and making sure people knew who was responsible for such a cock-up.
How do you think Rick Scott (Fla. Governor) and John Husted (Ohio Secretary of State) are feeling today after all their hard work to disenfranchise voters still didn’t allow Romney to win the election?
Lord only knows what Scott is thinking. Husted future career in politics should be dead after this.
Did you ever imagine a black man (claimed to be at various times a socialist, atheist, Muslim, white people hater, not born in the USA, ad nauseam) would ever be elected to two terms as President and win the popular vote in both?
I figured it would happen at some point, the election of a non-white as President. This soon? No. But yes, any Democrat is going to get called a Socialist and other such nonsense.
How often do you think we are going to hear Mitt lost because he wasn’t conservative enough?
Very!! They always double down. It’s what they do.
Was “Please proceed, Governor” the best debate moment ever?
No clue. Only followed the debates on Twitter. I didn’t need to hear any of the stupid moderators.
Oh yes. That was delicious, watching that trap get sprung. “Say it louder, Candy!”
Guns: Nope. All the idiots who were convinced that Obama will take away their guns gave all their $$$ to Karl Rove. Can’t afford to buy more. Besides, they already have enough.
CC will begin attacking Obama about 5 minutes after the last emergency check has been cut to pay for Sandy and this N’orEaster coming in.
Birtherism will be with us always. RE: your fascination with the grassy knoll.
Death threats: The same. I’m just afraid that more action will be taken. A much more serious thing, unfortunately. I’d lay odds of 4-7 on an actual attempt that gets farther than the bar door, and 2-9 it succeeds.
Stand in line 9 hours: Yes. I have done it.
Scott and Husted: Scott is finished. He knows it. Husted is fininshed. He thinks he’s got a future. Sorry, true believers won’t give you more than one chance. Husted is busted.
Did you ever imagine? No. Not until 2009. Never. I am so glad that I’m the absolute worst prognosticator on earth.
Mitt DID lose because he wasn’t conservative enough. You obviously have not read your daily dose of RedState.
Please proceed: Absolutely, positively, without question the BEST line in debates to date. Take it from me. I saw the first modern one (Kennedy vs Nixon) and most of the ones inbetween. The best of all time. That scene will be used to define “clueless” for the next 100 years.
Like the Koch brothers with money, there is never enough.
Oklahoma reacts:
Simply So Predictable
Let’s hope they are at least buying US-made guns.
Best post-election snark ever.
Thanks! That means a lot to me, coming from you.
Sounds like Oklahomastan. The anti-Obama paranoia has been at fever pitch there for as long as Obama has been President.
Did you ever imagine a black man (claimed to be at various times a socialist, atheist, Muslim, white people hater, not born in the USA, ad nauseam) would ever be elected to two terms as President and win the popular vote in both?
Yes. Back in 1972 thought that man might be Julian Bond. But in politics and life, timing can be everything. Called the ’08 general election for Obama that January. Once the GOP 2012 candidate field was set, about a year ago, called it for Obama again. Although I didn’t expect him to run such a safe campaign — how he let Mitt get away with being seen as stronger on the economy than Obama is a campaign fail.
Party’s over. Here comes the next bogus movement. Straight out of astroturf central.
Stand with US (Heritage Action)
Love some of the comment over there.
Total devastation, goed to see these video’s going up on YouTube. Their goal was to repeal Obamacare, the American people thought otherwise. This committee can be disbanded.
Yes, the comments are quite interesting. I found a good one but from the right that was a quote by the science fiction master Robert A. Heinlein.
“Democracy often works beautifully at first. But once a state extends the franchise to every warm body, be he producer or parasite, that day marks the beginning of the end. For when the plebs discover that they can vote themselves bread and circuses without limit and that the productive members of the body politic cannot stop them, they will do so, until the state bleeds to death, or in its weakened condition the state succumbs to an invader–the barbarians enter Rome.”
That sounds like Paul Ryan. I knew Heinlein had turned more to right in his later years but was he the new Ayn Rand? I went looking to see more context of that quote to find this:
“The America of my time line is a laboratory example of what can happen to democracies, what has eventually happened to all perfect democracies throughout all histories. A perfect democracy, a `warm body’ democracy in which every adult may vote and all votes count equally, has no internal feedback for self-correction. It depends solely on the wisdom and self-restraint of citizens… which is opposed by the folly and lack of self-restraint of other citizens. What is supposed to happen in a democracy is that each sovereign citizen will always vote in the public interest for the safety and welfare of all. But what does happen is that he votes his own self-interest as he sees it… which for the majority translates as `Bread and Circuses.’
`Bread and Circuses’ is the cancer of democracy, the fatal disease for which there is no cure. Democracy often works beautifully at first. But once a state extends the franchise to every warm body, be he producer or parasite, that day marks the beginning of the end of the state. For when the plebs discover that they can vote themselves bread and circuses without limit and that the productive members of the body politic cannot stop them, they will do so, until the state bleeds to death, or in its weakened condition the state succumbs to an invader–the barbarians enter Rome.”
This really has nothing with the takers and makers mantra of the right but about voting in narrow self interest instead of for the good of all. Herbert Agar in the Price Of Union, one of JKF’s all time favorite history books, argues that pure democracy or the republic form of it does not work at all if everyone votes for their self interest with the consequence that public business simply can’t go forward. The solution we found to make our democracy work was political parties. He gave several examples where our democracy was unable to conduct the public business because either we had no political parties or we had only one political party, really the same as having no political party. Why does having more than one political party make democracy work? The answer is simple; Compromise. Facilitating compromise is the only real function of the political party, the grease that makes the whole thing work. If one side refuses to compromise then the public business stops, as is all too apparent. It’s not the makers versus takers that threaten democracy but the refusal to compromise, all too apparent in the cynical self interest voting of the right in their failed attempt gain to power, another type of invader, more insidious than the barbarians they imagined. Those barbarians look at lot like the 1%.
I honestly would not be surprised, based on looking at my Facebook feed this morning, to see a significant uptick in firearms and ammo purchases. There is some serious paranoia out there. Nor would I be surprised if Birtherism remained among those undead ideas that keeps coming back again, and again. I do know that I don’t appreciate efforts to depress voter turnout – waiting 9 hours would be a real stretch for me, but I’d sure give it one heck of a go if for no other reason than I’d be pissed off. Madame and I decided to do early voting this year, and were glad we did. Our 20 minute wait was nothing. I also don’t appreciate efforts to buy elections. Outside of right-wing true believers, it would not surprise me if such blatant manipulation is more of a turnoff. I am sure the meme that “Mitt was not conservative enough” will be pushed, but the truth is that Mitt’s positions changed so frequently that it was hard to assess where he really stood – but the GOP’s brand was so poisoned to begin with.
Sole Trader Bankruptcy
Sole Trader Debt
We have to get anyone who threatens voters or obstructs voting to be under a restraining order that if unobserved is an immediate contempt of court and jailed so that the obstruction stops immediately! It is the only way to stop the various roadblocks that will continue to impede democracy and voting.
The race of the candidate does not seem all that important to voters.
It is likely otherwise with the race of the supposed beneficiaries of party agendas.