Look, wingnuts, all throughout the campaign we told you that Mitt Romney and his team were giant liars and you chose to not believe us. Well, let’s take a look at this:

Rich Beeson, the political director for the Romney campaign, says that the problem wasn’t the GOP get-out-the-vote efforts, but the astounding success of the Democrats to turn out groups that generally didn’t vote in such large numbers.

“We turned out the groups we needed to on our side,” Beeson says, adding that Democrats “did a better job of turnout than we thought they could do. They did alter the electorate.”

There are still some votes to count but as of right now Mitt Romney has 58,777,012 votes. In 2008, John McCain received 59,934,814 votes. So, Rich Beeson is telling the National Review with a straight face that his team turned out the votes they needed to win according to their own models even though they turned out 1.2 million fewer voters than John McCain did four years ago. John McCain lost by 9.5 million votes, and Romney turned out 1.2 million less than that. Basically, John Beeson is saying that his model indicated that Romney could get approximately 11 million fewer votes than McCain needed to tie, despite population growth over the last four years, and that he would be in a perfect position to beat the president.

When someone tells you that they had a model that indicated getting 11 million fewer votes than John McCain needed to tie would put them in the catbird’s seat to win, you really ought to throw them out of your office and never talk to them again. That’s not spin. That is just contempt for your intelligence.

“The ground game worked fine,” Beeson continues, commenting that 160,000 more African-Americans voted in Ohio than had in 2008, while the percentage of 18 to 25 year olds who voted in Colorado jumped to 20 percent from 14 percent in 2008.

First of all, your ground game doesn’t work fine if the other side is churning out 160,000 new black voters in the most important state and you are getting 84,000 fewer votes in that state than John McCain received. But when your model doesn’t even call for matching McCain’s performance, that is to be expected.

But, this is all bullshit. The Romney campaign didn’t set out to get 11 million fewer votes than John McCain needed to win the popular vote or 84,000 fewer votes than he received in Ohio. Rich Beeson is just lying to your face. Their ground game collapsed and was epic failure of monumental proportions.

Team Romney is doing what they did for the last seven years. They are treating the truth with unprecedented contempt and insulting everyone’s intelligence.